Part 2

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I remember the night that I left him. It was the worst night of my life but it had to be done. It was better for me and the baby though that I left. Bringing the baby up in that environment wouldn't have been good for it - having an internation superstar as a father has its advantages but what's the point in introducing a child to the father it will only get see from time to time since he will be far too busy with his tours and trying to please all his fans. I wouldn't want to ruin that by telling him that he was going to be father.


I had made my decision. I was going to leave Tom in the dead of night, when he was asleep and he wouldn't be able to stop me. I had recently found I was pregnant, that was the thing which sealed my fate. This was no life for my child, it woulkd have a better one without knowing its father.

Tom was going out with Nathan, Jay and Max for a night out. While he was out, I packed my whole life into four boxes I found in the cupboard. That included all my clothes, photos of me with Tom and every memory I had shared with them while I had been living with Tom and the boys. I hid the boxes in the spare bedroom and acted like nothing hasd changed since he left the house that night. I waited on the sofa for him to get home and once I heard him fall through the door, I knew that was my cue to go and help him out. I walked over and laughed at him as he managed to slur the words 'I love you Stacey' which just made me feel even worse about what I was doing, but there was no changing my mind now. The only other person who knew about my plans was Lauren. She had been my bestfriend for the past four years now but the only thing which made it hard for me telling her was the fact she was Jay McGuiness' younger sister and they told each other everything - I made her promise she would never tell Jay a thing, he would hate me for it and I knew he would try to stop me. I know it was hard for her, but she made that promise to me the day I found out  I was pregnant. I've been planning this for a couple of weeks now, it was just picking the right time to do it.

I sat on the bedroom window ledge and watch the rain slide down the window. It was like the weather was reflecting my emotions. As the first rain drop hit the bottom of the window, the tears started to slowly but silently fall down my cheeks. Tom meant the world to me and I was just going to leave him because I couldn't handle change, but in my opinion it was the best option for both me and the baby. I glanced over to the bed and saw that Tom was pretty much out of it, nothing was going to wake him until the morning when his hangover kicked in. I laid on the bed next to him and admired him while he slept. I was enjoying my last few moments with the only man I've ever really loved. I felt the vibration of my phone rippling through my jeans which signified it was time to leave. I kissed Tom gently on the cheek and whispered the words, 'I love you so much Tom' into his ear for the last time and a solitary tear dropped onto his face and I wiped it away with my thumb before I stood up and left. Never to see Tom again.

I went into the spare room and collected two of the boxes before I walked quietly down the stairs. I admired the surroundings for one last time as I approached the front door, I opened it with my free hand to find Lauren stood there with the sweetest smile on her face.

"Are there any more boxes?" she asked.

"Yeah, there are two more in the spare bedroom but that's it..." I replied, holiding my tears back as I did.

"Well, you go and put them in the car while I'll grab the last two boxes and then we'll be off!" she said, still with a smile on her face. She was the greatest bestfriend I could ever ask for and I wouldn't want anyone else to be there for me, other than her. I walked out of the door and over to the car which was parked just outside the house and threw the two boxes onto the empty back seat. One of them fell over but I didn't particularly care, there was nothing in there that could be broken. A couple of minutes later, Lauren appeared behind me with the other two boxes and she placed them carefully into the care - she had always been the more sensible one of us two, but I didn't really care about being careful right now. I just wanted it to be over with...I just wanted to start my new life. Just me and the baby.

"Are you ready to go then?" Lauren asked as she opened the driver's door and hovered between getting into the car and staying stood up.

"Just one more thing I need to do..." I replied and with that I walked back towards the house. I went through the door which Lauren had forgotten to close and straight into the kitchen. I carefully placed my house key and a letter on the kitchen counter, holding the tears back that were building in the corner of my eyes now. I hoped that the letter would be good enough, I had told Tom everything...well everything apart from the part where I'm two weeks pregnant with his child. But I couldn't tell him that, I was leaving him in the hope of a better life for us. I love Tom and I always will, but this isn't the life for me. With one last look around the kitchen, I turned the light off and walked out. I closed the front door quickly but quietly behind me and I stepped into the care. This was the end of my old life and the beginning of my new one.

"So, where are we going?" Lauren asked me.

"Take me home..." I replied with the tears now falling from my eyes.

"Bolton it is then!" she smiled gently at me. And in that second, everything I had once loved was now a distant memory.


That all happened a year ago today. It had been a whole year since I'd seen Tom but I'm sure he must have moved on by now, there's no way he would wait for me to come back to him. I had the baby nearly four months ago now and I called her Amelia Lauren Parker - her middle name being Lauren because of everything she had done for me over this past year; her still coming to see me while also seeing the boys at the same time. I knew it was hard for her, but she still kept her promise. She never told anyone about the night that I left. And I decided she was going to take Tom's surname so that she would one day know who her father really was and understand he would have been an amazing parent had I given him the chance to try.

But tonight I was going to go out and have a good night. Lauren was treating me to a night out on the town since I hadn't really been out much in the past year - mostly because I was trying to hide from Tom, but there was no way he was going to find me in Bolton. He was too busy touring America with the band right now, so I don't have anything to worry about. Lauren had asked my mum if she would look after Amelia and of course she accepted, my mum loved her grand-daughter and she had been a great help since she had been born. My dad, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with Amelia. He told me that I was too young to have a child and he had no faith in me or my ability to look after my daughter. I was twenty, nearly twenty-one, for god sake. I knew how to look after my own daughter and I knew what was best for her...I didn't care what my dad said to me. Our relationship had never been great any way. He kicked me out when I was sixteen and told me I was my own problem now, mum helped me when she could but it was difficult since my dad was very controlling. However, since my mother refused to stop seeing Ameila, my dad left her and she has been so much happier.

Anyway, tonight was about letting my hair down and saying thank you to Lauren for everything she has done for me over the past year. I've got a surprise for her, but I'm not saying anything about it until tonight...

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