chapter xxi

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"Harry Clearwater just had a heart attack!"

Time seemed to have slowed down, everything and everyone around me raced as though they were on Speed, but I felt unmoved. I just stare at the leg of the table, the closest thing to be eye level besides a person, still slumped on the ground not finding the will to move from my position. Someone's arms goes under my legs and one pressed me to their bare chest as they carried me to the front seat of my truck. Placing me in the passenger seat, Paul puts the keys into the ignition slowly driving me down the long winding roads that lead to Charlie's residence. "Dakota? Are you okay? Say something," Paul commands when we're at a red light.

I nod my head slowly, watching the red light flicker to the dull green. Continuing down the road Paul keeps watching me out of the corner of his eye until he parks in my driveway turning off my truck. "Thanks for driving me home," I mumble unbuckling and reaching for my door but I stop, smelling something repulsive. I growl wrinkling up my nose, "What is that smell?"

"Bloodsuckers," Paul growls looking at my house, I'm the only one home so we could Phase.

I start to get out of my seat, preparing my mind to Phase, only to have Paul's large hand wraps around my wrist wrenching my body back into the cab, "Kota. We technically have no claim here if a Cullen is back. Please be careful."

I smile and nod assuring him I would when I get out of the truck and Paul starts jogging in the direction of the woods to Phase. I slowly put my key in the lock, turning the brass knob walking slowly and cautiously in case I do need to Phase. A petite figure with chin length black hair stands in the middle of the living room, staring forward the pictures on the mantle.


Bella, who I didn't hear open the door, tackles Alice in a hug. Alice looks awestruck when Bella bursts into the room, like she's seen a ghost, "You're... alive."

I feel the increasing heat of my core temperature radiate throughout my body, ready to Phase, as she looks over Bella's shoulder at me. "Oh my God, Alice. You're here," Bella cries in her best friends shoulder, happy to finally see her again.

Alice pulls herself away to look Bella in the eyes, "I heard voices, I didn't think it was you but- you're alive."

Can vampires go into shock because this one keeps mumbling the same goddamn thing as if it's supposed to mean something. "You keep saying that," I growl at her to earn a disapproving look from Bella, I now understand why Paul calls her a leech lover.

Alice gives me the same small smile she held for Bella, "I saw Bella, a vision of her. You jumped off a cliff. I knew I'd be too late but, Why the hell would you try to kill yourself?!"

Alice was pissed, I quickly put myself between my cousin and her, not risking anything. "I didn't. I was cliff diving," Bella mumbles behind my shoulder.

"Why?!" Alice exclaimed, still unsure on why Bella would participate in the adrenaline rushing activity.

"Um... fun?" Bella picks at her fingernails not looking at Alice.

Alice cocks her dark eyebrow at her, "That was fun for you."

"Until I hit the water," Bella admits, making me snort calming me down a little but not enough to make me not want to tear the Cullen to pieces for everything they put Bella through and for merely existing.

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