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Bakugou' POV:

I woke up to Kirishima straddling my waist.
"Bakugou, Bakugou!"

"Ugh. Get off of me. My legs hurt." I groaned.
I picked up my pillow and hid my head under it, sighing.

"Nooooo, wake up! Wake up! Ba-ku-gou!" He hit me with the other pillow. I tried to catch his wrists as he tried to hit me.

"Bakugooooooou...." he whined, flopping onto my chest. "Pleeeeease..." I sighed and pulled the pillow out of my face.

Kirishima bounced a little, looking exited. His hair was messy but didn't look tired like he usually is in the morning.

Kirishima picked up a plate. "Look, look, I made them all by myself! They're for you!"
He looked at me happily.

I took the plate from him, looking at it. It had about 5 fluffy pancakes and maple syrup melting from the top. "You made these?" I asked, picking up a plastic fork from him.

Kirishima clapped and nodded his head.
"Your mom helped me! I got up to get water and she asked if I wanted to make you some. It's my first time, are they okay?" He watched me intently.

"They're great!" I exclaimed. I was surprised. His first time? "Great job." I ruffled his hair and looked really happy at the praise.

Kirishima looked happy with himself. I sat up a little more. The red head shuffled in my lap and sat properly. I fed him some of the pancakes.

"They are good! I almost burned the second one though." He blushed. I smiled at him.

"Someone's happy." I smirked at him. "Why are you in such a good mood this morning? Usually you're all like "uuughh, Bakugouuu leave me aloooooone!"" I mimicked.

Kirishima hit my face lightly. "Am not. And I'm happy because I just am. Plus your mom said she was going to take us around the city, so you have to get up!" Kirishima was filled with excitement, with I both liked and disliked.

On one hand, I was always glad to see him happy. On the other, I wanna fucking sleep!

I put my plate aside and wrapped my arms around Kirishima and turned us onto our side.
"Oof- Hey! We can't sleep, we need to get up!" He whined, trying to squirm out of my grip.
But I'm far stronger then he is and I kept him in place. Kirishima gave up.

"Fine. Five minutes. That's it." He said sternly.

Kirishima fell asleep before I did.

We ended up staying there for about a half hour, but hey- I ain't complaining. He looks cute when he's asleep. I felt bad waking him up.

"Heyyy.. Kiri.. wake up." I said quietly, shaking him. Nothing.
"I thought we were going to-" I started.

"Right!" Kirishima jumped up. "Let's go!" He ran out of the room, grabbing his clothes.
I was left in shock. That surprised me.

I got up and dressed. Kirishima was pretty bouncy today. He got ready quicker than I did.
He waited at the door for me.

"Woah, woah, slow down. Why are you rushing around the place?" This is confusing. Where are we going and why is he in such a hurry?

"No time for chit-chat! Let's go!" He took my hand and led me outside.
"Wait, I thought my mom was drivin-"

"Change of plans, we're walking." Kirishima smiled as I stared at him, confused out of my mind.

We were wrapped up, since snow was still falling slowly from the sky. Kirishima rearranged his scarf- so now I could actually see his face.

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