Part 14

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*Stacey's POV*

"Stacey, I haven't got long. Your father is on his way back but you deserve to see your daughter..."

"Why are you doing this? You work for my father, so why would you do this for me?" I asked her, I mean I was happy to see her since see was the women who had been playing 'mummy' to my daughter for however long it has been now.

"I don't agree with anything that he's doing! It's wrong that he's treating you like this and I feel sorry for you..." she replied in a gentle voice. The softness with which she spoke just made me remember that there are some people out there who do actually care and don't always agree with what others do.

"Is Amelia okay then? I mean, he's making sure she's treated right?" I asked, the sadness evident in my voice as I spoke to her.

"Your father has had nothing to do with her, she's being looked after, he makes me do it all and she's been a pleasure to look after. I wouldn't mind looking after her on a regular basis" she laughed.

"I still haven't asked, what's your name?"

"I'm Lizzy and I'm 24, I'm only working for your father because I'm working under-cover. He's wanted for several crimes and I'm here to make sure we get him!" she smiled kindly at me. It made me happy that there was someone on my side and there was someone here that I could trust. At least I knew my daughter was safe and with someone who would make sure my father never hurt her.

"I'd love to be able to work but I haven't got the time for it. Bringing up a child on your own is difficult" I said.

"Well I love my job, especially when it means putting people like your father in prison, but sometimes it gets a bit too much. I'd love a job which involves child care...anyway, let me go and get Amelia for you. I'll be right back..." and with that, Lizzy disappeared from the room, closing the door carefully behind her and turning in the key gently in the lock. I assume she did this in case my father got back, I didn't want her getting hurt just because she was trying to help me out. That just wouldn't be fair on her...and who knows what he would do to her. The thought doesn't even bare thinking about right now. I'm just happy to finally be seeing my baby again. Holding her in my arms. Listening to the sound of her laughter. Hearing her say my name. It's always the simple things in life which give us the greatest pleasures.


It has been just over a week now. A week and we still haven't heard anything. We're still in the dark about where Stacey and Amelia actually are. How much longer is that evil twat going to make us wait before he makes his demands?

I just want to hold both my girls in my arms once again. Tell them both how much I love them. Tell them both how I'm always going to protect them. Tell them both how I'll never leave them again. They're my whole world. Without them here, my world just seems wrong. I don't know why it's taken an event like this to make me realise just how much I love Stacey and how much I threw away that night I walked away from both her and my daughter. I've missed a whole year of everything and what did I do in that time? Nothing. That's what I did. Absolutely nothing. Only now do I know just how stupid that was.

Today, I get to leave the hospital. They're told me take it slow and not get to stressed for at least two weeks...don't knoe how I'm going to do that I mean, being in a boyband is pretty stressful stuff sometimes and to add to that the person I love the most is being help captive by her own father in revenge for something which happened in his head. But sure, I can try not to be stressed but it could be pretty damn hard...especially when you're in the same situation as I'm currently in.

My thoughts were disturbed by a coughing as they entered the room. I turned around to see Max and Jay stood there with massive smiles on their faces. They walked over to me and pulled me into a massive hug. I'd missed both these. I know I'd seen them, but they were only allowed in to see me for like two hours a day all week.

"Alright mate?" Max smiled at me as he and Jay both pulled away at the same time.

"So much better now I've seen you and I'm actually going home..." I laughed, picking my bag up off the floor as I did so.

"Well, we've got a little surprise for you when we get home!" Jay replied. I know what Jay can be like, so I don't know if I should be worried or happy about this surprise he says he's got waiting for me when we return back to where we're staying. Jay has been staying at Stacey's home with Lauren, who is obviously in pieces about this whole thing. She keeps blaming herself for letting this happen.

"Is there any news on Stace?" I asked as I took one last look at the room I'd been calling home for the past week. Leaving the room, I closed the door behind me. Wanting to forget about the time I'd spent in this awful excuse for a hospital.

"The police are sll looking, but so far they've got nothing. They're doing the best that they can, you know that don't you mate?" Jay replied with a smile to me.

"Yeah I know. I just need to see my baby girl again so I can let her know how much I love her and how sorry I am!" I said, with tears building in the corner of my eyes.

"They'll find Amelia and Stacey. They'll both be fine because they're fighters, just like you" Max smiled at me as we walked out the front doors, only to be greeted by the papparazzi. Do they never have a moments break from being nosey?

"Tom, how do you feel about Jay dating your ex-girlfriend?" I heard one of them ask.

"Is it true that Amelia is your daughter and you kept her a secret for a year?" another one shouted at me.

"Tom, do you still love Stacey?"

"Is it true you plan to win her back from Jay?"

The questions wouldn't stop coming, but I just ignored them and carried on walking to Max's car which was parked just around the corner. But just because I ignored all the questions, didn't mean one of the other two would ignore them all. I continued walking until I heard a familar voice answering the questions which they were asking. Until they asked the question,

"Do you love Stacey more than Tom did?"

And then there was nothing but complete silence from the area behind me. I just froze on the spot and waited for Jay to answer to see what he would have to say...

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