Breaking through the surface

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Kirishima's POV:

"What did you talk about?" Katsuki said in a low voice when I got into the car.
"I just said goodbye." I mumbled slightly, because Mrs. Mitsuki was in the car.
"He didn't hurt you did he? Move your hair." He pushed the said out of my forehead and checked my face. I shook my head.
"No, it's fine." Katsuki looked relived.

I spent the rest of the journey home staring of the window.
Maybe Ryan could go to a therapist, too.

I shook my head, knowing that right now probably isn't time to empathise with someone else. It didn't take long to get back to Katsuki's, probably because I was zoned out the entire time.

When we got home, Mr. Bakugou asked me and Katsuki to help him bake brownies.
There was a smell of smoke in the air, so I figured that's why he needed our help.

"You made brownies before, right Kirishima? Maybe you'll do a better job than Katsuki will. He always gets frustrated when he's baking." Mr. Bakugou chuckled lightly.

"Oi! Do not! I'm an amazing cook!" He yelled, feeling attacked. I giggled at him.
Mr. Bakugou and Mrs. Mitsuki went back to the living room, while me and Katsuki worked away at the brownies.

"It doesn't matter what tray we use, right?" He said, pulling a random one out of the cupboard.
"That's a muffin tray." I told him. Katsuki just shrugged. "Brownie muffins?"

I gave him a fake glare. "We have to follow the recipe or we'll mess it up!"
"Okay, smarty-pants." He resorted, flicking some of the mixture at me.
"Hey! I'll need to change my shirt!" I yelled, holding back more giggles.

"Then go change. I'll put these in the oven." Katsuki said, lifting the correct tray up.
"Don't burn the house down!" I said, making my way to his room.
"No promises!"

Upon entering Katsuki's room, I searched for my clothes. I threw the dirty ones over my shoulder as I looked through Katsuki's drawer.
Geez, why does he put the dirty ones back in? Gross.

I searched through Katsuki's clothes too, but I couldn't find anything. Until stumbling across a t-shirt. The sight of it made me panic.
It revealed all of my arms. I always hated wearing them, to the point where I stopped buying them at around 13 years old.

Maybe it'll be fine. Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou already know about the cuts, and try to be as careful as possible with me.

I quickly pulled it over my head, feeling nervous. It was Katsuki's t-shirt, which meant it was a bit too big for me, but it also meant it covered my arms almost down to my elbow.

I came downstairs holding my hands behind my back.
"Oh, Eijirou! You're back, I think I burned them-"
Katsuki took a proper look at me, then smiled. "You can't even notice them anymore." He said, hugging me to his side.

I blushed but felt kinda... proud.

"Does this mean you'll be wearing t-shirts from now on?" He asked, taking the brownies out of the oven. "Heck no. They're cold, I prefer hoodies." I said, checking to see if some of the brownies were still salvageable.

"What temperature did you put it to?" I asked.
"Whatever temperature's the highest?" He mumbled, looking away.
I sighed and jokingly hit his side. "Maybe the ones in the middle will still be good?"

Thankfully, we could save about ten of them. Mr and Mrs Bakugou were really happy with us.

We finally got to flop onto Katsuki's bed.
"Ah... so warm..." I mumbled, snuggling into it.
Katsuki pulled me close to him, and we stayed like that for a while.
"'M tired..." I whispered, feeling me eyes shut against my will.

"Then sleep." Katsuki chuckled, touching the tip of my noes.
"But I don't wanna sleep..." I groaned.

"Why not?" He asked, giving me a lopsided smile.
"Because I wanna stay with you for longer.."

"Well, you're tired. And I'll be sleeping with you. So sleep, Eijirou. You can't even keep your eyes open!" He laughed, adjusting the covers so we were tucked in properly.

"Mm." I hummed, finally closing my eyes. My mind slowly moved away.

I have always felt like I'm drowning. In everything.

I didn't know what relationships were, or how I was supposed to treat myself. Instead of thinking about me, I just tried to constantly end it, punish myself with everything I had built up.

I was knocked down so may times, what even was the point of getting back up again?

It hurt a lot. I hurt all the time. I drowned the need to feel loved, or to love.


Katsuki loved me. I had known this for a while, even before he confessed, I just tried to stop myself from thinking so.
But I loved him too. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't help but feel happy around him.

I was scared of people leaving me again. It was something I hated most in the world.
But Katsuki won't leave me.

Maybe some might think, "Katsuki saved you, thought you how to love yourself."
But, not completely. I can proudly say that I worked hard to feel good about myself.

I'm not saying I won't ever cut again, I won't ever feel bad about myself again, because everyone goes through that. It's human.
But now...

I'm not underwater anymore.

I don't have that feeling weighing on my skull.

I don't feel isolated. Or even scared of it anymore.

Maybe the pain hasn't completely dissolved, but its a lot more bearable.

I made my way from the bottom of the murky ocean, to the surface. And I finally broke through.

Katsuki held me tighter, and whispered into my ear. "I love you."

Smiling, I said it back. "I love you too."

[Authors Notes!]
Well, it's been a wild ride folks!
I had a melancholy feeling while writing this. I kinda don't want it to end!
All your support, I really wouldn't be able to make it this far without your funny comments and enthusiasm!
I really, really love you all for supporting me.

I started this out with the mindset: "no one will see this" or "aah, what if I fail?"
Overall, I was very nervous. But you all eased that!

I'm not planning to stop writing of course! In fact, I have a few new ideas for a new story! Suggestions would mean a lot, though! My ideas are:
Kiribaku/Bakushima fantasy au.
Or Kiribaku/Bakushima mafia au.
Kinda weird, right? But I have original plots for both. Of course, they won't be as angsty as this one! I hope to make them a little more lighthearted!
What would you like to see? It can be anything!

Thanks again, for everything! I hope some of you stick around.
See you later!💕💕💕💕💖💕💖

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