Part 5

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Tom downed the last bit of his pint before placing the glass harshly on the bar and then walking quickly out of the club. I only just managed to keep up with him since he was walking that fast. I didn't even have a chance to tell Lauren that I was leaving, but I had a feeling Jay would probably tell her anyway.

We walked across the car park before we came to a badly parked car which he jumped straight in to. I opened the passenger seat door and promptly hopped into the seat next to Tom. He looked at me and smiled before he started the engine and hastily pulled out of the car park. He almost drove into the car which was parked in front of him. Although this was a perfect moment...being back with Tom and all that...I knew it wouldn't last. He will flp when he finds out he has a daughter and I never even told him.

The hour drive back to my mum's house seemed to take forever. The only communication which happened between me and Tom was the odd smile and odding of the head. Other than that, the journey went with no acknowledgement to either of us even being in the car at the time. As we got closer to my mum's house, I began to feel sick. Sick with guilt, sick with worry and sick with selfishness. It had taken me a year to tell Tom he was a father and the only reason this was happening was because Lauren had told them where I was. I thought I was over him, but seeing him again just reminds me that I'm not over him at all. I still feel very strong emotions for him and I miss him more than anything. I hope this doesn't rip us apart again and leave me all on my own right after I've found him again.

As we pulled up outside my mum's, Tom looked at me and for the first since I'd stepped into the car; he spoke to me.

"Stace, why won't you tell me why we're coming here?"

"Look Tom, it's easier for to show you than it is to tell you. But either way you're going to hate me for it..." I replied.

"I could never hate you. I mean, I couldn't even hate you when all you left me was a note on the kitchen counter saying it was ver between us!"

"Why couldn't you hate me? I hate myself for what I did"

"I tried hating you, I really did. But I couldn't bring myself to hate you so I just carried on loving you, hoping that I would one day find you again. You're the only person I've ever loved..."

"Well you found me again and that's only because Lauren told Jay about me so he old you. It was his idea to come here tonight, wasn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah it was his idea. I kept telling them I was over you but none of them believed me; Jay bringing me here was his way of proving to everyone that I still wanted you...even after all the hurt and pain which you caused me!" and with that comment we pulled up outside my mum's house. I could see that the living room light was on which meant that she was still awake. Tom and I both stepped out of the car at the same time and with the quick push of a button, the car had locked itself. I pulled the keys for the door out of the bottom of the bag and placed them in the lock, turning it with caution in an attempt to delay this act I was about to complete. As the door swung open, I walked into the house and Tom slowly followed me. I went straight to the living room where I found my mum was watching CSI - she is in love with that programme and never stops watching it.

"Stacey. I thought you and Lauren were out all night?" she asked confused as I walked into the room.

"Well...I kinda bumped into a stranger at the club and it's time for him to know the truth!" I replied just as Tom walked into the room.

"Only me Mrs.Brown..." Tom smiled. Even during the time we spent together, Tom refused to call my mum anything other than Mrs.Brown. Despite being told he could call her Sarah.

"Tom, how many more times do I have to tell's Sarah to you. I mean, you were with my daughter for nearly four years!" my mum laughed as she stood up and greeted Tom with a warm hug.

"Is Amelia in bed?" I asked.

"Yes, but I don't know if she's asleep or not. You know what she's like when it comes to bed time!" my mum replied, pulling away from Tom.

"Stay here Tom, I'll be back in a minute..." I said as I walked out of the room, leaving just Tom and my mum stood in the middle of the room.


"Stay here Tom, I'll be back in a minute..." Stacey said to me as she walked out of the room and I just nodded in acknowledgement. This all seemed a little weird to me. Her bringing me back here but not telling me why we're here. She just keeps telling me that I will hate her after she tells me what she needs to. Once Stacey had gone ustairs, I placed myself on the edge of the sofa and Sarah placed herself next to me. She had a friendly smile on her face and she just looked at me;

"How has everything been?" she asked me.

"It's been alright actually. I've been pretty busy all year, it's been a brilliant diversion from Stacey.." I replied and returned the friendly smile to her. As Sarah went to say something else, Stacey walked back into the room with something wrapped up in a pink blanket in her arms. She walked over to me and sat down the other side of me. I looked at her and she looked back, before she said to me;

"I'd like you to meet Amelia Lauren Parker...your daughter!"

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