Part 16

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I had to read the text message another four times just to digest what it actually said. I couldn't believe what I was reading. My heart just kept skipping a beat...going over the words each time I studied them. My day couldn't get any better right now. I just wanted everything to slow down so I could enjoy today for a bit longer.

"What you smiling like an idiot at?" Lauren asked, shaking me from my thoughts.

"Just this text message..." I replied, trying my best to make it sound uninteresting but I just couldn't do it. It was the best thing I'd read in a long time.

"Don't lie to me one just smiles at a text message without good reason! Tell me what it says..."

"It's nothing really. Just one of the boys!"

"You're lying to me Parker. You're a worse liar than Jay and he's bad!" Lauren laughed at me as we pulled into the hospital car park.

"It doesn't matter, I'm just a very happy man right now. You'll find in time..." I replied with a suspicious look appearing across my face at that point.

"You're really annoying sometimes, you know that?"

"Yet you still love me and think I'm the most amazing person yet?" I questioned jokingly.

"Oh shut up, I can think of people better than you!"

"Like who? Nathan perhaps?" I said seriously.

"What's Nathan got to do with anything?" she replied as we removed ourselves from the car, her clicking the button on the keys which locked the doors.

"Nothing...nothing at all!"

"No, you've said it now so what's Nath got to do with this?" Lauren asked again, I could tell I'd really annoyed her and I liked listening to her trying to get out of me what I was on about. I wasn't really on about anything...but the way she always get so defensive about the whole thing does make me wonder if there's something going on between the two of them.

"Nathan hasn't got anything to do with this...I was simply mentioning another member of the band who could be better than I am!" I laughed at her as we walked into the hospital. The same hospital I'd walked out of two weeks and hoped I'd never have to come back here again. As we approached the reception area, Lauren muttered to me so only I could hear her,

"There's a reason you keep mentioning Nathan know don't you?"

"Well I had my suspicions but you've just confirmed that they're true...that's what I was hoping you'd do. Thanks Lauren!" I replied as we reached the dress. The receptionist looked like she was trying far too hard to impress every guy who walked through the door and into this reception.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Tom Parker and this is Lauren McGuiness-"

"As in Tom Parker from The Wanted? And you're the sister of Jay McGuiness?" she interrupted me as I was speaking while she was looking from me to Lauren and then back to me. It was like she was expecting to find something that would suggest I was lying about our identities.

"Yes, that's us. Now can you please tell me where I might find Stacey Brown?" I asked.

"Only if I get an autograph from you and she gets her brother to ring me..." she replied rudely to me. I wasn't happy about being treated like this.

"I'm not going to get Jay to ring you...I want to see my bestfriend. Now tell me where I can find her?" Lauren practically shouted back at her causing the people in the surrounding area to turn around and look at the commotion.

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