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Bakugou' POV:

"Two hot-chocolates. One without whipped cream." I said.

"Coming right up! Y'all can take a seat!" A happy looking girl around my age said.

I grunted and plopped myself down in a boot near the back. I signalled Kirishima to sit down. He sat across from me and smiled.

"It's warm in here." He said, snuggling into his seat.

"Here ya go, sweeties!" The girl said, setting our drinks on the table.
"Anything else?" She asked.

We shook our heads.
"Right! You can pay at the counter when you're finished. Have a nice day!" She beamed.

"You don't like whipped cream?" Kirishima whispered out of nowhere.

"Nah. I'm into spicy things. Not so much sweet." I said, taking a sip of the hot-chocolate.

Kirishima looked surprised. "You're weird..." he mumbled.

"I'm weird?! The fuck you sayin'?"

Kirishima giggled and apologised.

For some reason, I want to know more about him. I know some basic details about his personality, but not much. How do I bring it up casually?

"So what's your deal?" I said, leaning back.

Kirishima stopped drinking and looked confused.

"Deal? I'm not selling anything...." he whispered to himself.

"Uh, no. I mean... tell me about yourself. I don't know that much about you." I felt embarrassed sayin' it.

"Me...? There's not much to tell..." he looked away.

"Doesn't matter. Just tell me little details."
I said, trying to encourage him.

"Um... okay. My name is Kirishima Eijirou...."

"Oh, come on! I know that." Jeez, it's hard to get things out of him.

"Ah... right.. um... I really like boba tea." He said quietly while I was mentally taking notes.

"Keep going." I told him.

"My favourite food is.... uh, I like tteokbokki and Pho..." he said.

"Tteok-bokki? Didn't think you would like spicy food.." I said, surprised.

"Yeah.. uh... I like calico cats. When I was young, a big calico cat would always come and visit me. And because I lived right near a sushi shop, the woman at the desk gave me fish to feed it." I listened to Kirishima's story. It seemed like once I got the ball rolling, Kirishima became a little more open.

I smiled without realising. I asked him tones of questions, which he happily answered.

But then I hit something too personal.

"What was your childhood like?" I asked.

Kirishima froze. And I noticed.

"Childhood? Like... when I was young?" He said. The life is his voice disappeared.

"Yeah?" I said. Did something happen?

"Um. It was okay.. I wasn't liked a lot at school. But I wasn't always completely lonely." He mumbled, looking uncomfortable.

"Yeah, you mentioned that. So you did have a friend? What were they like?"

I knew I was pushing too far.

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