Part 3

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I was getting Amelia ready for when Lauren picked her up since she was going to be taking her to my mum's house, when there was a knock at the door. I placed Amelia in her cot and walked over, opening the door revealed Lauren stood there with a massive grin on her face.

"Alright Stace?" she asked as I opened the door to let her in.

"Yeah thanks and you?" I replied.

"I'm pretty good thanks. Where's my little princess then?"

"She's in the living room, I'm just finishing getting her ready"

"Well you go and sort yourself out, I'm sure I can finish sorting her out for you!" Lauren said. She was so kind and helped out where she could, she was like the adopted aunt and Amelia loved Lauren. I walked into the living room and Amelia was lying in her cot, looking up us and it seemed as though she was smiling.

"Look Am, it's Auntie Lauren and she's going to look after you while mummy gets ready!" I said as I picked her up and handed her to Lauren before going upstairs to get ready for my night out with Lauren.

I jumped into the shower, I only needed a quick wash since I'd had a shower this morning. After about five minutes, I got out and walked across the landing to the bedroom. I had no idea what I was going to wear since I was used to slobbing around the house in my joggers and hoodies so I didn't have many nice clothes to wear. I rumaged through the wardrobe and right at the back, I found a black dress which I didn't even know I had. I came to the knee, only had one strap and was covered in what looked like glitter. It was quite a pretty dress so I decided this would do for our night out. I pulled the dress over my head and put on a pair of silver flats which I wore a lot of the time; didn't own any heels since I wasn't that sort of girl. I then applied a bit of make-up - some light blue eye shadow, a bit of mascara, some eye liner and a little lip gloss. I decided I was going to curl my hair, I liked my hair when I curled it since it brought out my facial features more than when it was straight. I was also trying to make myself look impressive in a lame attempt to pull a guy. That took me about fifteen minutes and then I was finally ready. I grabbed a cardigan off the end of my bed and then walked downstairs.

Lauren was still sat in the living room with Amelia on her knee. I smiled as I looked at her. If she wasn't my bestfriend then god knows what I would have done for the past year. She looked at me and her facial expression changed from one of happiness to one of shock.

"What? Is it too much?" I asked her as I looked at what I was wearing.

"No, you look amazing and if you don't pull tonight then there is something wrong with the male population!" she replied.

"Shall we get going then? My mum will be waiting to see Am again" I laughed as I looked at how happy both my baby and my bestfriend were.

"Yeah. Then we can go out, get drunk, meet some totally hot strangers and regret it all in the morning!" Lauren laughed at me.

"That sounds like fun to me!" I replied. This was probably the happiest I had been in a long time and I was really looking forward to tonight and tomorrow with Lauren. It was going to be a lot of fun and nothing was going to get in our way.

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