Part 11

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Me and Jay had just left the house. We were going to cinema to see Paranormal Activity 4, we'd been told how awful it was but we just wanted to judge for ourselves. As I started up the engine and began pulling out of the drive way, I felt the vibration of my phone against my leg. I pulled it out and threw it to Jay.

"Look who that's from and tell me what is says please..." I said with a smile on my face. He did as I had asked but from the expression on his face, I could tell I wasn't going to like what he was seeing.

"Babe, it's from Tom..." he said quietly.

"What does he say?" I asked with panic evident in my voice.

"He says he was involved in a car accident and Amelia has been kidnapped. He wants us to go to the hospital straight away..." he replied. When I heard the words 'Amelia has been kidnapped' I just broke down in tears. My beautiful baby had been kidnapped by scum. This would never have happened if I hadn't told Tom he could take her home with him tonight. She would be safely in bed by now and no one would be able to get their filthy hands on my daughter.

"If anyone hurts my baby, then there will be some serious trouble...and I'm being serious about that one Jay!" I practically shouted in anger as I sped off down the motorway in the direction of the hospital. I was probably breaking about fifty laws right now, but I didn't care. My baby's safety is the only thing which mattered to me. I had to find out what had happened.

About twenty-five minutes later, we arrived at the hospital and I pulled into the first space which I saw. I ran straight into the hospital, not even pausing for breath, and immediately located the reception desk. Jay was nowhere to be seen so I just assumed he was walking here supposed to running.

"How may I help you?" the woman behind the desk asked me unpleasantly. She looked like she had taken her clothes from out of her grandmother's wardrobe and she had far too much make-up on her face. I mean she looked like a tangerine for god sake and her eye liner had been so thickly applied that I'm pretty sure she did it without the aid of a mirror. If she ever got herself a boyfriend, then I would be deeply surprised.

"I'm looking for Thomas Anthony Parker..." I said quickly.

"Are you related to him?"

"Well no but he's the father of my child and she's been kidnapped...I need to find out what happened to her!" I said in a voice which almost made it seem like  I was begging.

"That's not my problem. If you're not family then you'll have to wait in the waiting room until you're called..." she replied sternly before returning to the filing that she was doing before I entered the hospital. Some people are so rude these days.

I headed into the waiting room wher I was greeted by Siva, Nath, Max and Nareesha. It was then that I burst into tears again. Max walked over to me and pulled me into one of his famous hugs and I continued to let the tears fall on his shoulder.

"They took her Max. They took my baby!" I managed to say as he rubbed my back in an attempt to comfort me.

"I know they did babe, I know and we're going to find the dirtbags that did this. Then when we find them, they're going to pay..." he whispered gently in my ear and it was then that I felt the vibrations of my phone in my pocket again. I didn't even remember getting it back from Jay. He must have put it back when we got out the car before I ran off. The text message was from an unknown number but I decided to open it anywayy;

From Unkown Number:

We have your daughter and if you want to see her alive again watch the video and find out what we want from you...

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