Part 7

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What did I even do to deserve that treatment from Tom? I was with him for 4 years of my life. I loved him for those 4 years and this is the thanks I get...him accusing me of cheating just because he doesn't want to accept he's a parent. I would never hurt him like that. He meant so much to me at the time and now I'm never likely to see him again.

How am I going to explain that to our daughter? I'm sorry Amelia, your dad was a totalt twat who refused to believe you were his child. He walked awy and left you...that's going to sound brilliant. Amelia has done nothing to deserve this and I was told to tell him the truth, so that's what I did. All he did was throw it back in my face and treat me like nothing...he has made his decision and now he has got to live with it. But I hope he lives to regret his choice in the future since he's the one who will miss out on our daughter's life. He will miss out on her first steps. Miss out on her first words. Miss out on her first day at nursery. He will miss out on her life and he will live to regret that choice.

He has made his choice and I have made mine. That's a decision we both have to live with.


*Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to Amelia,

Happy Birthday to you!*

"Aw, I can't believe she's one already!" Lauren smiled at me as she snapped a quick photo of Amelia, who was now sat in her high chair.

"I can't believe it either. This year has totally flown by..." I replied just as there was a knock at the door.

"A little birdie told me that it's a certain princess' first birthday today!" Jay laughed as I opened the door to see him stood there with a card in one hand and a present in the other.

"Is this little birdie called Lauren by an chance?" I giggled at him.

"She might have been or maybe I was actually listening to you at the time you told me..." he replied as I opened the door enough for him to be able to walk into the house.

"You actually listened to me? Now that does make a change Mr.McGuiness!" I joked.

"Oh shut up Miss.Brown and give me a hug!" he said with a smile on his face as he wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in a hug similar to that of the night Tom left. Since Tom left me that night, Jay has been there for me and we have got considerably closer in the past six months. I'm not going to lie, but I have been beginning to develop feelings for Jay but I don't think he feels the same about me. I get the notion that he only likes me as a friend and nothing more...but who can blame him. Why would anyone fall for a 21 year old single parent? You'd have to be stupid to think that someone would actually like me. The moment was interrupted by Lauren who had come running out of the kitchen;

"JAY!" she screamed as Jay pulled away from me and embraced his sister in a hug.

"Alright Lauren..." he smiled at her.

"I've missed you!" she replied.

"I've missed you too. Sorry I wasn't around for your birthday, but I got you a late present..." he said as he handed her a bag which was just sitting on the doorstep.

"Thanks James!" she laughed as she took the bag from his hand and walked off back into the kitchen with the biggest smile in her face, I went to follow her but then I felt Jay grabbing hold of my hand. The touch of his hand sent a feeling through my body that I ahd never felt before, not even when I was Tom. I liked this feeling and I wished I could feel it all the time, but that wasn't likely.

"Stace, I need to talk to you..." he said as he led me into the living room by the hand.

"Sure, what about?" I replied.


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