Part 19

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Today we're celebrating Amelia's second birthday and this year, it is actually so much better than last year. I'm actually here for my daughter and I remembered it was her birthday today. She's still in love with anything that's pink and being a two year old, she's easily impressed with anything that we give her. But she has grown up to look just like Stacey with her brown hair with the slight blonde tinge to it and her amazing hazel eyes...she just looks so gorgeous and I can tell she is going to be an amazing little girl.

Max, Jay, Seev and Nath have all been amzing over the past year and have helped me and Stacey out so much with everything. Nath and Max have been renting our old flat from us, while Lauren has been living with Jay but she is looking for a place of her own now as she's pregnant - with Nathan's child of course but Jay still doesn't know about them two being together. Neither of them have had the courage to tell him yet as they know how he'll react to the news; you know being Jay and wanting to protect his baby sister from everything. He knows that she's pregnant but he thinks it's from a one night stand that she had while she was drunk...yeah, I don't know why he believed that either. He's not the brightest bulb in the box. Stacey and me are the only people who know the baby is actually Nathan's but that's a whole other story which will be explained another time.

As I was sayimg before I went off topic, today is Amelia's second birthday and we're clebrating it in style. Well, I say in style, it's more with a bunch of other two year olds from her nursery and some things which two year olds find funny. Which, or so I've been told, is quite a lot but that doesn't really surprise me.

I began hanging the decorations around the living room. Some balloons here and there, a couple of banners so the world would know and some pictures of when Amelia was a baby. While I'm left to do all this on my own, Stacey and Jay have gone to pick a cake out for her; Nathan and Max have gone shopping to get some things for us adults while the party is going on and Seev is getting some surprise for Amelia but he won't tell us what it is.

"Daddy, look..." I turned around to see Amelia behind me with a massive grin on her face. She handed me a piece of paper with some scribbles on it. She was always doing little things like this and it always made me smile.

"Is this for me?" I asked as I picked her up and looked at what she had done with her.

"Yes!" she replied at the same time as she nodded.

"Well thank you Am, daddy loves you!" I replied as I placed a gentle kiss on her head and she placed her arms around my neck for a hug. I'm still proud to call her my daughter and I wouldn't change any of the moments which I've shared wih her for the world. She makes me proud every single day and I know she will keep doing that for me.

"I love you too daddy..." she replied much to my surprise since she had never said it before. It put a massive smile on my face and I couldn't wait to tell the others when they all got home from where ever they had all got to. I gently placed Amelia back on the floor and said,

"Go and make one of these for mummy so daddy can finish in here?" and she willingly did as I had asked as she hurried out of the room and back into her playroom which was just across the hall from the living room. I stood there smiling like an idiot to myself as I finished putting the rest of the decorations up around the room, this only made me too happy to be celebrating my daughter's birthday today. Her telling me that she loved me had made the day just perfect and it hadn't even begun yet. The end of the day was going to be amazing, I've got the best surprise planned for Stacey ever. She doesn't know about it. The boys don't know about it. And Amelia doesn't know about it...but she's probably too young to understand it anyway. I just know this was going to make the day one which will never be forgotten in the future. Not by me, not by Stacey, not by the boys and not by the world - they always found everything out one way or another. Usually in some story printed by the papers or on Twitter when one of us told them about it.

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