Part 12

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I was sat in the back of the van for what seemed like forever. I had no idea where we were going, if my baby was alright or if I was ever going to see Tom again - there I go again. Thinking about Tom and not Jay...what is up with that?

The van jolted to a sudden stop, sending me flying into the wooden pannel at the back of the van. I winced in pain as I tried to stand up, but it was no use. I was in too much pain. The door flew open and he was stood one else around him.

My dad.

I could smell the alcohol and tobacco from where I was. It was an awful smell and it was beginning to make me gag. I just looked into his eyes. The evil and lack of care evident in the way he was looking at me.

"Get out of the van now!" he demanded in an angry tone. I was scared for my life and I just wanted to be with Amelia again. But I couldn't move so he thought I was ignoring him. He stepped into the van, his weight causing the suspension at the back to drop slightly and he came to towards me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my feet before screaming in my face, "when I tell you to move, I expect you to do it. Now get out of the van!" and with that he pushed me towards the doors. The only escape from this hell and I knew I wasn't going anywhere.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, holding my tears back.

"Because I want to prove a point to you and that stupid ex-boyfriend of yours! No one gets away with lying to me and treating me the way that you both did!" he spat at me.

"But why bring Amelia into this? She's just a baby..."

"How else was I going to get to you? You would never have come if I didn't kidnap the baby so I sent my best people to make sure Tom was shoved off the road and the stupid brat should tell Tom to be more careful what he tweets next time!" my father laughed at me as he shoved my into a room with barely any light. It was cold and I'm pretty sure it's nt even safe enough for a human to stay in but he didn't care about that. He wanted revenge for something that only happened in his head.

"My daughter is not a brat. You're sick and you wonder why I never wanted to be near you as a child, why I never told you I was pregnant and why I never once told you that I loved you?!" I shouted back as he started walking away from me.

"Your daughter is a brat, just like you were a brat. You never appreciated anything I did for you, I never thank'd me for making sure you had enough food to eat and had good enough clothes to wear abd you were alway lying to me!" he snapped back at me, spraying his spit all over me like it was some sort of venom. His breath so close to me, it actually made me want to be sick there and then but I held it and waited for him to leave the room.

"So what are you going to do now? Now you've got me and my daugher, what are you going to do?" I asked.

"I'm going to have some fun. I'm going to demand more money and then I'm going to see who loves you more, Tom or Jay!" he laughed evilly and this time he left the room, slamming the door hard behind him. I heard the turning of the key in the lock which signified I was trapped there. I had no means of escape from this place. I was terrified for my life and I just wanted to be free again. I need to see Amelia, I need to make sure she's safe.

This is all my fault and now there is nothing I can do about it! I just crawled onto the the matress in the corner of the room, pulled the thin covers over my body and let the tears fall again.


Max explained to me what had happened and I was speechless. I mean, who would kidnap a child and demand money in return for their life? Some sick twat, that's who would do that.

But I was getting seriously worried now. Max told me Stace had to deliver the money at midnight and it was now 1.30am and she still wasn't back. She should have been back about 45 minutes ago and Stacey isn't one to be late or to not come back from something. Especially when the father of her child is lying in a hospital bed covered in serious injuries.

I kept ringing her phone, but each time it just went to voicemail. I wanted to report her missing, but it hadn't been twenty-four hours so I couldn't even do that. Instead I was stuck in a waiting room at some hospital waiting to be told when we could see Tom and waiting for that phone call which would tell me Stacey was alright and she was just at home, or something like that. Nareesha and Siva had fallen asleep on each other while Nathan and Max kept looking at me expecting me to tell them something new, but I knew as much as they did. And that was absolutely nothing.

My train of thought was interrupted by a doctor walking into the room.

"Are the friends of Mr.Thomas Parker?" he asked.

"Yeah that's us, when can we see him?" Max replied quickly.

"You can see him in about ten minutes, but there are some things you need to know about him..."

"And what are they then?" I answered.

"Mr.Parker has received some serious injuries to his back, arms and legs. He has to try and not have an sudden movement as he will end up making his injuries worse!" he replied.

"So, he's going to be alright then?" Nathan asked.

"He's going to be fine but he's not allowed to drive for six weeks as he has to give time for his injuries to heal and he is not to do anything that requires a lot of jumping around..."

"Well the driving we can do, but the jumping around might be difficult since we're a boyband and that's what we do!" Max laughed trying to make a joke of the whole things.

"Well you're just going to have to try and not to do that! If you'd like to follow me, I will take you to Mr.Parker's room now..." he said as he opened the door and gestured us out. We just left Siva and Nareesha asleep for now, they can always see him when they wake up. We followed the doctor down corridoors which seemed like they would never end. There were people in white coats rushing in and out of verious rooms, people in blue uniforms rushing in and out of other rooms and then there was the people who looked smart that were just stood there; over-looking the day-to-day business of the hospital. We evetually came to a stop outside a room that had the blinds down and the door closed, the doctor opened the door and revealed Tom in the bed with several bandages over his body and a cast on his leg. The doctor closed the door and the first thing that Tom said was;

"It was Stacey's dad that shoved me off the road..."

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