Part 15

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It was all going to well. I was just answering the questions that they were throwing at me. But then they had to ask that question didn't they. As soon as the words,

"Do you love Stacey more than Tom did?" left that reporter's mouth, I knew I was in trouble.

I knew the answer to this question and so did Tom. I could see him from the corner of my eye, just frozen to the spot. As soon as they asked that question, he just stopped and waited for my reply. I didn't want to hurt him...I knew he loved her so much more than I did. I knew he wanted her back and I'm sure that when they found her, she would pick him over me. And I knew there was only thing I could say at a time like this;

"Sure, you could say that I love Stacey more than Tom did...but then you could also say Stacey loves Tom more than me. Stacey means everything to Tom and they were meant to be together, I mean they have a daughter together which means Tom's family is missing right now. So I think you should maybe go report the fact Amelia and Stacey still haven't been found instead of standing here asking if I love Stacey more than Tom did...because right now the answer to that question is no!" and with that comment I walked over to where Tom was still stood and just smiled at him. He smiled back at me and the only thing coming from the reporters and papparazzi now were flashes of light as they took our photos as we walked away and disappeared out of sight.

"Did you mean what you said?" Tom asked me suddenly.

"Yeah I did mate. She does love you, just as much you love her and you belong together. You're the father of her baby and the only guy she will ever love" I replied. I was only too happy to let Tom and Stacey be happy together. They had been together before. They had a daughter together. They make each other happier than any other person ever could. I just hope they find Stacey and Amelia soon because otherwise Tom will go looking for them himself and that could be a whole lot of trouble in one big hit. And that wouldn't be good for anyone...especially not Tom. It would get him into a whole lot of trouble...and that would be dangerous.

We're just waiting for the call. The call to tell her is Stacey is dead. Or if she's alive.

I hope she's alive and I hope we get that phone call sooner rather than later. I really do. It would make everything much eaiser. Easier for us all.



We were supposed to go back to London two days ago. The other 4 have gone but I refused to go until I knew that Stacey and Amelia were safe. I'm not missing anything important. We've only got a few interviews to do, so I can phone in for them and the boys have got any performances covered. They know my lines...well they kinda do. I mean I did forget my lines in Chasing The Sun so I'd be surprised if they remembered all my words.

I'm staying with Lauren and we're just keeping each other going, the only difference being she is still going to work. She uses it as a distraction from everything. Today started like any other day...Lauren left for work before I'd woken up, she'd left me a note on the counter of what she wanted me to do and once I'd done all that, I just flicked the TV on and watched some rubbish on TV. Of course I watched Jeremy Kyle, but he's not rubbish. He's some quality TV Jeremy Kyle is. The only thing different about today was the fact the phone rang. I answered it and the voice on the other end said,

"Is this Thomas Parker?"

"Yes, that's me..."

"Hello, I'm DI Harris. I'm the one in charge of finding Stacey Brown and Amelia Parker..."

"Do you have news on them?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes, we've found them and they are both safe. Stacey has been sent to the hospital as she's pretty weak right now but Amelia is fine. I'll have an officer meet you at the hospital with your daughter..."

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