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After Mandy left, Lou spent most of his time getting to know the new dolls. Even helping Ox instructing a lesson for them. He was trying to not think of Mandy much; he knows he can get too possessive with her. Especially when he sees her with Nolan. A doll he despises with all of his heart. Lou was now chatting with Ox, they have just finished the lesson. So Ox offered that they'll get lunch together, "I've heard Wage has made a new recipe on cupcakes!" The green rabbit exclaims, as the two walk by the students (The new dolls). "Good. Cause I'm craving for something that isn't a fudge berry bacon ice cream pie." Lou grins, holding his hands behind him. Although Lou wasn't fond of Wage's food (Since her food in his opinion is too fatty for him), he wants to spend some time with Ox. So if that means he'll have to eat Wage's food, then so be it. Ox laughs thinking it was a joke. As they make their way to Wage's shop, they begin to pass the portal. Lou's attention draws away from Ox when he suddenly hears someone crying. The crying was coming from the portal. Ox quickly notices the sobbing. As they both look at the portal; there was a flash of a doll running past them. The doll was Mandy. She had her head down and her hands covering her eyes. "Hey Mandy!" Ox shouts in a worried tone, for the doll to ignore him. Running around the corner now out of their sight. Lou glares, the thought of someone hurting her, just makes his anger boil. "I gotta go Ox." Lou says before running after his girlfriend. Leaving Ox confused and unsure of what to do now.

Mandy continues running, making her way home. Running down the empty street, "Mandy!" She ignores her boyfriend calling for her. She just wants to go home and cry. She couldn't take this. How come her kid just throws her away like that for a new doll? How come-- mid thought she bumps into someone. Causing her to fall on top of them. She removes her hands to see who it was; Nolan. Mandy blushes from how close they were. So does Nolan. Swiftly, Mandy stands up and wipes any dry tears away. "S-sorry Nolan!" She sniffles, looking at the ground to avoid his gaze. Nolan gets up with a worried look. "M-Mandy! A-are you ok?.." He sees her tears down her cheeks. "D-did Lou hurt you?" Nolan asks frantically. She pouts at him, she felt a sense of anger inside her. Implying that Lou would hurt her, just made her even more upset. "N-no he didn't. Not everything is about him you know!-" "Mandy, there you-" Lou pauses once he sees Nolan. Mandy head turns, she then freezes seeing Lou. She just wants to be alone. Mandy closes her eyes, trying to stop anymore tears. "Just leave me alone!" She shouts, running past Nolan. Lou growls in frustration, "W-what did you d-do?" Nolan glares at the blonde. Who scoffs, not intimidated one bit by Nolan's attempt to be bold. "Nothing you idiotic sycophant! Now get out of my way." He shoves Nolan to the side, running after Mandy.

Mandy runs into her house, slamming the door behind her. She slumps onto her couch, crying against her pillow, pulling it up to her face. She doesn't want to be sold away; she doesn't want to leave her kid. How come she just sells Mandy away? "Mandy!" Lou pushes the door open, he enters and stops to look around the room. Breathing heavily from all the running. His eyes quickly land on Mandy; she was on the couch crying. Quickly, Lou jogs to the couch and sits beside her waist, "Mandy. Please tell me, what's wrong?" His hands moves to the doll's shoulder. In a comforting manner. Mandy slightly moves on her right side to look at him. For Lou to see her eyes water down to her red cheeks. She quickly faces the pillow again, "N-nothing Lou, please just, leave me alone." She sobs through the pillow, making it sound muffled. The blonde gives a determined glare, no way is he leaving Mandy like this. Lou grabs her shoulder to make her sit up. She held tightly onto the pillow, avoiding to face Lou. Embarrassed by her crying. She feels unwanted and stupid crying over this. He grabs the pillow and pulls it away from the doll, then throwing it to the ground. To now be gripping both of her shoulders, "No I won't. Tell me what happened now." He commands with a cold stare. Slightly scaring Mandy. That cold stare reminds her when he caught Moxy and Mandy in those tunnels. She calms her breathing, "I... My kid, is s-selling me away." Mandy sniffles trying to not break down into a crying fit again. Lou wasn't certain on how to react; one part has a small amount of happiness from this news, one part was sympathizing with Mandy. The happiness was because if her kid was leaving her, then Mandy could stay here with Lou. That she wouldn't have to leave him anymore.

Mandy closes her eyes and clashes her body against Lou's. Causing him to remove his hands off of her. She rests her head to the crook of his neck, her hands placed on his back. "I-I'm sorry for this! I'm a-a pathetic ugly doll for crying over this!" Mandy's emotions were out of control. She couldn't take this. Lou's eyes widen at the words coming from the doll's mouth. He grabs Mandy's upper arms and pulls her away. To be face to face with her, "Don't call yourself pathetic." He groans, he hates seeing her like this. Seeing her insecure about herself. He takes a hold of both of her hands, making her follow him to a body length light blue mirror. Lou goes behind her, so she could see her reflection fully. He rests his chin on top of her left shoulder; his right hand on the other. "Mandy, what do you see in the mirror?" He asks, wiping a dry tear from her right cheek. Placing his hand back to her shoulder. She was silent for some time, unsure on how to answer. "I see a normal, average doll." She rubs her left arm nervously, looking down. Ashamed by her looks. Lou tuts at her answer, his hand making its way under her chin. Lifting her head to stare back up at reflection. Lou smirks, "Would you like to know what I see?" He asks, before gazing to the mirror. "I see a beautiful, kind, adorable and special doll. One that is always there for her friends and does her best for the good." He snuggles his face against her cheek. Making her giggle at his playful action. "Stop that Lou." Mandy holds her hands together, slightly twisting her ankle. Her toes in between her leg space. "I'm just being honest my dear." Lou offers a quick kiss on her cheek. Mandy timidly smiles, covering her kissed cheek with her hand. 

Lou grins, seeing Mandy more calm. He moves to give her some space, "Now, if you like I can stay with you for awhile. I know you're still upset over the kid." Mandy smile slowly fades, nodding. "Yeah I'd like that. Thank you Lou." He smiles back. Happy that he could help his doll. "No problem, my dear Mandy."

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