chapter xxvii

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Graduation, it's finally here and Mama isn't here to see me walk across the stage. The bracelet that permanently hangs on my wrist was supposed to be given today but I now have something to wear to keep her with me. "Kota come on we're going to be late!" Bella yells up the stairs at me, waiting for me to stop analyzing my appearance so we could graduate high school.

I stare at my freshly straightened hair, nice makeup and the simple green dress that I have on, this is my graduation outfit. I'm no longer a high school student. I will never be graduating again.  I grab my golden cap and gown off the hook and rush down to the truck.

"And now I'd like to introduce this year's Valedictorian Dakota Uley Swan," the principal says into the microphone.

I slowly get up from my seat as a crescendo of applause radiates from the graduates, staff and family members alike. Standing behind the podium I look in the direction of my family, who look surprised and proud that I'm Valedictorian.

I take a deep breath, exhale slowly and commence the speech, "Graduation day, the day we've all been looking forward to since we got here. Before I begin I would like to take this time to thank my family, especially my mom who could not be in attendance physically, for putting up with me and I'd like to formally apologize because I did not tell them that I would be giving the commencement speech today. When we were in Kindergarten; teachers, parents and adults, they all asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up...Our answers were things like astronaut, President of the United States...Or in my case, a princess."

Everyone laughed at my anecdote, "When we got a little older they asked again and our answers changed; rock star, cowboy, or in my case, a doctor. But now that we're grown up and have the diploma, they want a serious answer, the game plan for the rest of our lives. Well, how about this, who the Hell knows?!"

My fellow graduates hoot and holler from the audience, this next line I look directly at Bella hoping my words will sink in, "This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, it's the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train, and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love with the one person you thought you would hate forever. Major in philosophy because there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind, change it again, because nothing is permanent...until it is. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when you look back on your life, you see what you did instead of what you should have done. It's a life full of choices and surprises. Growing up isn't the hard part, neither is making the life altering decisions on who you're going to be, it's looking yourself in the mirror and saying that you're happy with the life you live."

At the conclusion of my speech everyone claps, especially my family as I walk back to my seat. The principal calls my name first to get my diploma, when I cross the stage and shake his hand I look to Charlie, Sam, Billy and the Pack and they're all beaming with pride, cheering loudly for me. When it's Bella's turn, Charlie claps loudly, beaming with pride along with the Cullen "parents" and Jake.

"Congratulations Class of 2005. You may now move your tassels." An eruption of applause and cheers came from the family and friends in attendance. The newly graduated file out of the auditorium and out into the courtyard. In passing many congratulate me on my speech but it all turns into white noise, none of it really mattering until I get to my loved ones.

I crash into Sam, spinning me around he holds me close to his chest, "I'm so proud of you, Kid. You did amazing."

"I thought I was going to throw up," I admit as he puts me down.

 Charlie grabs me saying the same thing before throwing me to the wolves... oh wolf jokes, never gets old. Everyone pulls me into a hug before we leave to the Rez for our version of the Graduation party since we don't want to go to the Cullen's party. Sam, Emily, Seth and Quil pile into Emily's little Toyota driving away quickly. Jake takes Embry, Leah and Jared in the Rabbit, leaving me to take Paul. They're really pulling for Paul to win me over. I fold my gown and mortarboard onto the seat between him and I and put the truck in reverse to head home before the Rez.

"The Rez is the other way, Valedictorian," he laughs at me.

I roll my eyes knowing that for the rest of my life, he's going to bring the fact I was Valedictorian up, "I know Genius. I wanna stop at Charlie's to change out of this stupid dress."

He looks at my dress and laughs, "Didn't know a dress could be smart. But what do I know, I'm not Valedictorian."

"If you say that one more time," I groan at him chuckling, only partially annoyed by this.

He leans closer, cupping his ear with his hand as if he couldn't hear me the first time, "What was that, Valedictorian?"

I punch his shoulder as his barking laugh filled the cab. "Ugh, I literally hate you," I laugh, parking in front of the house.

He climbs out of the truck following me to the door, clutching the left side of his chest like my words really did hurt him, then I remember what Sam told me about how when Emily rejected him it felt like a knife in the stomach. "Oh my Lord, are you okay? I didn't really mean it," I ask, feeling really guilty.

He nods grimacing, "I'm fine I promise. Hey did you mean what you said in your speech earlier about falling in love with the guy you hate?" I ignore that question, going upstairs to change into some shorts and a tank top. "I'm taking your silence as a yes," Paul smirks when we get back into the truck

Walking into Sam's weathered home, Paul and I find the Pack with the exception of Jake, Embry and Quil, who're making an appearance at Bella's party, stand in the living room. Emily holds a small chocolate cake in her hands, Jared and Seth sat on the sofa eating the chips from the bag. "Congratulations Kiddo!" Sam exclaims pulling me to his chest.

Everyone, again, takes turns hugging me and mumbling congratulations. "Now sit down and open your gifts," Emily instructs, lightly pushing me on the sofa.

I groan, complaining about the gifts I told them not to get as Sam, Jared and Leah all place something onto my lap for me to open. The blue gift bag Jared handed me, that Embry helped him with, was brimming with yellow gift paper, fishing my hand around in the bag I pull out a big bag of coffee. "Thank you Jared." He smiles at me, mouth full of chips.

Leah's bag was addressed to me from her and Seth, sliding the flat piece of wood on my lap with a wolf carved into it. I smile at her, pulling her to hug me.

Leaving Sam's gift, a woven leather bracelet, "I found it in the attic in October. I fixed it and cleaned it up but it's yours."

I smile at him, swell of tears clouding my vision, "Thank you. Can we eat now?"

Everyone laughs at my stomach's priorities, leaving to get the food from the kitchen and Emily goes to cut the cake. Before I could follow them Paul grabs my wrist and places something cool in my palm, a silver chain with a treble clef in the center and a howling wolf charm dangling beside it.

"I thought you could wear it because it has the important parts of you. Both hidden from most, but beautiful nonetheless. And there's something else I left in your room for you," he whispers as he clasps it on my neck. His breath lingered in the space between us, combining with mine, with the look that I couldn't quite decipher. His pretty brown eyes locked with my green as I get on my tippy toes to make our faces level.


The house phone goes off in the kitchen breaking me from my fixation on Paul's eyes. I skip into the kitchen to get my cake when Sam slams the phone into the receiver, "What's wrong Sammy?"

"That was Jake. The Cullens have information on the redhead leech and Bella's visitor. They've formed an army of vamps and they'll be here in four days."

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