chapter xl

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New Message: Jake
They're going to leave Kota. We have to do something. Like now!

Reply: Jake
What? It's not like we can make everyone believe Bella's aging when she's forever suspended at 18. it's not a common thing to happen in the mundane world.

New Message: Jake
We've got to tell Charlie about us. That's the only way he'll buy into it. please do this for me, for Charlie. You know that he'll be much better with both you and Bella in his life, he's gonna be able to handle this.

Reply: Jake
Fine.. but let me do the talking, I'm better at coming up with things that Charlie would believe that you are. I'll be there soon. But if I'm disowned or give him a heart attack this is your fault and then I'll kill you.

I pull into the drive of Charlie's, blocking in both Jake's bike and Charlie's cruiser. Jake leaned against Charlie's cruiser, anxiously watching Charlie chop some firewood for the cold winter nights that were to come at the end of fall that rounded the corner. As I climb out of the cab, Jake's anxiety seems to have quadrupled and he looked as though he was going to explode. "Hey, Jake. Ready for this?"

"Not at all but if it means that the Cullens can stay, then it's worth it," Jake smiles, not verbally admitting why we're doing all this. 

I scoff, knowing him better than he liked, "You don't need to omit why we're actually doing this from me of all people. I know why you need this to happen so badly, Jake. It's for Ness, not Bella or Charlie or me."


I raise my hand up to silence him, cutting him off, "You don't need to explain yourself to me or feel the need to apologize. It's okay, I understand. Now lets make my uncle aware of how crazy of a world he actually lives in."

Jake and I walk down the mini hill in Charlie's lawn, into the forest area to meet him chopping wood against an old tree truck. Charlie looks up to see us and smiles brightly, "Hey you two, good to see you. You heard anything?"

Jacob looks at me quickly, trying to follow through with his plan, "Charlie, Bella is... Uh..."

Charlie's eyes instantly filled with an overwhelming fear and dread, thinking that Jake's stuttering meant that Bella was dead. Charlie fights back the tears, shaking his head in denial as his voice breaks, "No, she's not."

"No, no, no," Jake and I exclaim together, not wanting to see him fall apart in front of us for what was a partial truth. I look at Jake, silently telling him I'd do the talking from here on out, "I mean, she's fine. She's back home and she's feeling better."

Charlie looks so beyond relieved to hear those words leave my lips, "Why didn't you say so? That's great."

 And with that he left his axe and wood pile where they lay and started to make his way to his cruiser to go see Bella at the Cullen's house.  Jacob saw this and panicked, quickly realizing that we hadn't made an excuse for Bella's eternal state of being, yelling, "Wait. There's something you need to see first."

"I need to see Bella," Charlie refutes, turning again to his cruiser. 

"Uncle Charlie, wait," I called after him, stopping him once more. Deciding in that moment to tell Charlie the truth, the truth about me at least. "Look, in order for Bella to get better, she had to change."

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