chapter iv

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Sam. Funny how a three letter name can suddenly change everything you thought you knew about yourself. My 19 year old brother, I didn't know existed until a few hours ago, is named Sam. How could she not tell me about him? Billy promised me that if I wanted to come down to the Rez and talk some more I could.

The alarm on my bedside table sprang to life, screaming for me to wake up from my dreamless sleep. Slamming the snooze button with my fist, I shuffle out of my room grumbling down the stairs, not even bothering to make myself look semi-decent. The clock on the microwave read 7:32 am, way too early to function without coffee. Charlie comes down the stairs in uniform as I poured myself my cup so I grab another off the shelf and make him a cup. "Thanks Kiddo. Isn't coffee bad for your ADHD?" Charlie asks after taking a drink.

I roll my eyes as I chug the rest of my black coffee, barely recognizing the bitter burn of the liquid as it touched my lips, "No. Actually it's recommended to drink coffee. The caffeine acts as a substitute for my missing dopamine." He breathes out a short "oh" before finishing his coffee and leaving the house to go to work, which I didn't mind at the time because what I really wanted to do with my day was go down to the Reservation and find my brother. After making myself look presentable, I tie my hair at the nape of my neck before scribbling a quick note for Bella.


Charlie already left for work and I have something I need to do today. If you need me call me.


The old truck rumbles to life and bounces down the virtually dead streets of Forks all the way into the winding unevenness of the La Push roads. Shuddering at the pump of the breaks, the vehicle abruptly stops on the left of Billy's truck. Knocking on the front door, I'm met by Billy opening the door looking up at me. "Kota, how're you this morning?" Billy inquires as he rolls a few feet away from the door to the table he has in the small kitchen.

Politely smiling at the man I always viewed as something of a father figure, I close the door behind me and follow him to the table to sit beside him, "I'm doing fine I suppose. Anxious but I guess that's to be expected, right?"

He laughs at the uneasiness in my voice, nodding in agreement. Behind us, I hear heavy footsteps that belong to the yawning long haired boy. "Good morning," Jake yawns rubbing the back of his hand across his face to wipe the sleep out of his eyes. Jake does a double take, probably confused to find me sitting in his kitchen at such an early hour, but then goes about his business in making himself something to eat. Both Billy and I murmur the greeting back to him but Billy knows why I am here and what I would like to talk about rather than exchange the morning pleasantries with him and his son.

"So... you wanna know about your brother, am I right?" Billy asks barely looking me in the eyes as I rapidly shake my head up and down, surely resembling a bobble head doll.

He sighs slowly as he tucks his black greying hair behind his ear, "Dakota, your brother doesn't know who you are but he does know that his mom was driven away. He doesn't know why, honestly no one does. And I know that you want to meet him and that's totally up to you, but in any case, this is going to be difficult for the both of you."

I shake my head sadly, letting one of my blonde curls fall in front of my eyes, creating a barrier between my sad eyes and his glance. Billy pulls his eyes off of me then to his son, jerking his head in the direction of a legal pad on the table beside the door where they keep their mail and key dish, signalling for him to bring it to him. He takes a pen and writes down the directions and a note for Sam before handing them to me.

"Thank you Billy. I owe you so much, this means more to me than you know," I whisper into his ear before making my way out the door and to my blue truck.

"Kota, wait!" Jake hollers as I put the truck in reverse to pull out of the gravel driveway. I stop the truck's movement, allowing him to climb into the passenger seat. "I thought you might want some company or something because this is a big deal," he says quietly, almost inaudible, reminding me of how grateful I am for the friends I have.

Giving him a genuine smile and softly laying my hand on his forearm, I chuckle, "Thanks Jake. I'm glad you're coming with me."

Shaking my head out of the sappy, sentimental moment we just had, I reverse off the gravel driveway and continue down the road until it becomes a dirt road leading to a little rustic home. I stare at the home for a while, waiting for the courage I need to escape the depths of my terrified stomach, until Jacob shakes my shoulder slightly waking me up from my blank stare. "You okay, Kota? It's okay if you want to leave right now, honestly you'll be better off without him," Jake offers, shocking me slightly before completely scaring me with a low growl escaping his throat and a knock at my window.

After jumping up enough to hit my head on the ceiling I turn to see two muscular tan guys, one with a muscle shirt and cargo shorts and the other without a shirt. How they were looking at me made my stomach burn. Fueled by said anger, what did my little petty ass do? I swung open my door with such force it connected with the shirtless one's abdomen causing him to stumble backward groaning and clutching his stomach. I then hop down in front of the other smirking as if I did nothing wrong, which made Jake snigger as he walked around the truck to stand on my left looking at the two guys.

"What are you doing here, Black? Who's the blonde and why the Hell did she just hit me with her car door?" the shirtless one asks Jake as he gets up off the ground with the help of his buddy, completely disregarding my presence and addressing Jacob as if he was my mouth piece.

God, I hope he's not my brother because if this is how he acts without even knowing me, I don't want to get to know him. But something about him looks familiar, I set my jaw at him cutting Jacob off completely, "The blonde, 'Roid Head, has a name and can speak for herself.  I hit you with my freaking door because you don't know how to look at a woman with respect. We're here to find someone, Sam Uley. You know him?"

The friend looks at me and snorts at my question as if the answer was obvious. I furrow my brow and look to my friend, my hand shaking from the build up of anger this little encounter had provided me in such a short period of time. Jacob exhales, "Dakota meet Sam Uley. Sam Uley, this is Dakota Swan."

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