A Favor

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Since Mandy and Ox left, Lou has been walking around the institution. Stopping a couple of times to try and socialize with other dolls: Some of them genuinely kind but some just wanted to avoid him. Lou was getting use to the extreme change in the institution. It may look rather crazy with these bight colors but other that he's fine with it. As Lou walks his way to his house, he notices a familiar face down the street. Brown hair with a green streak, one eye was the color purple and the other green: It was Nolan. Lou groans, his hatred for the doll growing. Nolan was the one who proposed the idea of putting him in the washing machine. Lou always hated the doll for that, he's been planning to get back at him... But never had an idea he stuck with. Well, he does have a way to begin his revenge. Killing him with Kindness. Lou walks closer to the male doll, who didn't notice him until Lou says "Hello Nolan!" He jumps and he quickly twists around to face Lou. "Agh! Oh h-hi Lou. How h-have you been?" Nolan asks with a nervous look. He was still the nervous wreck he was before. Lou grins, "Amazing. What about you?" Nolan chuckles. "Great. I just... have a small problem." "Really, well what is then? I may be able to be help?" This is one way to get Nolan's trust.

Nolan chuckles as sweat drops down his forehead, "W-well I um... I have this crush on a c-certain doll. I want to give them something but I don't f-fully know what to give them." Lou smirks. He wraps his arm around Nolan's shoulders, pulling him close to his side. "Oh don't worry Nolan! I can help with that. Just give me 10 minuets to get ya something for the special someone. Meet me back at my house alright?" Nolan smiles shyly, surprised that Lou can be genuinely kind. However, Nolan doesn't know Lou's only doing this to get back at him. "R-really?!" Lou nods closing his eyes. With a sweet smile. Suddenly, he feels two arms wrap around his neck, "T-thanks Lou!" He gives a blank expression, irritated by Nolan's action. Lou isn't use to hugs but receiving one from a doll he hates. It just angers him. "No problem." He says, once Nolan lets him go. He makes a fake smile and waves at the doll, "I'll get too it, see you in 10 mins!" Lou says as he walks away. Nolan waves back, "See ya till then!" Then skips away. Lou rolls his eyes once Nolan was out of sight. Walking into his house, he begins to think of what to use as a 'gift'. Looking around his room, he eyes stop on a certain item. Making him smirk.


There was three loud knocks at Lou door, stopping him from wrapping the red bow. He quickly finishes the bow and heads to his front door. Opening it to reveal an excited male doll. "H-hey Lou! Is the present ready?" Lou grins, moving to the side to let his guest inside. "Of course it is. Come and have a look." With a short spring in his steps, Nolan goes into the living room. To view the gift on the coffee table. It was wrapped in purple wrapping paper with a red bow. Nolan gasps, "Wow~ Lou the present looks amazing." He jogs over to the wrapped box and picks it up. Lou grabs his hand behind his back, in a professional type of manner. "Thank you, it was nothing much. May I asks but..." Nolan tilts his head. "But what?" Lou gives an awkward smile and cough. "Well, who is this certain doll?" Lou asks, stepping closer to him. "That's for you to find out~" Nolan giggles, carrying the gift under his arm. Lou raises an eyebrow and sighs, "Alright then. Let's go and find this doll." He turns on his heel and begins to exit the house. "Wait you're coming?" "How else am I going to see this doll? Now follow." He says leaving, for Nolan to soon follow. "I-I think they be at the entrance, near the portal." Nolan says. Lou answers with a nod and they begin to walk to the portal.     

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