Part 8

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It's nice to see my brother again. He's been really busy with everything to do with the band that I hardly get to see him anymore. I moved into Stacey's house in Bolton so that I wasn't lonely and I had someone to talk to about things.

It really hurt that he wasn't here for my twenty-first birthday, but I did get a phone call from him and all the other boys. Although the thing which really made the day special was the fact they all went on Skype and personally sang me happy birthday. It made me happy that they thought of a surprise like that.

When I heard his voice in the hall way, I just had to see him but when I went out there I could tell I had interrupted a moment between him and Stacey. I know how much she likes him and how much she would love to be with him but I have no idea if my brother feels the same. He's pretty good at hiding his emotions, which is why once he had given me my present, I left pretty quickly. Those two had some talking to do...


I needed to tell Stacey the truth. I couldn't hide it from her any longer. As she went to walk off back into the kitchen, I grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards me. I felt her shake slightly at my touch, it was nice to know I had that effect on someone.

"Stace, I need to talk to you..." I said as I led her into the living room by her hand.

"Sure, what about?" she replied.

"Well...I know how much you've grown to like me and I feel the same way, but we could never be together. It would kill Tom and I could never do that to him!" I felt so bad as those words left my lips. I wanted to be with her more than anything, but Tom still hadn't moved on. He just sits arounds, feeling sorry for him and working out how he is going to apologise to Stacey for everything that happened the night that he left.

"Why does everything always have to be about Tom? Why does no one care about what I want..." she snapped back at me.

"Look Stace, Tom still loves you and I know for a fact you've still got feelings for him since he's the father of your daughter and he was the first guy you actually fell properly in love with..."

"I don't care Jay. In the past six months I've heard nothing from him, not even an apology which is the least I deserve after everything which happened. I meant everything I said that night...I hate him and I never want to see him again. He made his decision and he's not coming back into mine or Amelia's life!" she shouted at me, attempting to hold her tears back. Every single time she rememebered what happened that night, she ends up tears.

"But what happens if something did happen between us? What happens if you change your mind and chose to go running back to Tom after he makes some grand gesture?" I asked.

"I thought you were different. I want someone who is actually going to care for me, who is going to protect me but most importantly, I want someone who is going to accept the fact I have a child and will treat her like she is his own daughter..."

"And you really think I could do all of that for you?"

"We could at least try because then if it goes wrong, we'l know we were never meant to be anything other than friends..."

"Why would you run that risk though?"

"Because I love you Jay, okay? I love you and I want to be with don't care about the fact I have a daughter and you already treat her like she's your own. I don't see Tom here with presents and a card for her on her first birthday, do you?" she replied as she looked me straight in the eye and a small smile appeared across her face.

"And you're not saying all this just so you can use me as a way of getting revenge on Tom for everythign which happened between you?" I don't really know why I asked her that, but it's better to be safe than sorry since I know what some girls are like when it comes to hurting their ex-boyfriend.

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