You Care For Me?

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Lou stands there frozen. The doll never had someone hug him, especially like this. It felt... nice. "I'm sorry if I came at a bad time Lou, but I am being honest you know. You can't let your anger get the better of you." Mandy says resting her chin on his shoulder. Hoping her kind words would soothe him. Lou turns his head to the side so he could face the girl, a small smirk creeps onto his face. Ready to use his charm. "Thanks doll-" He suddenly turns to hug her. Mandy blushes in surprise, "-No wonder everyone likes you. You got that cute personality of yours along with that smile." He compliments, letting go of their embrace. Mandy lifts her glasses and coughs, hiding her embarrassment. "T-thanks Lou. Now how about we sort out that hair of yours." She suggests flicking a stand of Lou's hair, grinning. Lou gives out a small chuckle, "Definitely I need some hair products right now!" He throws his mop away and begins to walk away. Mandy soon follows with a huge smile on her face.

Mandy leads Lou to her house, other dolls around them watched the two in curiosity. Curious as to why Mandy is walking with Lou. The doll who almost destroyed the portal for everyone to never find a kid to love. Most don't really know the true reason why he tried to, the reason was because he never could leave since he was a prototype. But others would spread rumors that is wasn't because he was just a prototype but that he didn't anyone to loved. That he envied the uglydolls for having the chance to go to the big world unlike him. Every time Lou saw a doll staring to him, he glares back at them. Mandy didn't notice Lou glaring but did with people watching them. She was hiding in her nervousness, hating that everyone's eyes are on her. Mandy was very insecure of her looks and groups of people staring at her. Once she view's her house her pace quickens to the front door opening it. "Welcome to my wonderful home Lou!" She says moving to the side of the house's door for her guest. Lou enters the house and views the living room seeing how lively her room is . There was a purple couch with 2 decorative white pillows, across from that was regular TV on a TV stand with a remote next to it. There were little decorations around the room such as a vase with some Dahlias in it on a media cabinet, with some magazines and books about fashion. Along with some paintings and photos hanged up on her walls. Stairs were at the right corner of the room whilst there was two other doors. One leading to the kitchen, one leading to her makeup room. "I love your house Mandy, it's... cute." He compliments swiping some dust off a table. He does prefer his home but Lou does like this home so far. "T-thanks Lou!" Mandy stutters lumbering to one of the doors. She grabs the knob opening it, "This room is where I did my makeup, sewed my clothes and do my hair." Mandy turns to see Lou was staring at a certain photo on her wall. She steps next to him viewing the picture. The photo was taken on the day they merged Uglyville and perfection, it had most of the dolls all together. Lou was staring at the picture with wide eyes, "You ok there Lou?" She asks curiously. Lou was focused on the picture seeing everyone's smiles, it made him feel...awful. He regrets his choices of almost destroying the portal. He only did it out of anger, someone as perfect as him wasn't allowed to go to the big world but Ox who was an ugly doll could. He envied the bunny for having the chance to find a kid to love, when he was stuck in perfection forever. "You guys look... so happy without me. It just makes me think. If I didn't tried to destroy the portal would you still forgive me?" Lou asks suddenly. Mandy was surprised by this question, it was odd for him to question this request to her. In all honestly she is a little bit mad at him still. But she knows everyone deserves a second chance, even Lou. "Of course I would! I think everyone deserves a second chance, especially you." She strokes his cheek catching his attention away from the photo. Lou stares at her with his baby blue eyes, "R-really? After all I.." He pauses for Mandy to nod. He forms a soft smile onto his face, thankful for her support. Mandy hand falls from his cheek to his shoulder. "Lou, I wanted to stop the others but... You needed a punishment. I mean I was mad with you despite that though it's not that I wanted you to get hurt just-" She pauses to sigh sadly. Trying to her best to not sound mean. "-Spend some time in a shed to think of your actions. I didn't want you to go in the washer but everyone mostly agreed on that." Lou looks down and nods gloomily. He can't blame them honestly. Apart from hating everyone for ruining his hair and suit he can understand why everyone wanted him to get a punishment. However his anger would always take control. "I-I'm sorry did I make it worse for-" Lou stops Mandy's worrying by placing his index finger onto her lips. She blushes lightly whilst he gives her a warn smile. "No you didn't Mandy, there's no need to apologize dear. Let's just get my hair sorted out shall we?" He says with a reassuring smile, Mandy spirit lifts up from his smile. 

"Ok Lou. Follow me."  

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