Angry Mandy

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Mandy places her hands on her hips, "Moxy, Ox you wouldn't mind if me and Lou can talk privately?" She questions, still glaring at Lou. Ox gently grabs Moxy's hand, sensing the angry atmosphere. Wanting to get out of this situation fast. "No we don't. Let's go Moxy." "Hey wait-" Moxy couldn't finish her sentence as Ox drags her away. Leaving a mad Mandy and a nervous Lou. "You alright Mandy dear?" Lou puts his hands behind him in a formal manner. "What have you said to Nolan?" Mandy says bluntly. "Oh... I'm unsure of what-" "2 days ago when Nolan played that joke on me. Don't you remember?" Mandy crosses her arms in annoyance. "OH! That conversation." He pulls his hand away from his back. Now holding them up to his chest level. "Well, we had a disagreement and I may of...gone a little too far." "Yeah I think you may of." Mandy steps closer to him, only a few inches away from his face. "What did you say to him?" She demands with a serious glare. Lou feels his cheek heaten; finding her fuming expression to be incredibly endearing. He has never seen her look so aggravated. The blonde closes his eyes and pulls out an innocent smile, "All I said was that you would prefer for people not to do those kind of jokes. Then he got rather defensive which caused our small argument. That's all."

Mandy squints her eyes, not believing him. Lou smirks, "You're really cute when angry my dear." His compliment causes her cheeks to go red. Mandy steps away from the doll in embarrassment, rather speechless. However she quickly composes herself, "Just... leave Nolan alone. I thought you wanted to be better Lou.-" "Correction; you wanted to give me a 2nd chance and I took it." Mandy humphs, crossing her arms. Now side glancing away from Lou, "Gosh! How come you have to be so-" "Mesmerizing? Dashing?" He chuckles, wrapping his arms around her waist. Pulling her into a comforting hug. Making her blush even more, half from anger and half from unease. She huffs in dismay, Lou laughs at her reaction from his embrace. "Come on Mandy-boo! I'm just joking with you." He assures with a sweet smile. Mandy pouts, "Yeah and I hate you for it." Lou tightens his arms to have one last hug before letting her go. Mandy brushes off her black waistcoat. "But in all seriousness Louis; ignore Nolan if something happened between you two. We can try to make you guys friends again later on ok!" Lou just gives an absent look to the side. Slowly nodding before taking a hold of her hand. "Ugh fine." He groans before they walk away together.

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