Chapter Eleven

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We got to my home but went to Eric's castle. Alana had returned directly to the sea while Andrina chose to stay behind with me and Zeke.

Zeke was surprised to see the big castle and then laughed when he remembered how he used to rub from the fancy and rich. I was walking down the hall when I heard an excited squeal.

I and Zeke turned back to see a blonde lady carrying an excited squealing two years old girl. Melody looked just like her dad with the black hair and the blue eyes but she took her mother's complexion who was carrying her.

"Aric or should I say Ariel, it's so good to see you." Queen April said before Melody jumped into my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Queen April." I said politely as I bowed in respect.

"No need for the formalities. We're both royals, so might as well just treat each other as equals."

"Okay. Where's Eric and Merlin?" I asked as I held Melody tightly.

"Spending quality time since Merlin has a cold." She responded before she looked back and finally noticed Zeke.

"And who is the handsome man behind?" She asked and then Zeke waved at her.

"I'm Zeke. Ariel's husband." He introduced himself to April making me blush.

April smiled when she saw my expression before she faced Zeke.

"Welcome, please have lunch with me before the meeting." She invited Zeke who walked beside her and they started to talk.

We sat in the large dining hall where April had Zeke beside her as they both told jokes, laughing away their manners. I stared at them as I felt unhappy at the lack of attention from Zeke but I didn't say anything as I minded my food.

"I'm surprised how a half breed was able to marry into money." Zeke said and then April laughed.

"I laugh too at the thought. It's was hard leaving the sea that I never felt was home to come to my father's land. I'm glad I did if not I won't have met my mate and had these two troublemakers." April stated before she looked at me who didn't spear them a glance.

"I should stop talking much with you before Red gets jealous." Zeke confessed making me to blush hard.

"I guess so. But Red is a very cute name for a rather stubborn prince." April pointed as she teased me with her eyes making me to sink in my chair in embarrassment.

After the meal, we went to the sea where I saw Eric's ship loading out chairs, canopy and refreshments on the tables. I watched as Eric came forward holding Merlin in his hand before he kissed his wife.

He turned to see Zeke and stared at him from up to down before he looked at me who was in Zeke's arms.

"You had told me that your new lover looked like Uriel but I didn't expect this much similarity." Eric commented before he stretched his hand towards Zeke.

"A pleasure to finally meet you Zeke. Aric writes a lot about you." He commented before he looked at me before he coughed. "Pardon, I meant Ariel."

"It's okay your highness." I responded before I saw he politely dragged me away from Zeke.

"Ariel you are family. You opened my eyes and so I want you to treat me like family and call me big brother Eric." He requested before he patted my head and I hit his hand.

"You wish." I said and we both started laughing.

It hadn't been long Zeke and Eric were getting to know each other even though Zeke hated royals but it was glad he was tolerating them for me. We heard as one of the guards mentioned that my father and family had reached the surface and asked for our audience.

We walked close to the shore where I saw my father and six of my sisters who were excited to see me and waved at me except Attina who as always wanted things to be done properly. I laughed before all their attention focused on Zeke making them gasp and look in shock except Alana and Andrina.

"Ariel it's so good to have you home." Father said as he stretched his hands.

I left the embrace of Zeke and hugged my father who I have missed over the years before he pecked my forehead.

"You are as beautiful as your mother." Father complimented before I smiled a little.

Father frowned his face slightly and then he looked at Zeke and issued for Zeke to come closer.

I watched in anticipation as my father stared at Zeke and Zeke stared back into his eyes like he was changing my father. Father blinked and then Zeke laughed at him.

"Guess you lose old man." Zeke teased as I slapped my face into my hand.

Father stared at Zeke before he laughed and looked at me while shaking his head.

"It seems you have a thing for picking the daring and problematic one Ariel." Father said before he shook Zeke who accepted but was suddenly pulled into embrace.

"Thank you for making my son smile." Father appreciated him and then Zeke nodded.

"Now let's get down to business and save the pleasantries for later." Eric said before we nodded.

I watched as how everyone in the family that were humans sat down while the merfolks stayed in their habitat waiting for Red's father to speak. I admired their respect for him and kept quiet with the rest of them.

"It's bad, the situation we have with this god Argus. Apparently his interest isn't to overthrow me and take my territory as he attacks has never attacked inside Atlantica or anywhere near it." The old man explained as I paid attention to his rant.

"What does he actually want? Why rage war on your land?" Eric asked and then the eldest sister shook her head.

"We don't have a clue but all we know is that he wants to have an audience with my brother. I'm not sure when but I have a feeling it will be very soon." She explained as I saw the nervousness of Red.

"Then that is why we should be prepared for his next attack." Alana said and so that's how the rest of the meeting continued.

After the whole meeting, Red went to greet his whole family even his father as I stood by the side watching him. He was smiling like an angel making me to smile in response.

I was watching my Red when I noticed him slowly staggering before he passed out.

I ran towards Red and then held his body as I felt his head. He had a slight fever and seemed to be shivering.

"Red wake up." I told him as I gently tapped his pale cheeks.

"I'm so tired. Can I rest?" He asked weakly before I nodded and carried him.

"His tired, I'll take him to rest. Please make something for him to eat." I informed them before I carried Red into the palace.

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