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Another day, another sunrise. Mandy takes a bite out of her toast, listening to the radio in the background. Playing some pop type of song, one Mandy never heard of. As she munches on her food, she gazes out of her kitchen window. Viewing some of her neighbors already outside; it was only 7:45 in the morning after all. Then again, not many would bother going out at this time. Mandy finishes off her toast and milk, before placing the cup and plate into the sink. She began to wonder what she could do for the day: hang out with Moxy, have tea with her kid or...another date with Lou. A small smile crept onto her face, being reminded of the night before. The whole night they spent just holding each other, relaxing and not caring for anything else. But each other. The doll's thought was interrupted by two loud knocks. Coming from the front door. A low groan leaves her throat, who'd be knocking this early? Mandy stomps to the door opening it to reveal a very nervous doll.

"H-Hey M-Mandy!" The male stutters, his cheeks becoming red with each second. "Morning Nolan." She yawns, placing a hand over her mouth. Nolan forms a bashful grin, pondering on whether to ask the question. Which he wishes weren't true. Mandy looks at Nolan longer, she notices his eyes were heavy. He must've got up too early? "Well I've heard some stuff and...I-I want to know if it's true." Mandy could tell he was serious. For once he didn't stutter every 2 words. "Oh ok, what's this stuff you heard?" The male dollhas a long sigh. "Are you d-dating Lou?" He qustions, using all of his courage. A swet drops down his forehead, becoming more anxious from the silence. Mandy was surprised that dolls already knew about them dating; Lou literally asked her to be his girlfriend last night. "Y-yeah I am. God, news sure goes out quick huh?" She laughs, pulling a strand of hair back behind her ear. Mandy didn't bother putting her hair up today. Nolan doesn't join in, he just looks down. Avoiding her gaze. "Yeah quick..." He tone was uneasy and resentful? Mandy raises an eyebrow question. "Why did you want to know anyway?" She was curious. I mean, who goes to a friends house early in the morning, just to know if they're dating someone. Nolan turns his back to Mandy, holding in his anger. Wondering how Mandy woul do this? Date a guy like Lou? He doesn't get it. Someone as obnoxious and rude as him. "No reason. See ya later." He stomps away from the Mandy. Leaving Mandy puzzled. 

Landy UglydollsWhere stories live. Discover now