Part 9

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I have been an absolute twat for the past six months. I mean Stacey would never cheat on me so why did I even accuse her of committing such a heart-breaking act? I mean she loved me and I loved why was it so hard for me to accept that I'm now a parent to the most beautiful little girl in the world?

Looking at her for the first time today and looking at her confirms that she is my daughter. She looks exactly like Stacey apart from her eyes and nose; she gets them from me only they look better on her than they do on me. She was such a perfect little girl and I had thrown a whole year away. I haven't been there for anything...I wouldn't blame Stacey if she told me to stay away from both her and Amelia, especially after the way I've acted recently. But I want the chance to prove I can be a good dad to my daughter. I want the chance to prove I'm more than capable of providing for her. I want the chance to show people that I'm not just a pretty face with a good voice. I want the chance to show I'm able to love something other than a girl.

As I walked away from the house with Amelia in my arms, I did consider just taking her and leaving with her but decided against that. I was already in Stacey's bad books and didn't want to blow all my chances of being allowed in Amelia's life as her dad. We got to the car and I swear Amelia was smiling at me; but I could be wrong about that. I opened the boot of the car and removed the present which I had bought her - a moving walker thing and a pink elephant. Max had told me that she liked pink's bad when you're bestfriend is telling you things about your own child. Amelia seemed to like both presents as she wouldn't stop laughing at them as I carried them and her back to the house.

As soon as we were in the door, I placed her into the walker and handed the elephant to her. She went straight into the living room and I followed behind her.

"Is this what daddy got for you?" Stacey smiled at Amelia.

"Mama..." Amelia replied as she started jumping up and down with excitement.

"Watch Am for a minute, I need to talk to Tom!" she said looking at Jay who just responded with a simple nod of the head. She walked out of the room and into the kitchen, so I just followed her. Once we were inthe safety of the kitchen, she closed the door and just stood there looking at me.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

"You can't buy your way into your daughter's life..." she said with no tone or expression.

"I'm not trying to buy my way in. I simply bought a birthday present for my daughter!" I replied.

"Looks to me like you're trying to prove something?"

"Well yeah, that's because I am...I'm trying to prove that I should be given a chance and that I'm not the total twat of a father you think I am!"

"You can't blame me for thinking that. I tell you that she's your daughter and how do you accusing me of cheating! I've heard nothing from you for six months Tom...SIX MONTHS!" I mean did she want to make me feel any worse than I already do?

"Yes I know I was a twat and I admit that I got it wrong, alright? But I'm here now and all I'm asking is that you let me spend some time with my daugther so I can prove to you just how much of a good dad I can be if I'm given the chance..." I replied as I stood up and walked closer to her in an attempt to show her just how serious I was about being a father to Amelia. Afterall, I had already missed out on a whole year of her life. I wasn't prepared to miss out on another year without a fight.

"I don't want our daughter being let down seven months down the line when you decide your job is more important than seeing your daughter...and before you say anything, I get that your career is important to you so if you can't see her then don't say you can!" she replied quite violently, although I did see her point.

"I'm not going to let her down and the first time that I do, you can tell me never to see her again and I'll stay away from both you and her!"

"I still want to be friends with you and I don't want to come between yours and Jay's friendship but when you left me, he was the one that was there to catch me and he's been a great help. Please don't hate us for our decision and you know I'll always love you..." she said, almost a smile appearing across her face but she was doing a good job at hiding what she was really feeling.

"Friends is good enough for me and I'll always be friends with Jay. I mean, he's been the dad to Amelia which I failed to be. How can I hate a man like that?" I laughed.

"Well, why don't you take her out for a bit today?"

"Are you sure?"

"We've got to start somewhere, so this our starting point. I might even let you keep her over-night..." she giggled as she walked out of the kitchen, leaving me stood there with a look of shock on my face. I never expected her to let me do something with Amelia this quickly, but I was so happy that she had done. I was so happy that I felt the need to tell everyone what I was going to do. I grabbed my phone straight out of my pocket and went onto Twitter where I wrote;

@TomTheWanted: Going out with my daughter, Amelia, for her first birthday. Happy Birthday beautiful :) x

Although, I would live to regret this decision later on in the day...


I suppose I did have to give him a chance to screw it up before I just assumed he was going to screw it up. There was no way Tom would ever keep that promise of not letting Amelia down; but she's his daughter so I do have to give a chance with her. Who knows...I might even be proved wrong by him and he might actually do a good job at the whole 'parent thing.'

I walked back into the living room to find Jay playing with Amelia. He really did love her and she wasn't even his daughter. I was glad I'd found someone like Jay who didn't care that I had a child and was pretty much a single parent.

"You alright babe?" he asked with a smile on his face as he looked up from what he was doing with Amelia.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking that maybe you and me should do something tonight?"

"What about Am?" he replied as he stood up and walked towards me.

"I was thinking that she could stay with Tom tonight..."

"And Lauren?"

"She's going out with some friends from work!" I smiled at him.

"Well if Tom says yes to taking Am with him, then I'll take you out to dinner and then to see a film?" he suggested.

"That sounds like it could be fun to me!" I replied with a smile all across my face. Jay slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in close to him.

"Better ask Tom then, hadn't you..." he whispered to me, his breath tickling the back of my neck as he spoke with such gentleness.

"Better ask Tom what?" Tom asked, walking into the room like he owned the place.

"Do you want to take Amelia home with you tonight?"

"Where would she sleep and what about the other boys?"

"You can take her cot with you and the other boys love her. And Amelia loves them so I'm sure they won't mind you taking her home with you tonight...." I said trying not to lose my temper with him again.

"Are you sure you want me to take her?" he asked.

"Do you want to have your daughter over night or not?"


"Then stop complaining. I'm going to get her stuff ready for you!" I muttered and with that I walked out of the room and headed upstairs to Amelia's bedroom to get all the things Tom would need in order to look after his daughter tonight. Surely nothing could go wrong, right?

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