Part 13

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As soon as the doctor had closed the door, the first words which escaped my mouth were;

"It was Stacey's dad that shoved me off the road..."

I looked around the room and I was greeted my their shocked faces. I'm guessing Stace had told them about her dad. He wasn't exactly the best father to her and now it turns out that he's trying to kill me and his grand-daughter.

"What would he want with Amelia though? I mean, she's his grandchild?" Nathan asked suddenly. Bless him, he was so easily confused but you gotta give him some credit since he does always try his best.

"Her dad hates the fact Amelia even exists. When he found out about her, he went completely mental at Stace and said she was going to make a bad parent because she would have no idea what she was doing. He doesn't care that she's his grand-daugher, all she is to him right now is money!" Jay said without even taking his eyes from the floor.

"How do you know about that?" Max said.

"Lauren told me. Stacey was threatening to do all sorts of things and she got worried, so Lauren phoned me and asked me for help..." Jay replied. 

"Well, Stace and her dad have never got on well together. Stacey hates her dad just as much as he hates her, he's always said she was a failure that would achieve nothing in life...he also thought I wasn't good enough and would only break her heart in the end!"

"Can you two leave for a minute, I need to have a word with Tom..." Jay said looking int the direction of Max and Nathan, both of whom just nodded and willingly left the room. Leaving Jay stood there at the end of the bed, towering over me like the giant he was. I wondered what he could possibly want to talk to me about on my own.

"What do you want Jay?" I asked.

"Do you still love Stacey?" he replied suddenly.

"Does it matter? You have her now so just get one with your lives and make sure she's happy..."

"Yes, it does matter Tom. Do you still love Stacey?" he asked again.

"Of course I still love her Jay. We were in a relationship for over two years, she's the mother to my daughter and she was the only person that I ever loved and will probably be the only person I ever love!" I replied, a single tear making its way down my cheek. I was never one to show my emotions, but she meant so much to me and now she's in serious danger because I didn't think before I acted.

"She still loves you as well you know?" Jay said much to my surprise, but he didn't seem angry or upset, he just seemed like he felt sorry for me.

"Don't be stupid, if she still loved me then she wouldn't be with you!"

"Look Tom, even I can tell that she's only with me because I'm a way of filling the gap which you left for the year you weren't there and I don't want to be Amelia's dad; I just want to be known as Uncle Jay!" I just lay there smiling at him. Finally, there was someone that actually understood how I was feeling and what I wanted from life.

"But what are we going to do about Stacey?"

"I think, from what you've said about her dad, the only thing we can do it wait..." he replied and the scary thing is, that I knew he was right. There was nothing we could do right now. Stacey's dad was calling all the shots and we had to wait for his orders.

That thought worries me a lot though. The fact he has my daughter and all she is to him right now is money. And the fact he has the women that I love and all she is to him right now is revenge and hate. All I want is to help them both, but I'm in no fit state to do that right now. But he had better hurry up and tell us what he wants us to do because if he doesn't, then I shall go looking for Stacey and Amelia myself...and I won't stop until I find them.



I don't even know how long it's been since I last saw daylight. The window in the corner of the room, barely letting any light into this tiny space I had called home. I miss Amelia so much, my own father won't let me see my daughter and it is really hurting me right now. And I just want to see Tom's face again...I know I shoulod be thinking about Jay, but all I want right now is to be in the safety of Tom's arms and to hear his soft voice whispering in my ear, letting me know that everything is going to be alright. But all I get is the silence filling the room. Every second, of every hour, of every day.

I think I might go insane if I don't ear someone else's voice soon. All I'm left with are my thoughts and my memories...but the only thing I can think of is the night I left Tom and threw everything I had built away. Just like that. It's amazing how much everything can change in a year...but it's also amazing what stays the same. I'm still madly in love with Tom. He's the only guy I want and now I could be about to lose that, I wish I had realised that sooner.

My thoughts were interrupted by the key turning in the lock of the door. My attention completely focused on who was going to walk through...I was desperately hoping it wasn't my dad. He hadn't bothered to come and see me all this time he had me trapped. I mean I wasn't complaining, I liked the fact I hadn't seen him all this time. If I had the strength then I would fight my way out of here just to see my daughter again. But I don't have any fight left in me - the only thing still keeping me going right now is the thought that I might get to see Amelia again. And the hope which surges through me that I might, oncve again, be reunited with the only man I really love. Thomas Parker.

The door slowly opened, revealing the figure which stood there. And I cannot tell you how happy I was to see them...

-Sorry if it's a bit rubbish and it took so long. Everytime I went to write it, I got distracted by something aha. Hope you like it though and I'll try to post the next part soon so you're not kept on the edge of your seat for too long hehe ;)-

-Emma x-

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