Chapter Eighteen

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It's been two weeks since Red was kidnapped. We've been trying to locate him but it's proving difficult.

I sat in our room with Ocean in my hands. He seemed uneasy ever since Red was missing and was only comfortable in my arms unless he was hungry and let anyone carry him.

He was asleep as he sucked his thumb and then I gently laid him on the bed made for him. He was so angelic and his resemblance to Red was outstanding, I just hopped he wouldn't be as small as him, not that I care because his adorable.

"I'll take care of him now, you can rest." April said as she leaned on the door.

"Any news?" I asked as I massaged my head.

"No. But we're hoping for one soon." She responded and then I nodded.

I was about to lay down to sleep since I wasn't sleeping properly when maid banged the door open and was panting for air.

"News from the King... Lord Ariel... Has been located." She said in between pants and then I quickly stood up and ran to where Eric would be staying.

I entered the room to see Adella and Arista. They seemed a bit relieved and then they hugged me before they had me sit down.

"Arista knows where Ariel is. Apparently she pulled some stings with a dealer and then he gave her the information we needed." Eric informed me as I sighed in relief.

"The place isn't guarded since Argus' magic is strong but unfortunately getting out will be difficult unless he wants it down." Arista added before I rubbed my forehead.

"Fortunately Argus has a flaw." Adella informed me while I looked at her.

"He hates being underestimated. If you challenge him with your terms and conditions then he'll fight you." She added and then I started to think about what she said.

"Then we send a message to Argus using one of his messengers. I challenge him to a death match." I said and then all of them gasped.

"Zeke don't be reckless, if you lose then my brother will also suffer a lose since you both are mated." Adella said with a worried expression.

"I can't stay here and do nothing. My son knows his missing and is uneasy without him, I promised to protect him and if this is the way I have to, it's worth the risk." I explained and then they all kept silent.

"I know you want Ariel back but I suggest that you be patient and let's think of a better solution." Eric suggested then I sighed and nodded.

"Here is what we have to do." He continued and then he started making strategies.

Red I promise you, I'll find you and I'll save you.

Everywhere was fuzzy and unclear and I knew I was in a vision. I slowly walked down the halls in the unfamiliar environment.

I heard crying like that of a baby's and I walked to I stopped in front of the door where I heard the baby cries.

The doors opened on its own and then I saw Zeke on a rocking chair with Ocean in his hands. He started cooing and then when I looked into his eyes, I knew he wasn't Zeke.

"Uriel?" I asked in confusion and then he smiled at me.

"Your boy is really beautiful. I wish I was living to caress him." He said before he brought his hand to Ocean and Ocean gripped it gently.

"Are you mad at me because I moved on?" I asked sadly but he smiled and shook his head.

"I'm proud of you for choosing to leave. Watching you suffer was more than I could bear." He responded and then slowly the environment changed into the beautiful ocean corals that he was buried.

"This is the last time mate. Can I hold you one last time?" He asked as he opened his hands and then I shook my head.

"Your already dead. I'm glad I got to see, I wish that your soul rest peacefully." I said and then started to swim away but paused and looked at him.

"I loved you and I'm happy that you ever came into my life even if we never ended up together. Thank you for being my history." I said and then I turned my back.

A tear strayed Uriel's eye and fell down his cheek. He slowly started to disappear from memory.

I opened my eyes and then I touched my cheeks to see it was wet with tears but this were tears of happiness and a new beginning.

I was wearing my shirt when the door barged open and then November came inside. He looked panicked and then behind him stood Argus.

"Argus please don't do this! His my friend!" November shouted and then Argus kept a strict face.

"His mortal challenged me and I will have to teach him a lesson." Argus responded but November hugged me as he shook his head.

"But forcing away a mating mark might kill him or it'll mentally affect him. I'd rather die than see you do something horrible." November said as he started crying.

He was trying to force out the mating mark. That was outrageous and life threatening.

"Please Argus." November pleaded on my behalf with tears but Argus refused.

"I don't need a child deciding for me. Get out!" He commanded but November held me tighter.

"Never!" He shouted back and then I looked at Argus in the eyes.

He too was in pain, I found it weird and then I looked where his eyes were settling to see it focused in November. I was right when I said he was interested in the human.

"Fine! I'll accept the challenge but till then, you both will be locked here." He said before I felt chains attaching themselves on my legs.

He left and then the doors were shut and then November was crying. I felt bad for the human but it concerned me and I was surprised that I wasn't in tears, rather I was calm because I felt Zeke's energy close by.

"His here isn't he?" I asked and then November looked at me before he nodded.

"Why won't Argus let me see him?" I asked and then he looked guilty.

"What are you not telling me?" I asked but he shook his head. "November please tell me, it's about Zeke." He then saw my desperation and then decided to talk.

"He challenged Argus to a fight to the death and I'm afraid." He said softly.

"Afraid of what?"

"Of Argus killing him."

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