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Bakugou's POV:

"Okay, I'll be back soon." My mom said, standing up and dusting herself off. I stared at her in slight anger and confusion.

"Where are you going?" I kind of knew, but I asked anyway.

"I'm just going to dive around a little and see if I can spot him. It's sunset now, and I want to make sure he's not in trouble. You stay here in case he comes back-"

"Stay here?! Are you shitting me?!" I screamed.
Who does she think she is?
Does she think I can't handle it? Bullshit. I'm not sitting here and waiting.

My mom shot me a glare. "No. If he comes back and no one is here, he'll get worried and leave again. I'm just going to take a little look. I won't even be long. So stay." She said in a stern voice. I sighed in defeat as she left.

Great, first Ei- Kirishima and then my mom.
Now I'm sitting here bored out of my mind.
It's obvious he just went home anyway, what is she getting so worked up about?

I puffed in anger and switched on the TV, hoping to distract myself. It's not like I have anything better to do.
I watched for about twenty minutes before I heard a noise.

Thump thump thump.

I jolted. Looking around, I tried to find the source of the noise.
Surprisingly, it was coming from me. I was tapping my foot against the ground anxiously.

What am I doing? It's not like I'm nervous or anything. Why do I feel so... anxious?

I shook my head and forced my foot to relax.
My mom took longer than expected. It had already been an hour since she left, and I haven't heard from her since. I knew she wouldn't come home without Kirishima.

But surprising, I beat her to it.

A soft knock at the door. I drew my eyebrows together. My mom would just walk in...

I got up and rested my hand on the handle, feeling arm shake.


Once I swung the door open, Kirishima looked up at me.
"Ah.. hi. I came here to tell you something.."

I noticed bruises and a small bit of blood on his face. I couldn't care at that moment.

"Yeah, you could have done that before you ran off without saying anything. Fucking idiot." I crossed my arms across my chest.
Kirishima looked down in shame.

"Bakugou, I really don't want to fight... I just-"

"You just ran off instead of talking. But, hey, what's so new about that?" The words that came out of my mouth were cold and harsh.
I could see it drilling into Kirishima's soul.

But I didn't stop.

"Bakugou..." his voice cracked and he looked further down. "I'm sorry."

"Will you stop with the fucking apologies? Are your trying to guilt people? That it?" I kept on, not stopping for a second.

"I just wanted to apologise.. about the other night.. and-"

I winced. Not that. Thinking about it made my face scrunch up in anger.

"Oh, yeah. I remember. I don't want to fucking hear it. You act like you like me one day, then don't the next. Your so fucking confusing! I can't understand you! This is your fault! I can't deal with your fucking problems right now, Kirishima! I don't want to hear your stupid sob stories about this and that! I don't care! So go, get out! I don't want to see you anymore!" I screamed.

Problems. I said that to him. The word make him flinch and tears well in his eyes. He smiled sadly.

"I guess this is goodbye..." he said, meeting my eyes. This time, I broke away. I stared at the ground in anger. Then slammed the door.

I stood in place for a second, before sighing and trailing back to the couch, still bubbling in anger.
So he just shows up now huh? Why, to make me feel guilty?

I switched the TV back on, hoping to distract myself. But I couldn't. What's with the fucking breeze?
Shivering, I realised the door was still open.

I got up, not wanting to, and dragged my heels to the door, only to realise there was something caught in the doorframe.

I picked it up and looked at it in confusion. A red box?
Opening it, I found a necklace. The matching ones me and Kiri wear. I small 'EK' engraved into the centre. But something else caught my eye. A note. Reading 'For Katsuki.' on the front.

                Thanks for taking care of me.
                                I love you.

I stared at it, not knowing how to process anything. Suddenly, it clicked.
My eyes widened.

I treated Kirishima the same way Ryan did.

"I guess this is goodbye."

Adrenaline burst through my body and I scrambled outside. Running, running to wherever comes to mind. Only knowing one word.


[Authors Notes]
Bakugou is starting to put things together.

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