Part 18

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Today was the day Stacey was coming home from the hospital. After a week of being in that place, she's finally coming home to be with me and Amelia. She doesn't know it yet, but we're throwing her a party to celebrate her coming home.

The house in Bolton is up for sale and there has been a lot of interest in the place. Max and Nath have agreed to rent the flat from us. And I've found the perfect house in just depends if Stacey loves the place.

Life has been nothing but perfect for the past week and things can only get better from here. I've spent the whole week getting to know my daughter, she's just the most amazing thing ever. She's gorgeous and it's obvious that she gets her brilliant looks from me...I'm joking. She looks just like Stacey which is why she's gorgeous. I love her and I was stupid for letting her go. She's my little angel and my life is complete with her in it.

"Tom, are you ready?" Siva shouted up the stairs to me, distracting me everything I was thinking about.

"Yeah, I'm just coming mate!" I replied as I closed the bedroom door behind me.

"Well hurry up or Stacey might think you've forgotten her!" he laughed back at me.

"Alright, alright...I'm coming!" I said as I ran down the stairs and was greeted by Siva holding the door open for me.

"God, you make Nath look like he can be on time!" Jay joked as he walked out of the living room, holding Amelia in his arms with a big smile on his face.

"Be good for Uncle Jay now...daddy will be back soon with mummy!" I smiled as I gave Amelia a quick kiss on the head before running out the front door and jumping into the car, hurriedly followed by Siva jumping in the driver's side of the car. This is just too good to be true, it really is.

"You'd better text Stace, we were supposed to be at the hospital 5 minutes ago and we're only just leaving now..." Siva laughed as we pulled out of the drive-way. I pulled my phone out of my pocket before quickly typing a message out;


To Stace:

Don't worry babe, haven't forgotten about you;) we'll be there in about half hour, love you Stace :)xxxx


I then shoved my phone into my pocket, before admiring the view out of the window. The trees waved gently in the wind as we drove along the road. The grass swaying the breeze created an almost calm atmosphere in the surrounding environment. Life on the outside seemed to be going by at its own pace while my life was just going by pretty slowly and I was just enjoying what it had to throw at me. I didn't think life could be any better than it is right now. Nothing and no one was going to bring me down.

I was so deep in thought, that I hadn't even realised we were within 5 minutes of the hospital. I was just thinking how much my life has changed. It's changed for the better and I wouldn't want it any other way. I've finally got everything I wanted. I got the girl. I got child. And I got the greatest friends ever.!

I looked at the window and saw Stacey stood outside the hospital with the biggest smile ever on her face. It was the same smile I had on my face the day that I left this hospital. I'll be glad to never be coming back here again. I really will.

"I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me..." Stacey laughed as she got into the back of the car.

"Well someone took 3 hours getting ready this morning!" Siva joked as he pulled away from the hospital. A sight I was happy to be leaving behind.

"Not my fault you woke me up to deal with Amelia even though Jay had agreed to look after her!"

"You are her dad, Jay is just the adopted uncle!" Stacey laughed.

"We're all adopted uncles and we're all going to teach her different things when she's old enough..." Siva added as we began our journey down the motorway back to the house.

"Am is going to have the best life growing up...I'm so proud to call you her dad and I couldn't think of 4 better people for her to call uncle!" Stacey beamed from the back of the car. Now she mentioned it, I was proud to be her father. It's hard to believe I created something as amazing as Amelia. And I can't quite believe she is actually my daughter. It's just weird to think that me, Tom Parker, helped to bring such a wonderful little girl into this world.

"I think she's going to need help if she's got uncles like us!" Siva laughed suddenly breaking the silence which had been surrounding us for about ten minutes now.

"She'll be fine with you, it's the other 3 we have to worry about. Especially Jay when she's old enough to drink!" Stacey laughed from the background while I just sat there nodding and agreeing with what was being said.

"And Tom...with a dad who can keep going when the rest of us have had enough, she's definitely in trouble when she hits 18!" Siva added with a slight laugh.

"Hold up, she's only just turned one. Slow down will you!" I joked.

"Gotta plan ahead with these things, you never know what might happen in the future..." Stacey said with a serious look on her face. I knew what she was thinking but she didn't need to worry about a single thing.

"Look, I'm always going to be here and even if I'm not, then you'll have the other boys to help you out!" I said as I turned around to see the sadness in her eyes. It was a sadness I'd never seen before. This was a sadness that represented fear and that fear was that I wouldn't always be there for her and Amelia. It was the fear that she might lose me once again. And it was a fear that she might not be able to cope without me by her side. Her sadness showed so much fear but I didn't want her to be sad. I didn't want her to be afraid. And I didn't want her to be worried. I just wanted her to be happy. I wanted her to be excited. But more than anything, I wanted her to look to the future because it was a future I was going to make perfect by always being there and trying my best to never let her and Amelia down again.

"But what about the day you're not here and I need you? What about then?"

"Please don't think about that, I just want to live our life as it is right now and be happy with you and our daughter. Of course that day will come but not for a very long time..." I replied trying to reassure her that everything was going to be fine so she had nothing to worry about. But it wasn't that easy and the rest of the way home was spent attempting to convince her not to worry about it. I just wanted to get home because as soon as Stacey saw Amelia and had her back in her arms, she would forget all of this nonsense and be happy once again. That was what I wanted to see again. The happy Stacey who never saw the bad in anyone. She was amazing that way and I loved her the way that she was.

Twenty minutes later, we were pulling up the drive of Stacey's house and were met by Jay, Nathan, Max - who was holding Amelia - and Lauren all waving at us with massive smiles on their faces. They were happy to see Stacey and she was happy to see them. As soon as she saw them all, the sadness in her eyes just vanished. It was replaced with happiness and joy...exactly what I wanted to see. This is how life should be. Full of happiness, joy and love.

-Right I have a question guys, do you want me to do a sequel to this or not because I think I'm going to write one more part and then that will be it for this fanfic. So, if you want me to write a sequel, then I will but if not then thanks for reading guys. Love Emma :)xx-

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