An Apology

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Moxy peeked through the blue curtains, seeing all the dolls curious and wondering looks. "You ok Moxy?" She turns to see Ox, the doll she cares for very deeply. She give out an awkward giggle and smile, "I-I'm fine just... I hope everyone won't go crazy over the news." Ox places his hand on her shoulder for support, making her smile from his caring touch. "I assure you Moxy, whatever this news may be everyone will learn to accept it." He says with a comforting smile. "I hope so.." She mutters looking away from the doll. Ox glances at the stairs noticing someone jogging over to them. "Hey Mandy!" Ox beams waving his hand. Moxy eyes light up but to only see she was alone. "Hi Ox...Moxy." "Where is he?" Moxy asks. Worry was in her voice hooping he wasn't left alone. She may be giving him a chance but she still has her doubts. Just thinking of all the awful things Lou could be doing on his own made her cringe. "He's coming." Ox stares at the two with an odd look. "Who is he?" Mandy smiles and points to the stairs. A boy slowly walks up with his arms behind him, Ox's eyes widen once he notices the doll. He jaw drops unsure of what to say. "L... Lou?" The doll smiles and avoids eye contact with the bunny, showing he was rather scared to see his old friend again. Lou stretches his arms outward to the bunny, to reveal a bundle of Calla Lilly's and yellow Orchids. The flowers were Mandy's idea. The Lilly's were to represent the change in Lou and to show how he'll continue to grow just like a flower. Whilst the Orchids were to emblem the friendship he wants back with Ox. "I... I'm sorry." Lou mutters as he cheeks become red from embarrassment. Moxy softly smiles and walks up to him, gently taking the flowers. Lou glances at her, "Thanks Lou, I can see you're already changing." He thanks her. Lou looks at Ox, to see he was smiling. But you could tell through his expression he wasn't so sure of being friends with Lou again. It'll take him some time. Mandy takes a peek to stare at the crowd, "Um Moxy? You need to go up now." Mandy says, Moxy turns and quickly nods. Almost forgetting about the crowd. Moxy winks at Lou. "Don't worry Lou, I'm sure they'll understand." She then opens the curtains, open enough to only see her. Everyone goes quiet ready to listen to the news. 

She walks further on the stage up to the microphone. She takes it off of it's stand and begins her speech, "Hello you wonderful dolls!! I know it's rather odd to ask for all of you to hear an announcement at this time. When there will be new dolls coming soon. But I assure you all this is good news!" Some begin to mutter and guess what could be this good news. Moxy continues on, "Now... we all know about Lou almost trying to destroy the portal." She lets out an awkward laugh. Whilst some groan from hearing Lou's name, "Of course it has been months since that and guess what! The doll has decided to redeem his self!" There was gasping in the crowd. Moxy smiles and walks further to the edge. With a spring in her step, "I know right, isn't it amazing?! Before you all ask questions, I must inform that Lou will be watched over by Mandy for awhile so no need to worry if he's alone." A doll puts up his hand with a curious look. Moxy smiles, "Yes mister?" "How do you he wouldn't back stab us, I mean, he has done this before so he may do it again." Some nod in agreement. Moxy was about to answer the doll's question until she heard a voice behind her say, "I won't you-" The voice pauses to hold in the insult. "-kind doll. After that horrible event I had created, I've been thinking about those awful actions and I want to apologize." Moxy turns to see it was Lou. Having his hands behind his back, flashing his signature smirk to Moxy and the crowd. He walks beside Moxy and stretches out his hand. "Moxy?" She understand that he wants the mic, so she hands him it. He pulls up to his mouth and begins to speak, "I shouldn't have tried to destroy the portal... just that my jealousy got the better of me. I couldn't lose my best friend and the people I care for. After all~ I'm sure you would do the same. A friend could leave and never come back, now none of you want to lose a friend would you?" He asks going closer to the edge of the stage. He bend down in front of a female doll, lifting her chin up to face him. Making her blush once she views Lou's smirk. "I was only doing what I thought was right~" He winks at the girl before getting back up. Lou knew what he was doing. It would be easy to get the girls on his side because of his charm. Even get some men. Sure he wants to change... but using his charm will make his process much more quicker. "But now I've seen my ways and hope all of you lovely dolls can forgive me!"

Some mutter their opinions after Lou's speech. He gulps, hoping they'll at least try to forgive him. Moxy takes his mic, "Come on guys! What do ya say?!" Most of the crowd begins to cheer, agreeing that they should give hi a second chance. Lou smiles, thankful this didn't go the way he was expecting. That they would reject him but thankfully they didn't. "Hooray! I told you they'll love ya." Moxy leans to Lou's shoulder. Nudging it with her fist. "Now how about we have a sweet party?!!" She shouts for everyone to cheer even louder. For giant speakers to pop out of the curtains. Being pushed on wheels by Ox and Mandy. Now music was beaming from the speakers, the song 'Couldn't be better'. The crowd begins to dance along with Moxy. Mandy runs to Lou and smiles, grabbing his hand. He glances at their hands together then quickly looks up at Mandy. "Wanna dance with me?" She gives a soft smile. Lou grins and takes her other hand. "I'd love too!" He pulls her back with him, a small jump in his step. Then swings her in a full circle, laughing. The two dance on the stage together, whilst everyone enjoys the surprise party.

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