chapter xlvi

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As more vampires set foot in our territory, more Quileutes turned. Their nature compelling them to join the pack or at least one of the two. Jake, Paul and I were out on a Patrol run to make sure no Volutri Vamps came into our lands before we expected them and we ran into a newly turned wolf. I slowly walk up to the frantic boy, he couldn't be more than 12 by the looks of him that he's projecting in his mind, "Hey, easy there. I'm not gonna hurt you."

He gets scared by my approaching him, so he tries to scramble away and accidentally starts swiping at me. Paul and Jake jump in front of me, trying to protect me from the kid. Jake puts his hand out firm and uses his "Alpha Voice", "Hey! It's all right. You're gonna be okay."

"You okay?" Paul asks, scanning over me to see if the young pup managed to touch me. Clearly forgetting that I too am a wolf and have exceptional reflexes.

"I'm fine, you scaredy wolf. You're cute when you're nervous," I snort, kissing him on his nose. "I'm going back to the Cullen's."

In the past 5 days, the Cullen's have opened their home to 19 vampires. Many of them have gifts of their own, Maggie, one of the Irish nomads, has the ability tell when someone's lying to her, Eleazar can identify the talents of other vampires without even knowing the person which I consider one of the lamer gifts a vampire could have and Zafrina had power over the mind. She could make anyone see what she wanted them to.

Bella and I watch as Zafrina makes Edward and Ness see something in the forest. I'm holding Ness as Edward and her stare up in astonishment, "If she weren't holding my hand right now, I could swear this was real."

"Do you see the pretty picture Aunt Kody?" Ness giggles in my ear, pointing up at a tree that is bare of leaves.

"I don't see anything," Bella and I say in unison, both of us confused on how we were exempt from the power Zafrina has.

Eleazar walks into view from behind the trees about 20 meters ahead, smiling at us with such curiosity, "Edward, you didn't tell me your wife is a shield."

Bella and I share a bewildered look, confused by the term he used for her, "What's a shield?"

Edward suddenly understands what the dark haired man was implying and smiles down at his wife, "The ones I've met are so different."

"It's a defensive talent," Eleazar simply adds, looking me in the eyes as he openly analyzes me as though he were inspecting me for any gifts like he would with other vampires he comes across despite my being a wolf.

"It's why I couldn't read your mind, even before. It's why Aro couldn't."

Eleazar continues to look me in the eyes, explaining to Bella the terms and limitations of her particular skill set, "You have a very powerful gift. That would indicate a rather powerful latent talent, if it was manifesting so clearly even before the transformation. I can't feel a way through their shield to get a sense of it at all. Yet she must be raw still―she's only a few months old. And apparently completely unaware of what she's doing. Totally unconscious. Ironic. Aro sent me all over the world searching for such anomalies, and you simply stumble across two by accident and don't even realize what you have."

Not allowing anyone to say anything regarding what Eleazar just implied, Kate suddenly takes Bella's hand, "Oh, yeah, she's a shield, all right. Shoulda put her on her ass."

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