1- Trouble on the double

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"Etheria is a powerful weapon you say?" Horde Prime's low voice spoke

"Yes. You need all the princesses alive to make it work and you need me to tell you how." Catra spoke from beside me, my heart thumping in anticipation as I still felt Horde Prime's cold strong grip on my cheek.

"Hmm..." He looked down at me, his four dark green eyes seemed to be glaring daggers through my skull...

Then he suddenly smiled.

"Well why didn't you say so! Glimmer, right?" He asked me, as he let go of my cheek where his sharp claws once were digging into my flesh. I nodded in response too stunned to say anything.

"Welcome esteemed guests! I'll have my servants show you around the ship. We will be working together for a while."

Is he for real-

He quickly pushed us out the door and slammed it behind us. Both Catra and I were looking wide-eyed at each other.

"You're welcome." Catra finally spoke, snapping out of her surprised trance.

I huffed.

"Your welcome? Look what you just did! We're trapped here and it's all because you decided to try and make deals with Daddy Horde or whatever his name was." I said, crossing my arms and glaring in her direction.

"But we're alive and now we might have access to the most powerful army in the universe! Seems to me like we're doing pretty good." She said, casually shrugging.

I took in a deep sigh.

"Catra. I know what you're doing but you're going to regret it. This is just going to be Hordak all over again." I spoke bluntly.

Her eyes suddenly turned into slits at the mention of his name. She grabbed my collar in a fit of rage and hissed at me.

"Don't you dare mention that low-life's name! This time it'll be different! I'll finally get what I want! I'll rule all of Etheria and not even you or Adora or your little princess friends can stop me!" She said, in a fit of desperation.

Will she ever wake up??

"Are you sure that's what you really want though?" I questioned, remembering how vulnerable she had looked just a second ago when Double Trouble had "betrayed" her just because I gave them a bit more money than Catra did.

She stopped, her eyes going wide for a second and I could suddenly see that same look she had before.... that vulnerability.... that sadness.

She quickly shook her head, instead putting on another angry expression and letting go of me, causing me to fall to the ground in both exhaustion and surprise.

"You don't know me, princess. So you shouldn't say anything. O-Of course it's what I want!" She said with a distant look in her different colored eyes, but I could tell she was saying that more to herself than she was at me.

I was about to say something, when suddenly someone cleared their throat.

I jumped a bit, before standing up as..... Hordak appeared out of the shadows?!?

But he looked different.... stronger and more muscular. He looked a lot like that Horde Prime guy. Two green eyes and a crooked smile, which made him look kinda creepy in my opinion.

"It must be one of Horde Prime's clones." Catra spoke in a low tone, as the clone approached us.

"Welcome! My master told me that you are our latest guests! Do everything master says and you will enjoy your stay!" The clone spoke in a monotone tone, almost robot like... His smile never faltered though. I was beginning to think this clone doesn't have emotions.

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