chapter lv

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The next morning many of the covens who traveled a ways to come to our rescue decided they would leave, seeing that they were no longer needed. I stand on the porch with the Denali coven and Paul, watching the Cullens wish their friends safe travels and thank them again before they disappear into the woods to return to wherever they call home.

Edward and Jacob stand together, watching Renesmee as she says goodbye to Zafrina and Senna. Jacob watches his imprint fondly, "She's gonna be around for a long time, isn't she?" 

Edward nods, hearing his thoughts about how she may outlive him, "A very long time. I'm glad she has you."

Jacob smiles at the bronze haired father of his imprint, asking cheekily, "Should I start calling you dad?"


Jacob laughs at how quick Edward rejected his question, his smile widening as Renesmee runs into her father's outstretched arms and Bella joins them after Benjamin and Tia speed off into the woods of Forks to return back to Egypt with Amun and Kebi. Bella smiles down at her constantly growing daughter as her husband returns her to the ground, "Hey." Bella takes Renesmee's hand and puts it on her cheek to listen to Renesmee's thoughts. The Newborn nods as her daughter retracks her palm, "Yeah, we're all gonna be together now."

 When Renesmee reaches up to wrap her arms around her mother, Alice joins me at my side to watch them.  She watches the display, her eyes glazing over and sees a vision. The vision is of Renesmee. She's all grown up, staring out at the water as it crashes onto shore of First Beach. She's with Jacob, happy and in love.  Edward and Bella they join Renesmee and Jake on the beach, embracing them.

Paul broke me out of my daze, making me hyper aware of the fact I had yet again seen the same vision Alice was seeing. When I tear my eyes off Jake and Renesmee, meeting Paul's curious eyes, "How'd you do that the other day?"

"Do what?"

"How were you able to show each of us Alice's vision?" Emmett clarified, leaning against the railing of the porch on Paul's other side as Carlisle joins the group of us congregating at the railing.

I turn to Carlisle in surprise, "I did that?"

Emmett's booming laugh filled my ears, making those around us turn in curiosity or join in suit. The dark haired vampire nodded to confirm that I had in fact somehow projected Alice's vision for everyone to see. "I'm not special like them and I was somehow able to see it so my money is you did it."

Blushing, I shrug my shoulders as I turn my focus down at my shoes, "I don't know. It just happened I guess."

Eleazar started examining me, finding my ignorance and confusion amusing, "You truly are an anomaly aren't you?"

"I guess you could say that, yeah. My life has never completely made sense and in some really weird way, being able to do these things that make absolutely no sense seem perfectly normal to me."

Garrett fixed his arms around Kate's waist, providing his qualms with the oddity to include himself in the conversation, "The thing that really has me wondering is how you have these gifts and you are a werewolf."

"Technically speaking werewolves are biologically compelled to shift with the cycles of the moon, we can Phase at will once we've gone through the change. And unlike actual werewolves our abilities are purely biological and we can't just bite or scratch someone and they become one as well. And..." I explain, looking around at the group that gathered around me I see that I've somehow astonished them with my rambling. "I've forgotten my point."

Carlisle chuckles at my correction, turning to Eleazar to ask his opinion, "Will she ever know how she got these talents, how she can do the unexplainable?"

"I mean I always knew I was seeing the future, no one else believed me but I knew. That's why they sent me away. So maybe she just has to take it with a grain of salt and just go with it," Alice adds, giving us a piece of her human past that she'd learned in the spring while the Cullens were out of Forks. 

Eleazar shrugs as he snakes his arm around Carmen's waist, thinking aloud as the rest of the Cullen Coven and Jake join us on the porch, "The only way I can think of that would maybe give her an answer on why she's a shield or any of her other skills, is that she become one of us and see how they develop as a vampire. But because she has already expressed that she has no interest in being one of us, I don't have a clue."

I extend my hand to him, offering him a handshake, "Well, thank you for everything. You have taught me a lot about these powers I didn't even know I had up until a month ago."

"So she's just a weirdo," Jake teased, hearing my mental complaints of wanting to understand how I somehow was able to do the unexplainable as I shook Eleazar's hand.

Before the words left my mouth, Edward said exactly what I was going to counter with, "No, she's just more interesting than you."

The Denali coven, now including Garrett, left for Alaska, leaving the Cullens to their home once again. Paul and I decided it was best we leave as well, noting that we had other obligations on the reservation that we'd been pawning off on Embry and Jared for the past few months. Maybe it was the weight of the our probable deaths being lifted from my shoulders but driving back to La Push was the most serene thing to have taken place since I'd moved to forks over a year ago.

Paul looked at me sideways, taking his eyes off the road long enough to notice the look of content on my face as I watched the green rush past as we drove down the winding roads of La Push. He squeezed my hand once, making me look at him, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm weird," I admit, feeling the truck stop moving as he parked in front of my house. 

"I know that but where is this coming from? Are you still thinking about what just happened?"

I nod, unbuckling my seatbelt with my free hand. None of it made sense to me but to be fair I'm also thinking about vampiric superpowers and my being able to become a wolf at will. Life, at least the life we live, doesn't make sense. "We live in a really cool and weird world with vampires and werewolves and superpowers that barely anyone gets to see."

"Yeah, that's pretty cool. But we constantly seem to be pulled into a never ending cycle of near death experiences and vampire armies," he laughs, neither of moving from the cab of the truck.

"But with you, I feel like nothing is that bad. That no matter what army comes in town, how many vampires decide to come mess with the Cullens, it'll be okay. And hopefully no more bad shit will happen because Bella is now a vampire and not a danger magnet."

"I'm glad you feel that way. It's my job to keep you happy and safe and loved," he smiles, kissing my forehead.

"I love you. That's all I'm trying to say. I'm glad I moved to Forks."

"I love you too. I'm glad you did too."

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