chapter xxiii

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"Some say the world will end in fire. Some say in ice... From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire. But if I had to perish twice. I think I know enough of hate, To say that, for destruction, Ice, is also great. And would suffice," I mumble to myself sitting on the window ledge above the fridge in Sam's kitchen.

This damn English final is going to kick my butt but I'm just glad that I'm graduating in a month because the sooner I graduate, the sooner I get away from the leech that sneaks into Bella's bedroom every night. A grape is tossed up from the kitchen counter and it hits my forehead. I look down to see who threw it at while I read and see Paul laughing hysterically on the bar stools.

I hop down softly landing on the ground, "You know, I've got an English final. I gotta focus and not get hit in the head by flying fruit." I pluck a grape out of the bowl and bounce it off his nose, giggling.

He looks at me, surprised, "Oh? So we're gonna play that game, huh?"

He grabs a handful and starts chasing me out of the house throwing one at me every few strides until he runs out and just chases me until I Phase, knowing I'll out run him on four legs because I'm the fastest. Paul Phases behind me snipping at my heels. I could hear everything he was thinking, how he was feeling. With every stride he took he wanted to be closer to me, not in the platonic way, all of his thoughts I encompassed and he felt something beyond something I could fathom, deep love and need to protect. 

Shit, he Imprinted on me.

"PAUL UNPHASE RIGHT THE HELL NOW! SAM, I CAN HEAR YOU TOO! BOTH OF YOU!" I scream in my head as I duck behind a tree that I have clothes tucked into to Unphase.

I hear footsteps, five sets of them. Behind the other side of the tree I see Jake, Sam, Embry, Quil and Paul. I growl at the sight of Paul and the other boys take a huge step back from him, knowing that this wasn't going to be pretty.

"PAUL LAHOTE! How dare you freaking Imprint on me?!" I scream at him hitting his chest shocking every one of them with my rage. Sam chuckles to himself which makes me angrier, "And you freaking knew! You all knew and decided to leave me in the damn dark like some nitwit!"

I stomp away until I reach Sam's front door slamming it behind me to collect my things and leave. "Kota wait! Let me-"

I whipped my head around to see the boys behind me with Paul in the front, "Oh no! You don't get to explain anything to me. I don't want your explanations. And I don't want to be your Imprint. All any of you have done was lie to me, since day one. When did you Imprint, when we first met?"

Paul looks really upset by my anger and it almost makes me feel bad for my overreaction but I just found out I was his soulmate through his thoughts and not being told. Any normal person would be pissed, it's like having someone tell you that you're adopted before your parents told you.

Sam sits me down on the bar stool to make sure I don't run away again and Paul sighs looking me in the eyes, "Kota, I'm sorry for Imprinting on you but there isn't anything I can do to change it. I didn't Imprint on you until the night you Phased, that was the first time I saw you since I Phased. Seeing you across the clearing with your blonde hair everywhere and everything about you was strong, everything else became secondary to me, even breathing. The only thing that mattered to me was you and your well being. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner but I could never find the right way to tell you because like Sam said it's the most important thing for us and you don't get an opportunity to do that. I do and everything that I am and will ever be will be to honor and protect you."

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