A beautiful View

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Mandy waves goodbye to the new doll. Who thanked her for showing her new home. Mandy spent most of her day meeting and helping the new dolls around the area. Most were very kind, however some new dolls were rather...rude. Mandy lumbers by the row of the houses, pondering on what she could do for the rest of the day. The sun will be setting soon, time seemed to go by so fast. How the time flies huh. "Mandy!!" A voice shouts behind her. Mandy turns to see Lou running towards her. The corners of her lips rose, "Oh hi Lo-" She was interrupted when two strong arms were suddenly around her. Lou was hugging her; resting his head on her shoulder. Mandy froze for a second, before returning the hug. Lou lifts his head, moving his lips close to Mandy's ear. "I've missed you~" He whispers. Mandy gently pulls away from the hug. Having her hands rest on his chest; Lou's hands around her waist. "I-I missed you too! Most of the day has been really tiring." Mandy explains, Lou pouts. "Yes, what a shame. I wanted to have another date today as well~" Lou says in a dramatic tone. As if he was a whiny child (In a joking manner). Mandy chuckles, a faint blush forms onto her cheeks. She wanted too as well, if only she could... 

Mandy gazes to the side. Viewing a hill that was just outside of the area. A place she loved the most, maybe even more than her own house. Lou takes a glance at the same direction, confused by what she is looking at. "Erm, what are you staring at dear?" He asks, tilting his head at her. Mandy breaks out of her thoughts, looking back at Lou. "N-nothing! Well actually..." She pauses rethinking the idea. Lou patiently waits for a moment, curious. She removes her hands from his chest, using her left hand to grab his. Causing Lou to remove his hands from her waist. "How about we have our second date now?" Lou nods with no hesitation. "I'd love too! But what will we do?" He questions. Mandy begins to walk forward, making Lou follow her. "I know what we can do. But I want it to be a surprise for you. So, can you close your eyes please?" Mandy beams. Lou gives cheeky grin, finding her enthusiasm to be cute. He closes his eyes, "Fine but if I fall and ruin this hair you're dead." He jokes. Making giggles as she guides him to the top of the hill.


Lou sighs, clearly annoyed that he couldn't open his eyes yet. It has been around 10 minuets till they got to the top and 6 minuets waiting for Mandy's surprise. Lou taps his foot onto the grass, getting impatient with each second. "Come on Mandy! What's this big surprise you have anyway?" "Hang on, I'm just finishing it." Mandy answers, checking her surprise was perfect for him. "Just one more... Now I'm done!" Lou huffs in relief. "Finally!" He opens his eyes viewing the wooden bench, which was near the edge of the hill. On the bench was a bouquet of flowers: white roses, orchids, dahlias and calla lily's. Lou was speechless. He's never been given such a beautiful gift. He gazes over to Mandy, with a look of astonishment. Quickly noticing her hair was down, "Wha...why is your hair down?" "Well I needed something to tie all the flowers together." Mandy giggles. Playing with a strand of her hair. "This was a last minuet gift after all." He points to the flowers in question, "Well how did you know about the-" "I've came here before Lou. This the only place where it's peaceful. No music, no dolls, just silence." She explains, stepping beside the flowers. Lou walks closer to them, on the opposite side of them. Mandy continues, pointing to a couple of bushes. With the same flowers. "I usually come here to just relax. Being around these beautiful flowers is so heartwarming. Well, at least to me it is."

Lou stares at the flowers in awe. She notices him staring and begins to worry. "A-are the flowers bad? Do you not like-" Lou laughs and hugs Mandy. Placing his arms around her neck. Calming her worry. "No they're not Mandy dear. I love the flowers, their elegant. Almost as elegant as you." Lou moves back to wink at her. Mandy timidly smiles, getting a compliment such as that makes her go back to being a shy girl again. The blushing doll rubs her elbow, avoiding his gaze from embarrassment. "Mandy... look at me." Lou places his thumb on her chin. Making her eyes lock with his. Lou moves a strand of hair behind her ear, "I care for you a lot my dear. More than any other doll here. You've been so kind to me and I appreciate that...This may seem quick for you but-" He pauses to lean his lips closer to Mandy's ear. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?~" He whispers, Mandy blushes from the request. Lou leans away to see the doll has frozen. He begins to worry, was it too fast for her? Did he mess up again? He sighs in defeat, "Man-" His lips were suddenly connected with hers. His eyes widen in surprise, his cheek becoming red from her action. He never seen her to be so bold. Lou soon kisses back, closing his baby blue eyes. Tightening his grip around her neck, pulling her body closer to his, wanting this moment to last forever.

It was as if the world had stopped, for them to enjoy their first kiss together. Butterflies grew in Mandy's stomach; she was kissing the only doll she ever had a crush one. Lou groans softly, due to her nerves Mandy pulls away. Both were just stay silent, staring at one another. With such care and desire. "Tha...That was my first kiss." Mandy speaks up, a rush of embarrassment over her cheeks. Lou giggles, "It was mine as well." Mandy timidly grins, having small glances at the flowers. "Can we just, have some time to relax?" Mandy questions, gently pushing Lou away. He lets her go, only to grab her hand instead. "Of course my dear Mandy." He lifts her hand to kiss the top of her knuckles. Before leading her to the bench; he moves the flowers to the side. So the two dolls can sit together. Embracing each other as they watch the sun set; enjoying the peace and quiet together.

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