Date Outfits

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The spy girls walk down the aisle, between the dolls houses. Kitty was in the middle, Tuesday on her left whilst Lydia was on her right. "Why did Mandy want you again?" Tuesday asks, for Kitty to sigh in annoyance. "I've just told you this 5 minutes ago! Mandy asked me if I could help her with a date outfit, so we're going to hers and helping her out." Kitty explained in her sassy tone. Lydia tilts her head, "Did she say who she's going out with?" Kitty shakes her head. "Nope! Maybe Nolan finally had the guts to ask her out." She giggles, walking faster than the other girls. The two girls behind Kitty share a glance, Lydia smirks. "Or~ Lou asked her." Tuesday gasps. "What no, that can't be!" She objects, as the group step in front of Mandy's door. Kitty turns to face her friends. Placing her hands on her hips, "Will you two shut it?! Mandy might-" Before Kitty could finish her sentence; the door swung open behind her. She side glances to only be pulled in (Along with Lydia and Tuesday). "Please help me!!" Mandy pleaded. She had a white towel wrapped around her body; her hair down to her lower back. "Alright alright! Calm down Mandy. Just show me where your clothes are and we'll pick the perfect date outfit." Kitty smiles whilst Lydia and Tuesday nod in agreement. "Follow me!" Mandy jogs upstairs, the girls quickly follow.

Mandy leads them into her room: the walls were colored a light pink, the twin XL bed had light blue covers and yellow pillows, along with 2 dresses on top of the sheets. The wardrobe was wide open showing the many clothes that were inside. Lydia ambles to the 2 dresses on the bed; on the left was a long yellow dress and the right was a short strapless green dress. She cringes at the right dress, "To be honest Mandy... never wear green. Especially when it's this shade." Lydia admits, mostly based on her opinion. The doll found the color to be disgusting, mostly due to it reminding her of vomit. Tuesday looks around the room as Kitty heads over to the wardrobe. Scanning through the amount of cloths. Mandy almost had more than her. "Would you like us to do your hair and makeup too?" Tuesday asks. "S-sure." Mandy smiles. "How about we give you-" "No we ain't going to give her bangs!" Kitty interrupts, before taking out a dress. "Aw come on, they're like the new thing." Tuesday groaned, causing Mandy to have a small laugh. Kitty shows Mandy the dress she picked out; it was a red sequin-bodice long empire dress. "Here we are. This def flatters your body!" Kitty compliments, placing the dress in front of Mandy's body. Lydia and Tuesday nod in agreement. Mandy takes a hold of the dress and faintly smiles, "Thanks girls! You wouldn't mind going, so I can get changed for a sec?"

The girls nod and walk out of the room. However Tuesday says, "We'll meet you in that makeup room of yours!" before leaving the bedroom. They go back down stairs then into Mandy's makeup room. The group waited for some time until the door was opened by Mandy, wearing the long red dress. Kitty grins in approval whilst the other two awe, finding Mandy cute. Mandy nervously chuckles, holding her right wrist. "Aw you look adorable!" Tuesday compliments, holding her hands together. Lydia grabs a hair brush, "Now let's go your makeup and hair!"


Uglydog struts up to Lou's house. Moxy was busy so he had to tell Lou about the new dolls. Uglydog knocks three times; no answer. He knocks again, "Wait for a second you idiot!!" He hear Lou shouts. Uglydog pouts and rapidly continues to knock, until the door was opened. To see Lou in a dark blue suit and he seemed to be stressed. "What do you!- Oh it's just you." "Well nice to see you too." Uglydog says sarcastically, looking up and down at Lou. Who sighs and leans against the door frame, "Look Uglydog, I'm in a rush so please tell me this is important." Uglydog nods. "Yeah it's about new dolls tomorrow; Moxy wants you to sing for them. Along with me being the DJ." He explains with a grin. "Ok I'll do it.-" "Sir, would you like to have red wine with the food?" The two dolls turn to face a male doll. Wearing a chef's outfit. "Yeah, put the bottle between the plates." The male doll nods and walks to the living room.

Uglydog takes a second before he recognizes this; Lou is having a date. He chuckles, "Damn Lou! You going on a date?" Lou glares down at the dog, a faint blush on his cheeks. "Yeah so?" "I never thought you could pull one. Bet you have it really romantic don't cha': A classy dinner, the dashing outfit, the jazz music-" "Jazz music?" Lou questions. "Yeah, it can get the ladies in the romantic mood." Uglydog says, Lou raise an eyebrow. "I doubt that when it's coming from you." He mumbles. Uglydog glares at him, "Dude I'm serious. Chicks, and some guys, love that music during dinner. I gotta go now, see ya Louis!" Uglydog waves goodbye. Lou closes the door and sighs in relief, now he can make sure the date will be perfect. He steps into the living room: food was already on their plates, the wine in a bucket with ice inside and some complimentary lights around the room. Lou thinks back to the moment before 'Chicks, and some guys, love that music during dinner'. Lou gazes to the side, noticing his classical vinyl record. Underneath it, there was his record players in a row. He smirks looking through the records before he chooses his favorite to play.

'Perfect' He thought.

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