Chapter Six

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I've been in my room for over a week because I had been avoiding Zeke. He found out about Uriel which made me anxious because I didn't want him to know about someone who looked exactly like him.

I decided to leave my room since I was much better and the fact I was a merman helped my wounds heal fast. I checked to see Zeke wasn't home before I went into town.

I was walking around when I heard my name. I looked back to see Neon calling me out before I waited for him. Neon wasn't alone, he had his nephew Joseph and his mother with him.

"Uncle Ariel!!!" I heard Joseph shout excitedly.

"Ariel. We haven't seen you for sometime, how are you?" Neon asked as I nodded in response.

"Would you love to come over to our place for dinner?" Marta, Joseph's mother asked but I shook my head.

"I'll pass. Thank you for your generosity." I replied then she smiled in understanding.

"Marta, you both can go ahead, I'll help Ariel out." Neon said before Marta nodded and held Joseph who waved goodbye to me.

"I didn't really need much assistance." I informed him but then he shook his head.

"Ariel I just wanted to help out a little. Can I?" He asked and I reluctantly nodded.

We were walking down town silently before Neon coughed and I looked at him.

"About the other day, I wanted to know what you feel for me?" He asked as I pauses and then looked at the sky.

"Neon I don't want to lead you on but I don't think I can ever love you back." I explained as I avoided his gaze.

"Is it because of that guy?" He asked then I blushed a little before I shook my head.

"Not exactly."

"But there is a chance he is." I stared at him before I nodded.

"You may not understand it but Zeke is special. We didn't start off well but he isn't a bad person when you believe in him. His not the reason I'm cutting you out but his the reason I have to." I explained before I walked about but I felt Neon's hand on my shoulders.

"Neon what is..." I was cut off by Neon's lips on mine.

I froze as Neon kissed me expecting for me to respond before I pushed him away and then my expression change from comfort to stoic.

"Never do that again. Forget about me Neon, it's for your own good." I said before I walked away.

I went back home ignoring Neon's calling of my name when I left him to surprising smell something so delicious. I walked to the kitchen to see Uriel preparing a meal.

This had been the first time that I had ever seen Uriel in the kitchen since I met him. He cooked for me but then I never left my room to see him cook it which was fascinating at how skilled his hands were.

Uriel turned his back when he sensed me peeping at him making me to bump my head on the wood when I tried to run away. I rubbed the pain on my forehead as Uriel rushed to me and quickly examined my face.

"Are you okay? It's just a scratch." He said before he went to where the first aid was and placed a band-aid on the little bruise I sustained which would heal soon but it was nice having someone care for me.

"I have to go." I said as I stood up from where I was squatting but Zeke then blocked the door.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asked me but I had to be honest.


"Why? Is it about my sin?"

"No! Because I don't want to talk about my mate." I said sadly before I looked up at Zeke.

"Please excuse me." I said and then he excused me before I heard my music box.

I turned back looking at Zeke who looked at me in curiosity and then I walked up to him quickly and took my music box and gave him an angry expression.

"You have no right to go through my stuffs!!" I shouted but surprisingly Zeke was calm.

"I saw it in the open and then I saw it looks peculiar so in the process of cleaning, I dropped it and then it opened and then this song started playing. I also saw the sculpture. Ariel please answer my questions." He begged with soft eyes and then I felt a slight pain.

"Zeke please just forget everything you just saw and heard." I requested but then something stopped me.

I felt a strange pain in my chest before I turned back to see Zeke giving a disappointed and angry expression. I felt disheartened but I wasn't ready to talk about Uriel. I walked to my room and closed it behind me.

I wanted to move on because deep down I really did care for Zeke especially since he was new mate. I really wanted to be held by Zeke, go swimming with him, eat his cooking and joke around with him. I wanted to hug him and never get out from bed but I was scared.

I was scared that if I moved on then I would be making my love for Uriel seem cheap, look like it was just to fulfill the task of being mates but no I really loved Uriel. I was just didn't want to forget him so soon.

"Uriel please tell me what to do?" I cried softly as I hugged the music box to my chest tightly. "I'm so confused." I added before I fell slowly to the floor.

Ariel didn't want to tell me about his mate who looked exactly like me. I knew something about him wasn't human and seeing that music box proved it to me. He was a merman but I needed to hear him tell me.

Ariel was a strong, brave, daring but kind soul. He could be difficult at times but he was forgiving too. His mate wasn't human too more reasons for me to question him.

I knew that trying to force him was wrong but gentle approach without conviction was something Ariel didn't need. I just needed to plan properly to show him how his withdrawn nature affects both himself and the people around him.

I felt a strange pull towards Ariel and I wasn't willing to let him go so easily. I was determined to heal him and complete the whole in his heart. I just wish he would let me. I just wished he wasn't being forced to hold onto the shackles that he forced himself to hold because deep down, I saw how bad he wanted to break free.

I promise to the god of the seven seas, I'll free you from your shackles.

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