Do I Love Her?

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The last 2 days has been... awkward for Mandy. Ever since her last encounter with Nolan, Lou has been more protective with her: being with her 24/7, holding her hand frequently and even makes her avoid Nolan. This made Mandy confused by the situation, so she decides to get to the bottom of Lou's sudden and new behaviour. After many (And I mean MANY) attempts, she manages to get away from Lou. Mandy didn't want to make him upset but she needed to talk with Nolan. Lou would surely make her avoid him; she needs to know why. She asked Moxy and Ox to distract him, which they reluctantly agreed to. Mandy walks around the area, searching for the brunette. "Nolan!" She calls out. There wasn't no reply for a moment until- "M-Mandy! So glad to see you." Nolan waves, jogging out of a small crowd. She smiles from seeing his cute radiant expression. "Same here Nolan. I just wanted to ask you something, you ok with that?" Nolan chuckles, scratching the back of his neck. "Y-yeah sure, fire away." The two begin to walk down the street. "Well after our last talk... did you and Lou have a bad argument or something?" Mandy asks, holding her left wrist. Nolan gulps whilst playing with his fingers. Unsure on how to answer. Pondering on whether he should tell her the truth or lie. 

"Ah w-well... We did have a small argument once you left. It was nothing serious though." Mandy doubts his answer. She can usually tell when someone was lying, there was the typical signs: offering few details, avoiding eye contact and their body language. "Are you sure it was?" She gently moves her hand against Nolan's. Causing his cheeks to go red from her soft touch. Slowly, their fingers intertwine, now holding each other's hands. "If Lou said or done anything to you I can-" "No he hasn't! Well... He did say some r-rude things but so did I." Nolan interrupts, stopping them from walking any further. He turns to grabs Mandy's other hand. She blushes as he raises the hands up, between their chests. "Look Mandy I... I lo-" "Ah! Hey Mandy!" They both turn to the left, where the honeyed voice was heard. It was Moxy running over to them, waving her right hand frantically. Once she reaches them, the doll hunches over. Holding her knees, breathing heavily. Mandy snatches her hands away from Nolan's, resting her left on Moxy's shoulder. "W-what's wrong?" She questions. Nolan glances away grabbing his elbow. Upset that his chance to confess was ruined. "L-Lou's... coming for you." She breaths out, tired from all her running. Mandy turns her head to Nolan, "We'll talk later ok. I need to chat with Louis." She says with some venom in her voice. Nolan slowly nods, rather surprised to hear Mandy angry. Her friends rarely see her get truly furious. Nolan turns on his heel and jogs away from the girls. Just as Lou and Ox turn the corner Moxy previously was.

"Well as long as you be confident lad, I assure you you'll get her!" Ox exclaims, slightly nudging Lou's shoulder playfully. Lou chuckles, "Yeah, thank you Ox." He glances away from the shorter male to view Moxy and Mandy. Who was giving an angry glare at the blonde. His cheeks heaten.

~~~A Few minuets earlier~~~

Lou repeats to tap his left foot, his anxiety building up every second. He needed Mandy; he must know where she is. Not knowing where she is worries him. What if she left him? Going through the portal and staying with her kid forever? Or she's running away with Nolan? To leave him...alone. "Hey Lou. You ok there?" Ox questions with concern. It wasn't until then Lou realizes he has been staring at the ground. Moxy tilts her head, "You've been staring at the ground for like 5 minuets. Is something bothering you?" He coughs away his embarrassment, closing his eyes. "I'm fine. Just had something on my mind recently." Moxy raises an eyebrow, curious about his answer. Ox grins and pats his friend on the back. Causing Lou to open his eyes to look at him. "Hey no problem buddy!" Moxy lets a small giggles escape her lips. Finding Ox's obliviousness cute. She can tell Lou was thinking of Mandy. Anytime she'd try to leave Lou usually tries to join her; holding her hand or giving her a side hug. Acting a bit like a protective boyfriend. "Lou, I think you were thinking of a specific doll huh?" Moxy wiggles her eyebrows up and down suggestively. Ox grins at Moxy as Lou glares at her. "No I wasn't." He stands up and begins to walk away from the dolls. Who soon follow (Ox on Lou's right side and Moxy on his left).

"You can tell us you know." Ox assures whilst Moxy was nodding in agreement. Lou scoffs and tries to hide his light pink cheeks, "I don't have too though." Moxy grabs his hand, "Oh come on Louis! We're just curious, please tell us." She begs, now on her knees dramatically. Lou gazes at Ox, his eyes asking for help. Ox just shrugs his shoulder, mouthing a 'sorry I can't help'. "Ugh, fine I'll tell you!" The blonde groans, giving into Moxy's pleading. She gasps and jumps up almost instantly. "Yay!" She cheers. Ox steps beside the thrilled doll to try and calm her down. Lou sighs, "It was... Mandy. I was thinking of Mandy." The last part he said quickly. Ox's mouth forms an o in surprise. "Why is that?" He asks. Moxy smile widens, pondering on Lou and Mandy being together. "Why do my reasons matter?" He asks with downcast eyes. His voice tone seemed to become a little defensive. Ox can't blame it though. He'd be acting the same if anyone began asking him about Moxy. "To know if you like her!" Moxy says. "And before you ask; no not that kind of I like her as a friend." Lou's blinking increases under the pressure.

"I..." He sighs in aggravation and gives powerful gaze to them. "Listen very carefully you two; yes. I love her, I just don't want her to know yet. Mandy is the first person who gave me another chance. The first person to help me out of that awful situation Nolan put me in. And I can't lose her over me being too forward with her. For now I'll take it slow and watch out for her. Don't tell her this or else." He explains. Lou knew he can't tell them about Nolan's crush on Mandy, Moxy would flip out and tell Mandy. Ox nods understanding his friend. "We understand Lou. Our lips are sealed." Then he gazes over to Moxy. "Right Moxy?" She slowly nods, wishing she could tell her friend. But she knows Lou would kill her. "Yeah totally." Lou grins and straightens his suit. "Now...I'm off to find her!" He chuckles now walking down the street.  

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