chapter xxxvi

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Edward walks out of the crowded living room and we follow him outside, far enough away to ensure none of his family members could hear what he had to say. "I always knew you'd destroy her," Jacob admits in an I-Told-You-So manner. 

Edward sighs looking defeated because he obviously agrees, "She thinks Carlisle can turn her at the last minute, like he did for me and Esme." 

I run my fingers through my wild curls, "Can he?" 

Edward shrugs, fiddling with the hem of his shirt, "Probability is slight. And if her heart fails..." He doesn't finish the sentence, he doesn't need to because we knew exactly what he'd do based of his actions in March when he thought she was dead. "Look, guys, I need you to do something for me." Jacob gave a bitter laugh and turns from him but I nodded, willing to help my cousin. "For her. You have a connection with her that I'll never understand. Maybe you could talk to her, change her mind. You can keep her alive." 

"And if I can't?" Jake asks. 

"If she dies, you get what you always wanted. To kill me," Edward offers. Jacob smirks, agreeing to go in and try to talk her out of it. 

"Edward, Bella is Bella. Once she's made up her mind on something, you know as well as anyone that there is no changing her mind. I will gladly help in any means possible but if you're right and he can't save her, I can't be around for it and neither should you or Jake." 

"Wait..." he calls after me as I mount my bike. 


He walks over to me and looked into my eyes, clearly trying to read my mind. "How is it that every single one of our abilities are ineffectual on you? And how could you possibly know if that thing is a girl, or one of us and has powers?" He asks perplexed by the situation. 

I kick start my bike shrugging, "I don't know? How is any of this stuff possible?"

As I'm parking my bike out front beside my truck, I hear Jake's howl. I strip my clothes off, leaving them in a pile behind a tree and Phase, sprinting in the direction of the lumberyard. I could see and hear his thoughts. You know that saying "seeing red", this way quite literally the embodiment of that saying. In my ears all around me I heard the Pack's yelling, "JAKE! JAKE! JAKE! JAKE! JAKE! JAKE!"

Sometimes being able to read each other's thoughts come in handy because Jake's mind was blanketed by his complete hatred for the Cullens, Bella, Everything. I reiterated the events that took place at the Cullen's home not even 10 minutes ago. 

Paul turns his head to Jake, "IS IT TRUE, JACOB?"

Quil looks at me, interpreting my information on the gender was some kind of knowledge, "WHAT WILL IT BE?"

Paul looks at the image of Bella's huge stomach that's embedded in Jake and I's brains, "IT'S GROWING FAST." I nod, trying to shake that image out of my mind. 

"IT'S UNNATURAL," Leah growls, listening in on all of our thoughts and my total replay of the Cullens. 

"DANGEROUS," Jared adds, thinking about how close to death Bella looks. 

"MONSTROSITY," Sweet little Quil spits, showing the severity of this situation.

I look at Embry and whimper, overwhelmed and ready to cry as Paul yells, "AN ABOMINATION" overlapping on Quil's "ON OUR LAND!" 

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