Part 6

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"I'd like you to meet Amelia Lauren Parker...your daughter!"

As those words left my mouth, Tom's expression was totally what I expected it to be. He looked shocked, hurt and angry...all the things I would be feeling if I was in his situation. But what I wasn't expecting was his reaction to the whole thing.

"You're lying..." he said angrily as he stood up from the sofa so that he was looking down on me.

"I'm not lying Tom. She's your daughter!" I replied, slightly hurt at the fact he wouldn't believe me.

"You are lying Stacey. That's the real reason you left me, you cheated on me and ended up pregnant with his baby?"

"No. I would never cheat on you and don't you think if I had cheated on you, then I'd be in a happy relationship with him right now?" I said trying to stop myself from crying.

"I bet it all went wrong for the two of you. He leave you as soon as he found out you were pregnant?" he shouted at me.

"Tom, I would never cheat on you. I loved you and you meant everything to me so why would I throw all that away for the sake of another man?"

"So you really expect me to believe the only reason you left me was because you couldn't get used to all the fame?" he asked me, still not calming down.

"Do you want me to take Amelia back to bed?" my mum asked quickly.

"Yes please mum. She doesn't need to hear this..." I replied as I handed Amelia to my mum and then looked back to Tom and answered his question; "I don't care if you believe me Tom. I would never have been able to get used to all your fame because I'm not that sort of person and I wasn't going to bring a child up in an envirnoment where she was always going to be the centre of attention or where she would never be able to see her dad once she got older..."

"She isn't my daughter...just admit that you cheated on me and then we will never have to see each other again after tonight!"

"I'm not going to admit to something I didn't do...Amelia is your daughter and it's your choice if you believe me or not. But if you decide not to believe me, then after tonight I don't want to see you again and our daughter will grow up knowing what a twat her dad was!" I replied as tears bagn to roll down my cheeks. I was so angry that he actually thought I would cheat on him after we spent four years of life together before I left him. What sort of person did he think I was?

"Well I guess this is goodbye and this time I will move on..."

"Well it's you loss. You're going to miss out on being in your own daughter's life just because you think I cheated on you?"

"I don't think...I know you did!"

"Looks like you've made your mind up but just remember this...when Amelia asks about her dad in the future, I'm going to tell her about this night. I'm going to tell her about how her own father didn't want anything to do with her because he was a selfish, stupid twat!" I shouted at him and with that I walked out of the living room. I went to walk out of the house as I needed some air and time alone afer everything which had happened, but I wasn't looking where I was going and walked into the two figures who were stood outside the door.

"Sorry..." I mumbled and continued walkingl. I was only stopped when one of the figures grabbed my arm.

"Stace, what's happened?" I heard someone ask, it sounded like it might have been Jay but I couldn't really see them and I wasn't really listening to their voice, so it might also have been Lauren.

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