Part 10

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Jay stood there and looked at me in the doorway as Stacey practically stormed out of the room to get Amelia's things for me - I'm guessing I had annoyed her again by questioning if she wanted me to take my daughter home.

"You had better look after Amelia properly tonight..." Jay said quickly as he looked at me intently.

"Are you implying that I don't know how to look after my own daughter?" I replied sharply.

"Well you haven't been in her life for over a year now. I mean Max, Nath and Seev have seen her more times than you have..."

"What are you suggesting? That those three know how to look after my child but I haven't got the faintest idea?" I snapped.

"I'm not saying you won't be able to do it but I'm also saying that you don't exactly have the best ideas about what she needs since you left Stacey to be a single parent. She had to rely on help and money from Lauren most of the time since she hasn't had the best time recently..." he replied.

"What do you mean?"

"You've had the easy life. Your money just keeps rolling in and all you have to do is go on stage, do a few interviews and pose for a few photos while Stacey is left at home looking after your daughter, unable to find a job or a child minder which means she relies on Lauren to pay the rent, Lauren to buy the food and Lauren to make sure Amelia is fed, clothed and clean!" he near enough shouted at me which made me feel even worse than I did before. I hadn't bothered giving her any money towards Amelia which probably meant she was left to struggle even more. But the fact she relies on her bestfriend to make sure everything is paid for...that should never have happened. I should have been more thoughtful and I should have made sure Stacey had what she needed. I mean she was bringing up OUR daughter on her own as a SINGLE parent. That's gotta be some tough stuff.

"Look Jay, I know your pissed with me for not being a better father to my daughter-"

"You haven't been any kind of father to your daughter; that's the point I'm making!" he interrupted me.

"Yes okay, I haven't been any kind of father. In fact, I've been the worst kind by not being there for my child which is why I want this chance to prove I can actually be there for my daughter before it's too late and I lose her forever..." I replied calmly and with that Stacey walked back into the room.

"Well, this is everything you're going to need to look after Amelia over night. If you need help then ask one of the boys because they'll know what to do!" she said as she dumped a packed bag down at my feet.

"I'm not a bloody idiot, okay? Will you both stop treating me like I have no idea what to do..." I suddenly snapped at both Jay and Stacey. I'd had enough of them both assuming I was going to mess up and assuming I had no idea what to do. Amelia is my daughter and it can't be that hard to work out how to look after her.

"If you mess this up Tom, you will never see your daughter again. Do you understand me?!" Stacey said without any sense of emotion in her voice. I knew that she was serious and I wasn't going to mess this up.

"Yes Stace, I understand you. I mess this up and I shall never be able to see Amelia again!" I replied as Jay walked over and picked Amelia up. It was weird seeing him do all the things with my daughter which I should be doing.

"Uncle Jay will pick you up tomorrow, okay?" he smiled at her as he gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. Is it wrong that I'm jealous of him doing that?

"Mummy will see you tomorrow. Be good for daddy now..." Stacey added as she removed Amelia from Jay's arms and hugged her as well, before placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head. Turns out I have missed quite a lot over the past year.

I picked up the bag and placed it over my shoulder before taking Amelia in my own arms and admiring how much of a beautiful baby she actually was - I know can someone like me produce a baby as beautiful as Amelia?

"I'll go and get the car seat for you..." Jay mumbled and with that he disappeared out of the living room and the next thing I heard was the front door slamming shut behind him.

"Jay can drive?" I asked sounding pretty shocked.

"No, I learnt to drive after I left you and passed my test about four months ago now..." she said without even making eye contact with me.

"Oh right, well then. I guess I'll see Jay tomorrow when he picks Amelia up and then I'll see you whenever I next see you!" I replied. As soon as Jay had returned and informed that the car seat was now safely in my car, I left the living room leaving Jay and Stacey stood there in each others embrace. It's safe to say, I'm jealous of the fact Stacey is now Jay's and I can no longer call her mine. How I long to feel her warm touch on my skin again, he soft lips against mine and her gentle intertwined with mine. Why did I have to throw it all away...oh yeah, because I didn't believe I had a daughter with the only women I've ever loved.

After I had made sure Amelia was safely in her seat, I got into the car myself and started the engine. I pulled slowly out of the drive, making sure there was nothing coming and I began driving in the direction of the flat which I currently shared with Max and Nathan. It was a pretty calm night, although there were some small droplets of rain which were beginning to fall from the sky. As I approached the junction of traffic lights, I could see a set of head lights coming towards me at an abnormally fast speed and before I even knew what was happening; they had smashed into the side of the car I was driving. I had no idea what what was happening. I could barely see and all I could hear was the screaming of Amelia in the back seat. I tried to move so I could help her but it was almost like my legs didn't want to move in motion with the rest of my body. I tried turning my head but that didn't work either, instead there was a sharp shooting pain. I was trapped. Couldn't move and my child was screaming for help.

I could only just make out the figures of two people walking towards the car, I thought they were going to help us. But I was wrong. They opened the door to Amelia and carefully removed her from her seat; they were having a conversation at the same time but I couldn't mkae out anything that they were saying. Once they had my daughter, they walked away from the scene and left me there...not even caring that I could die. They had kidnapped Amelia and there was nothing I could do about it.

How am I going to explain this one to Stacey?

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