Abandoned Doll

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Mandy waves goodbye to Lou, as she enters the portal. It took her a while to actually leave, since Lou was trying to make her stay. Mandy closes her eyes when there was a flash of white in her face. After a moment she opens them back up; now in the big world. She was surprised to see that she was in a cardboard box. In the box was a couple of books, a baby rattle, some old toys and old makeup. This was an old place to be for Mandy, she was usually by the bedside of her kid. She stands up and notices a hole in the box, the only source of light since the box was closed. Mandy looks through it; to see her kid's bedroom. Her door was wide open, so Mandy could see her kid talking with her mother. "Are you sure you want to get rid of that doll?" Her mother asks, as they walk down the hall. Entering the room. Mandy watches the two, questioning what doll are they talk about? "Yes I'm sure. Mandy bores me now, anyway I have a new doll now!" Mandy's eyes widen; she's getting rid of her? The 10 year old girl begins to walk in front of the box. The doll quickly hides herself, moving away from hole. Crouching under the window of light. She feels the box being picked up. Making her stumble a bit in surprise.

Mandy peeps through the hole; watching, whoever picked up the box, lead her out of the room. Then walking downstairs to the outdoors. The sun blinds Mandy, causing her to close her eyes from the brightness. She blinks a couple of times before fully opening her eyes. Just as the box was being placed on a new surface. What Mandy could view now the side walk; some people walking across her view. She begins to ponder on why she was here. However, her thoughts were interrupted by the top of the box opening. Swiftly, Mandy went into doll-mode. Going limp to lay on her left side. Once the box was fully opened, a hand picks Mandy up. Then the hand, which belonged to the kid's mother, places Mandy onto a white table. Beside the doll was different toys that Mandy never seen in the house before. These toys must be from the attic? Mandy was distracted by the other toys, she didn't notice something being tapped to her left hand. Her pupils dart to the left and read the paper on her hand... '£15 for a perfection doll'. Her heart stops, she was being sold? Mandy felt like tearing up. Her kid was selling her away, but why? '"Mandy bores me now, anyway I have a new doll now."' The doll remembers. She felt her heart beginning to break. Mandy couldn't believe her kid would just throw her away like that. That she bores her? The doll's mind was full of questions. She feels abandoned, unwanted...

Now she knows how Lou felt.

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