Part 4

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I felt bad that I was lying Jay and I had been lying to Jay for over a year. But I promised Stacey that I would never tell them where she went or that she was pregnant and I intend to keep that promise because she's my bestfriend. Being her bestfriend means that every single time I go and see either Tom or Jay, they ask if I've heard anything from her and everytime I have to tell them I haven't. It's hard lying to my brother since we tell each other everything, but a promise is a promise.

Tonight is my treat. Stacey needs a good night out; she has barely set foot out of her flat in the year that she's been here. Mainly for the fear that she's going to bump into Tom as soon as she leaves her house, but the last I heard from them, they were touring in America and had several gigs planned for while they were over there. I think it should be safe for her to go out and have a good time while her mum enjoys some time with Amelia.

I have tried telling Stacey that she needs to tell Tom about Amelia at some point, but she always refuses and insists that she will have a much better life without Tom in it. I can understand that she doesn't want their daughter in the spotlight but he does have a right to know that he fathered her child. He's going to find out at some point and it's going to be better coming from her than it is coming from someone else who is telling him to cause trouble bewteen them again. I'm not going to force her to tell him, but I will advise that she does as he will find out sooner or later...and sooner is better than later.

Anyway, tonight is just about having a good time and hopefully finding some hot guys that could be potential boyfriend material in the near future.


We pulled up to my mum's house and she was already outside, with the biggest smile ever on her face. She always got excited about looking after Amelia, probably because she was her first grandchild and she could do it without the fear of my dad doing something to her. I stepped out of the car and went round to the back seat where Amelia was strapped into her seat, I carefully took her and out and walked over to my mum; who immediately took her off my hands.

"Trying to impress someone tonight are we?" she laughed at me.

"Well I gotta move on at some point!" I replied with a smile on my face.

"Have fun and don't drink too much..."

"We both know that won't happen. So tomorrow I look forward to the 'I told you so' speech you always give me when I have a hangover" I chuckled lightly.

"I'll see you at some point tomorrow then?"

"I'll see you tomorrow mum. Bye Am, be good for nanny!" I replied as I placed a gentle kiss on Amelia's head before smiling at my mum as I walked off and got back into the car.

"So, to town?" Lauren beamed at me.

"To town..." I replied. My mum lived about hour away from the town so when we eventually arrived, it had just turned half nine. Lauren parked in a small car park just around the corner from the biggest club in Botlon - I mean celebrities didn't go in there, but it was popular with people our age and everyone was here partyting on a Friday night. As we walked up to the front door, we were greeted by two body guards; pretty hot looking body guards. They were muscley, clean shaven, short spiked hair and the sweetest looking body guards. The younger looking one of the two threw me a cheeky smile and I could feel my cheeks burning up as I shyly returned a smile to him. Now, this is what I'm talking body guards that smile at you just because they can.

Once we were inside the club, myself and Lauren headed straight for the bar. She ordered four shots, two for me and two for her. On the count of three we downed one followed by the other, I had no idea what they were but I ordered another four and we followed the same process. When we had finished them, we looked at each other and burst out laughing...not sure why we did, but we laughed at each other. We only stopped when an attractive looking guy walked up to Lauren.

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