chapter xxxiv

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Sam, Emily, Jared, Kim, Jared's Imprint, Paul and I were playing soccer on First Beach. Quil Imprinted on Emily's niece, Claire, and she's a toddler. I truly don't understand Imprinting, how are the Ancestors going to pick and choose who we're supposed to be with? It's almost sadistic in a way, the feelings are overwhelming and consuming and if their Imprint doesn't want them they're in actual pain. I have finally come to the conclusion that Embry was right and Imprinting on someone is not something I necessarily care about. I jog over to Embry, Jake, Seth and Leah since the boys are sitting there ball hogging. 

"Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash. Or tripped and fell off a cliff," Jacob says to Embry, staring out at the water as it crashes into the shore. 

Realizing I had wandered away from the game, Paul passes the ball was left of Jared. The ball is kicked in my direction and Paul yells to me, beckoning me to rejoin the game, "Keep it in play! Keep it in play! Come on! Come on! Come on!" I pass the ball back to Paul, who's dancing like an idiot for no reason. 

"At least I'll get one thing out of it," Jake sinisterly adds, picturing his biting off Edward Cullen's head. 

I chuckle, liking the idea of killing some of the Cullen clan, but Sam catches the ball, looking at Jake with such distaste, "No, you won't. Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe." 

Jacob scowls at him, grabbing a handful of sand, "Well, he's either gonna kill her or change her. And the Treaty says..." 

Sam cuts him off, tossing the ball between his hands, "I say, Jacob. I say." 

Sam throws the ball back down to Paul and Jared, chasing after it. Jake watches him with the hate of a thousand men and I can't blame him because half the time I want to kill the Cullens for all the crap they put me and my family through. "You know, if you wanted things different, you should've become Alpha," Embry says, hearing Jake's cursing of our Alpha. 

Jacob shrugs, twiddling a piece of wet bark between his thumb and index finger, "Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time."

I jog back over to my brother and am pulled down to the picnic blanket by my Imprinter. I fall on top of him laughing, having been taken by surprise. "Let go of me you idiot," I demand, still laughing. 

Paul shakes his head no, tightening his arms around my waist, "Never. You're being held captive." 

I stick my tongue out at him as if I was Claire's age and he does the same, licking the side of my face. I squirm out of his hold screaming like a little girl, he finally paid me back for licking his nose when Jake got hurt by that Baby Vamp. I keep running, straight to Embry hiding behind him. 

Seth looks at the group of the Imprints, almost enviously, "At least they seem happy." 

I laugh behind Embry as Paul comes closer to us, "I'm not happy. I'm being attacked!" 

Embry and Leah laugh at me, as though they don't believe me. Embry rolls his eyes, flipping me over his shoulder to throw me at Paul, "Yeah, some people are just lucky, I guess." 

Jacob stares at Quil and Claire, I know what he's thinking in regards to that pairing because I'm thinking the same, "Lucky? None of them belong to themselves anymore. And the sickest part is their genes tell them they're happy about it." 

I nod sliding off of Embry's lap and going back toward the group of Imprints, feeling like I'm not really welcomed in that small group based off of Jake's feelings toward Imprints and all that. Though I myself have expressed the same thoughts and feeling, I feel that I'm still somehow viewed as one of the Imprinters.

"Least if you imprinted on someone, you'd finally forget about Bella. I mean, being any kind of happy is better than being miserable about someone you can't have," Leah offers, staring at Emily and Sam. 

Finally alone, I sit on my couch alone reading through the newest Harry Potter book when I came across this phrase, "When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love." Obsessive love... also known as Imprinting. I don't think she was talking about this when writing that phrase but it's more evident than she realized. Perhaps Embry was right, maybe I need to stop fighting this obsessive love Paul has for me, maybe I need to let this happen. 


The rules at my house are quite simple: you knock before entering, don't eat all of my food and DO NOT wear your shoes inside my house. 

"Who's here to eat my food today?" I holler at the door from my curled up ball of limbs and blankets on my couch, too comfy to move. 

"It's just me," Paul announces, plopping down on the couch next to me.

I look to his feet, seeing that he still had his shoes on. I furrow my brows and purse my lips, "Paul... why do you have your shoes on in my house?" 

His expression shifted from surprised to scared then he started smirking at me, taking my blankets and pulling my legs toward him. I start kicking and hitting him, annoyed that he was sitting there messing around after he broke one of my only rules. He wraps his callused hands around my wrists, pulling my body closer to him, "Let me go Paul." 

His lips crash onto mine, releasing my wrists and holding my face in his hands. We pull apart looking at each other for a second before I run out of the house, straight in the direction of Billy's because I was supposed to have lunch with him and Charlie. 

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