chapter xxx

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The sun's morning rays broke through the La Push clouds as dawn tore through the veil of night. Uncertain doom for the Newborns is inevitable, it has to be or I couldn't live with myself. Birds must sense that something is going down today because not one sound came with the first light of day like they would any other day. Looking out the window, it's somber and dull, without life. Alice said the army would arrive at the Sun's highest which tended to be noon. The anxiety, worry and anticipation kept me awake for the entirety of the night. My reflection is visible off the window's glass panel, I look dreadful and dead, as the life that once shone in my eyes has vanished. The treble clef and the howling wolf that live on my neck, chime with each movement I make. I slowly tiptoe down the stairs to prevent the shrieking cries of the wooden steps in the vain attempt to keep the silence, only to be disappointed by the creaking wood panels under foot calling for attention.

"You look like shit," Jared yawns into his mug of what can only be coffee.

Plastering the fakest smile I could muster onto my face, I take his cup from him and drain it. "Opposed to any other day?" I mumble, scraping the blue mug on the wood lacquered table.

The remark that typically would earn snickers or piggyback jokes resonated in the air, dying as they left my lips. Sam shuffles into the room where the Pack sits, running his hand through his ink black hair, "Today's the day. You all know what to do. Stay safe."

We all nod leaving the home to Phase and head to where this is all taking place but before I leave the room, I snake my arms around my brother's body. Reciprocating my actions, he squeezes me tighter and plants a kiss on the top of my head. "I love you," I whisper not wanting to leave the safety and warmth of his grasp.

"I love you too Kid."

Phasing was easy, thinking of something that angers me beyond any and all comparison was as simple as breathing. The curly blonde fur erupted from my bare skin with the leather strip tied to my left ankle that carries my clothing. The Pack follows the Alpha to the clearing with anticipation, running a crusade within our connection. We wait in a line, ready for the signal to join the party. A wall of repulsive aromas travel up wind to us, the Newborns, our signal that the fight has begun.

We pounce forward, growling at the sea of red eyes. You could see their thirst screaming to be quenched in their crimson eyes, all wanting Bella's blood but her scent trail ends here and here is where they too would end. They're confused but quickly distracted by one of their own crashing to the grass, dead upon the arrival of Jasper. I take his arrival as my cue to attack springing forward at the frenzy of Baby Vamps. Half turn to Jasper and his family's attacks while the other half comes in my direction. Two sprint at me, the rest dividing amongst the rest of the Pack.

"KOTA, YOUR LEFT!" Leah yells behind me, informing me that another one has joined the party.

A white girl with wild brown hair swipes at my paws but as she pulls away I snapped her head off her neck, scaring her companion. He stops for an eighth of a second, enough time for me to rip his head off his shoulders as well. The third was a girl who couldn't be more than 15, but she wasn't advancing me and ran in the opposite direction.

Emmett sprints full force into a man who was about his size, knocking him beside me and Paul. We tear him to pieces as Emmett moved to his next Newborn. These Newborns are strong as fuck. When Paul and I finished tearing apart Carbon Copy Emmett, a Mexican kid punched me in the ribcage sending me flying in the opposite direction. From behind me, Jacob charges into the clearing, tackling a newborn, going for it's neck. Sam sees Jake's target and charges him too getting an arm in his mouth, ripping him in half.

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