chapter v

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Jacob gestures to the shirtless one that I just called a Roid Head and hit with my truck door, oh great. I felt my jaw drop, all at once seeing the resemblance between him and my mother, our mother. He has her ink black hair, chocolate eyes, and her light caramel colored skin; so different from my presence which consists of my sun bleached blond curly hair, green eyes and tons of freckles. Jacob takes the letter out from my hand, waking me up from my mental comparisons between Mom and him, and hands it to him to read.

"You're really my sister? Tala, my mother, had another kid after my S.O.B. of a father stole me from her. She's really dying too?" Sam asks, confused by the letter and the newfound information he's been given in regards to his life and family. I grimly nod my head, not wanting to make eye contact because I couldn't decipher how he felt about this whole thing. His friend snarls at me, like a bear or something, shooting death glares in my direction.

"Oh, is there something wrong, Shadow? Because I don't seem to recall anyone ringing your bell. So mind your own damn business, and never snarl at me again," I hiss at him.

Jacob seemed amused by my remarks but Sam looked concerned, like he expects something bad to happen to someone. As though one of us were going to detonate. Sam's friend lets out a barking laugh, looking at me with such hatred in his dark eyes, "My problem, Little Miss Blonde Princess, is you and everything you stand for. Look at yourself: you're just a little bitch who happens to share a mother with Sam but that doesn't make you his family. And you decide to magically pop into his life as if you matter, or your mom for that matter, but in reality you don't. Do everyone a favor and go back to your little white home far, far away from here."

I plaster on my fake bitch smile and launch myself at him, landing on top of him and punching him in the jaw repeatedly as my friend and my brother try to pry me off of him. I'm aware of how feral I must have looked, but I was so blinded by the rage that I continued to wail on him until Jake has me tossed over his shoulder and Sam blocks his friend, whose face is now covered in blood, screaming, "Paul! Stand the Hell down! Do not ever talk to her that way again, you hear me?"

Paul is shaking but cools himself down enough to nod and stomp a few feet away, wiping the blood from his nose on his wrist. The way Sam looked between the two of us resembled that of a person who had read the ending of a book you just started, waiting for you to get to the part that contained all the surprises and heartbreak. Like he was waiting for one of us to do something irreversible.

Thinking it was safe to release me, Jake sets me down and I immediately climb into my truck screaming at Paul at the top of my lungs, "I am a bitch so if you ever talk about my mother like you just did again or about a situation you don't even know the half of, I will kill you. So try me bitch, I dare you. You don't know anything about me or my life so back the Hell off and don't worry about me because your pathetic ass needs more thought and concern than me. And I'm from the Rez you idiot so go back to the box you live in and mind your own damn business! Goodbye Sam, Jacob we're leaving right the Hell now!"

Drumming my fingers on the steering wheel, I lock my eyes on the road ahead, trying not to let my anger overwhelm me. The drive to the Black's house was practically silent with the exception of my drumming. "Kota are you okay?" Jake asks as I put the truck in park outside their house.

I slam my truck door and sit on the front porch, "Oh, me? I'm doing great, it's really the time to be alive. Maybe you were right, I'm better off without him. I've gotten through my life without him just fine. I didn't need him when I skipped a grade, or when Mom was diagnosed or when they told me I had ADHD, or when my Dad died and I sure as Hell don't need him now. Paul, is he always that big of an ass?"

He laughs at my question nodding before our conversation was interrupted by Sam, who just appeared out of the woods that surround the house's backside. I mumble goodbye to Jacob before getting into my truck and leaving them without making any effort to talk to my brother.

At the limit between La Push and Forks, a shirtless guy runs out in front of my truck causing me to give myself a case of serious whiplash while barely missing their dumbass. "What the Hell?! Watch where you're going dumbass!" I scream at them leaning out of my window to see the guy that almost became roadkill, Sam.

Nonchalantly, he waltzes over to my passenger side door and gets in, "Why are you in my car?" He shrugs his shoulders and buckles indicating that he wasn't leaving.  "If you don't get out of my car in five seconds I will have you arrested. My uncle is the Chief of Police so please don't test me," I threatened glaring at him but he just laughs and doesn't move a muscle. 


I interrupt him, "You haven't earned the right to call me that. Call me Dakota or by my last name but we aren't at nickname stage yet, Buck-o."

He raises his hands in surrender, solemnly nodding, "Right, my bad. Dakota, I'm sorry about Paul and how things went down back at the house. He's been going through some stuff lately and has a really bad temper. I'm also sorry about Tala, that must be really hard on you. But really I'm here to say that if you are interested, I would love to get to know you and be the big brother I never got to be for you."

I've always wanted a brother, which is why Jake and I got along so well when we were younger, and felt as if there was something missing but little did I know that he was the literal part of me that was missing, the part that never would have been fulfilled if I hadn't met him and he was right that everything with Mom was hard on me and now all I want is my family.

I hadn't realized I didn't move from where I almost hit him until I looked back to the road, grateful that there were no cars around that urged me to move from my spot in the middle of the road, "It's okay, I've been a hothead all my life. Mom always said I got it from her side of the family, and especially now that I'm angry all the time because of everything with Mom so the stuff at the house wasn't completely y'alls fault. I'm sorry too, for how I reacted at your house and that I just showed up in your life. I would really love for us to get to know each other, I've always wanted a brother."

"Great then. Would you like to come over tomorrow and hang out, talk?" He asks with the biggest smile on his face. His smile was even like our mother's. I nod smiling back at him and he happily hops out of the truck and jogs into the forest that lines the road.

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