chapter xxxi

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The boys carry Jake into his room and Billy looks at us frantic, asking what happened to his son. "A fucking Baby Vamp wrapped his arms around Jake and crushed half the bones in his body," I explain, leaving the house.

I run outside falling on the ground and start repeatedly punching the ground. Punching the ground is the only thing I can do from Phasing right now, it's keeping me from going and tearing apart every single Cullen for putting Jake in the position to get hurt. Everyone else slowly exits the small house, standing around listening to Jake's screams and watching me break my hand against the Earth. We get to Billy's and not 15 minutes later, Dr. Cullen arrives in his black Mercedes-Benz with the meds to help Jake's healing. But with our extremely high body temperature, I know that he's going to burn through that in less time than he has for it to reduce any of the pain.

Paul picks me up off the ground, sitting me on the railing of the porch next to Embry. He looks at me, "Kota, are you okay?"

I shake my head no and he pulls me to him, enclosing me in a tight hug, "Is it bad that I really want to go rip the Cullens to a thousand pieces for putting Jake in this position?" He chuckles shaking his head no and plants a tender kiss on my forehead.

Bella's truck pulls up, sputtering, as Jake screams again for the 37th time since we've brought him home. She hurriedly climbs out of the truck, stumbling over her own feet. When she reaches the porch, a loud cry of Jake's excruciating pain fills the air again, resonating in the silence of the night, 38. I bury my face into Paul's shoulder, pained to hear him in such agony, as does the rest of the Pack and Bella, who flinches at the sound of Jake's cries. Emily puts an arm around Billy's shoulders, his eyes glazed over from the swell of tears for his only son, who is in immeasurable amounts of pain all because of Bella Swan.

Quil breaks the silence from us, leaning again the Black's faded red house, "It's been going on for a while."

We stagger nods in agreement, not wanting to listen to his cries any longer. "Doc's rebreaking his bones," Embry mumbles next to Paul and me.

Bella looks completely horrified by what Dr. Cullen is doing to Jake at the moment. I can't look at her anymore so I rebury my face into Paul's shoulder. She is the reason he's in this condition in the first place, her and her little beloved bloodsuckers. If she'd never dated Cullen, never met Victoria to get on her hit list, if she'd just picked Jake instead of Edward in March, Jake wouldn't be in this pain. I hate her, a part of me can't wait until she changes so I can tear her apart for all the shit she's put all of us and Charlie through.

Leah has been pacing since we got here, her guilt overwhelming her with each painfilled noise Jake makes, "Why'd he have to butt in? I could've taken that tick..."

I growl at Leah wanting to hurt her like that Baby Vamp hurt Jake, if she'd listened to Jasper than Jake wouldn't hurt right now. She's as much to blame as Bella. Paul pulls me closer to him, ensuring I can't attack her, running a hand over my hair, "Oh, give it a rest, Leah."

Carlisle opens the screen door, leaving the Black house with Sam behind him. At the sound of the door opening, I lift my face to see them exit. Dr. Cullen walks over to Billy but still delivers the news loudly so we all hear him, "The worst is over. He'll be alright."

Billy exhales heavily, tears threatening to spill. Sam puts a hand on Billy's shoulder and Emily wraps an arm around Sam's waist. I wrap my arms around Paul's neck, relieved to hear some good news. Carlisle smiles softly at us, "I gave him some morphine, but his body temperature will burn it off soon. I'll come back to set up a drip."

Billy takes Carlisle's hand, tightly gripping it, "Thank you."

Carlisle nods smiling. He walks to his car that's parked beside Bella's truck, turning to Bella, "He's asking for you." He climbs into his car hurriedly driving away.

We all look at Bella, giving her a deadly look. Before she enters the door I clear my throat to catch her attention, "Hey Bella. If you hurt him anymore than you've already done, I will do to you what that little leech did to him. And the bad thing for you is that you don't have accelerated healing and I'm willing to kill your little Mind Reader just to be a vindictive bitch. And it's not like any of them could know or see what I'm planning because their gifts don't work on me. So try me Bells. Oh and congratulations on your engagement."

She looks at me, slightly scared of my heavily emphasized threat before hesitantly entering the house. When she goes into the house, Paul and the Pack burst into laughter even Sam and Billy, who I thought would disapprove of my threat. Their collective laughter made my hardass facade fade away and laugh with them.

"How can you go from threatening her to congratulating her? You're adorable, scary as Hell but adorable," Sam loudly laughs, holding onto Emily.

Billy throws his head back, laughing, "Just like your mother."

Paul's barking laugh is extremely loud in my ear, making me squirm trying to escape his hold on me. He tightens his hold looking deep into my eyes and leaning in, moving closer to my mouth. I lean in too but when he thought our lips were going to meet, I licked his nose. He let go of me to wipe his nose off and I quickly jumped away and ran to Embry, laughing my ass off.

Everyone except for Paul joins in with my laughter, Embry leaned down and whispered into my ear, "You've got him so whipped and y'all aren't even together."

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