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Bakugou's POV:

"Put that down you shitty bastard!" I yelled at the Pikachu-face in my living room. Soysauce elbowed him in the ribs and he bent over, gasping for air. "Your so mean!" He screeched, holding his side.

I noticed Kirishima looking uncomfortable. Usually, when he's upset, he likes to either sleep or cuddle. Depends on how he's feeling afterwards. Right now, he's looking pretty tired.

"Yo, you okay man? You look kinda tired." Soysauce pointed out, making the others stare at him in confusion. Kiri shook his head frantically.

"No, no. I'm fine." He insisted, forcing a fake smile into his face. Watching him do that is painful. The others fell for it easily and sighed in relief.
"Okay, you saw Kirishima. You can go now." I said sternly, shoving at Dunce Face's arm a little.

"Whaaat? No way, we just got here." Pinky said as she leaned back on the couch. I internally sighed, probably feeling as tired as Kiri feels right now.

I sat next to the red haired shark and put my hand on the side of his head, pushing it into my shoulder so he could sleep.

"Fine. You can stay. Just don't be so fucking loud." I scolded in a whisper, as Kirishima was already half asleep. They nodded, fingers to their lips, though I wasn't sure if they could keep that promise.

"Katsuki I'm going to get some more groceries, since you basically cleared the fridge-" my mom marched in, not using a very indoor voice. She looked confused and then saw Kiri. Then my mom nodded and apologised.
"Don't break anything while I'm gone."
The door closed quietly.

"Does he sleep a lot? It's weird to fall asleep in the middle of the day so suddenly." Emo questioned.
"Yeah, he looks exhausted." Pinky spoke up, pointing out the obvious as usual.

The rest looked at me, expecting an answer.
I have to admit, I'm a little bit protective of Kirishima. And answering questions about him so suddenly makes me slightly defensive. But I figured these idiots are too stupid to tell anyone.

"He gets tired when he's upset. So shut up, he needs to rest." I said a little threateningly, so they knew too much questions would annoy me.

Of course, they ignored that.

"What? Is he okay? What happened?" Pinky said, looking sad. The others joined. I sighed a little and rolled my eyes.
"It doesn't matter why. The only thing that matters is that he needs to rest right now." I said, trying my best not to raise my voice.

"It was Ryan, wasn't it?" Emo accused, eyebrows knitting together. He glared at me slightly. That pissed me of. "No." I answered coldly, brushing her off. "It was someone else. Now shut up."

"Ryan's really mean to Kirishima..." Pinky said, looking sad again. I felt annoyed that she changed the subject back to this. It was something I'm still thinking about, and I didn't want to talk about it till I knew what was going on.

"I know." I simply replied, not bothered to get tied up in a mess right now. I got up and walked into the kitchen, resting Kiri's head on the couch. The others followed me.

"What if Kirishima did something?" I heard Emo speak up, as she sat on the counter.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!" I screamed at her. She was startled, put tried to cover it up by rolling her eyes and acting casual.

I however, did not keep my cool.

But I remembered Kirishima was sleeping right now, so I tried to lower my voice a little.
They others looked at Emo chick.
"What do you mean by that?" Soysauce cocked a brow. The rest eyed her suspiciously.

"I mean. Think about it. Why would Ryan just go after Kirishima for no reason? There has to be a reason as to why he is so persistent to torture him." She shrugged.

I managed to swallow back my anger, but I could feel it coming up my throat. I tried to remain calm to make sure Kiri sleeps properly.

"Not to mention, he's nice and all but, like, there must be something up with him right?" She continued, voice getting more aggressive.
"Shut up, Jirou." Dunce Face spoke up.

"Come on, I'm telling the truth! He just showed up out of nowhere, and now we're supposed to trust him?! How dense can you guys get?" He hissed at her friends this time.
"No one even knows him! He's just that weirdo people avoid so we don't get in trouble!"

Suddenly, I heard water running. We all looked behind us to see Kirishima.

Oh shit.

His hair covered his face as he filled his glass up with water. The entire room fell silent.

"I was thirsty." Kiri said, leaving the room without another word. Everyone turned to Purple, who was blushing. "I...I didn't mean.."

I brushed everyone off and went to comfort Kirishima. "Hey... She didn't mean any of that." I said, my anger bubbling away. Kirishima sipped from his cup, trying to look unbothered.

"I didn't do anything mean to Ryan." Kirishima said suddenly. That caught me off guard, but I know when he's telling the truth.
"I know. Emo girl is an asshole." I said, hoping to make him laugh.

"'M tired again." He mumbled. He wasn't shaking, playing with his fingers or hair. He wasn't upset or nervous, which was weird. But then again, Kiri acts differently depending on the situation.
He laid his head in my lap, and dozed off in a matter of seconds.

"Uh." I heard. I knew I couldn't get mad, or even raise my voice at her because Kirishima was sleeping.
"The others made me come out here." She mumbled in embarrassment. Purple took a seat  on the other side of Kirishima. It made me kinda mad, but I didn't say anything.

"Look, I know I sound mean but-"

"You don't have any fucking idea what he's been through." Those were the only words I could think of. He gaze shifted from me to Kirishima. He was making a painful face in his dream and twitching slightly. I noticed a few tears well in is eyes and wiped them quickly.

I looked back to the purple girl, who looked regretful. "What do I not know?" Her voice was laced with worry, obviously by seeing Kirishima in this distressed state.

"He does this all the time. It's always when he sleeps." I mumbled, brushing his hair out of his face.

She seemed to understand. Even with that, she got an idea about how frail Kirishima was in this moment. She cleared her throat.


[Authors Notes!]
Oof, my feet are cold and I can't find my fluffy socks ;-;

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