chapter xxxiii

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Embry's words embedded into my thoughts for the next few weeks. Was I really fighting whatever feelings I had for Paul or was he completely insane and misreading the entire situation? Bella's wedding was today and Sam and Paul keep on arguing about whether or not Seth and I are going. With or without their permission I'm going for Charlie because this is going to be very hard for him. 

"Sam, they can't go. Think about all the bloodsuckers that are going to be there. They won't be safe," Paul attempts reasoning with him but Sam isn't swayed, knowing that I'm going with or without their blessing and I'm taking Seth with me. 

"Are you concerned about their safety or hers," Billy asks pointing in my direction. He must have picked up on Paul's Imprint because I know no one has told him. 

"Paul, get on board or shut up because I'm going with or without your approval because this is my cousin's wedding and I have the right to go regardless of how much I wanna kill the groom," I tell him before going up my stairs and getting dressed for the wedding.

The wedding party was supposed to wear purple so I stayed away from that color, choosing a dress I found in my mom's closet, a coral dress with squares and stripes over it. Putting the last pin in my hair, I go down the stairs to head to the wedding with Sue Clearwater, Billy and Seth. 

The four of us pull into the space next to Charlie, "Charlie!" I crash into him, squeezing him a little to hard. He laughs in my ear, stepping back to take a look at me so I do a little spin, making everyone chuckle at my goofiness. 

"You look amazing, Kiddo," he compliments before making his way into the Cullen's beautiful home with Renee. 

Seth pushes Billy halfway down the aisle to find an empty row for us to be in peace, away from the bloodsuckers that are in attendance. Classical music plays in the background as we patiently wait for the wedding to begin. A breeze blows bringing the stinging stench of the blonde group of vamps that are talking to Alice across the way, causing Seth and I to tense up and softly snarl. We weren't the only ones to notice the new group of extraordinary beauties that are "related" to the Cullens, my friends from school, who sit in the row ahead of us, are drooling over them. "They have got to be related," Eric dreamily says to Mike. 

I scoff as Mike sighs, "What a gene pool." 

Jessica rolls her eyes at Mike, who she finally started dating, pointing at the corner of his mouth, "You've got some... The drool." 

Mike scrunches up his face and wipes the corners of his mouth with his jacket sleeve as Jessica turns to Angela, "So, you think Bella's gonna be showing?"

Seth and I choke on our laughter, holding each other's forearm and hitting our thighs, but Angela shakes her head, "Jess, she is not pregnant." 

Jess slumps her shoulders looking back over her shoulder to see that Bella and Charlie are exiting the house and down the aisle toward the altar, "Okay. Who else gets married at 18?"

I lean in to Seth's ear as we all stand up from our seats as Bella walks down the aisle, "Dumb humans who are marrying a leech."

Walking past me, Bella gives me a nervous happy smile. I may not agree with her choices, especially what she's marrying, but I'm really glad that she has someone who makes her this happy. As soon as her eyes left mine, she looks ahead to meet her husband-to be's and instantly becomes filled with a radiant energy that can only be translated to pure joy and love. Charlie gives her away to Edward, kissing his only daughter on the cheek and slowly walks to his seat in the front row beside Renee. With his return, everyone in attendance sits down too. 

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