Many Years Later

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Lou blows kisses to the cheering crowd, for once there wasn't anyone booing him. It's a relief honestly. Others back then still hated him, even though he has changed. Some may hate him still. It has been a decade now; a lot has changed for most dolls. Lou turns on his heel and exits the stage through the curtains. Now he can leave to see his beautiful fiance. As he walks down the stairs, his eyes land on two small figures in front of him. Those two figures was a short green bunny and a short pink uglydoll. Both were holding hands. Lou smirks as he walks over to them, "Hello love-dolls!" He greets, breaking their gaze between them. Ox smiles nervously whilst Moxy looks away. "H-hey Lou! You need something?" Ox asks. "No I don't, I just wanted to see how you both are." Moxy giggles, trying to hide her shyness. "We're both great. Just, taking it slow." She says quickly. Clearly she felt nervous by the conversation. Moxy and Ox only started dating last month. Although Moxy is know to be confident and always eager for new things; she was timid at the start of their relationship. Since she never experienced this type of love with any other doll. "Wonderful! Well I hope you both have an amazing day." Lou waves goodbye, walking away from the couple. Now going to talk with the Spy girls.

Although it has been a decade, Kitty does have a small amount of envy from Lou. But she is friends with him and ignores her negative thoughts as much as she could. Whilst the other two girls are more relaxed with Lou than Kitty is. Tuesday grins as she waves over to the blonde, "Hi Lou!!" The other two girls turn their attention away from each other to Lou. Both form a smile at him, earning a kind grin from him. "Hello girls. Your day is going well I suppose?" Lydia nods whilst Kitty answers. "Yeah! We're getting new kids in the big world today. And they are triplets luckily." "Oh that sounds nice." Lou compliments. "Yeah but one of them is a boy." Tuesday huffs in displeasure. "Wait, how it that bad?" Lydia comments, now starting a different conversation. The three girls begin to debate whether it was good or bad there was a boy. So Lou decided to slip away from them before he'd get dragged into it. He turns a corner to only bumped into someone. Lou closes his eyes from the impact. Luckily he doesn't fall and land onto the ground, but the other doll did. Lou opens his eyes to view the doll he despises, the doll that ruined his favorite asset. Nolan. Lou huffs and wipes any dirt, or any Nolan, off of his suit. "Hello Nolan." He sneers, holding in a laugh. 

Seeing Nolan on the ground below him, looking like a peasant asking for money. Nolan does his best to put on a smile, "H-hey." He pushes his self up with a low grunt. Lou crosses him arms. Although Nolan has gotten over his heart-break, Lou and Nolan still detest each other. Around others they'll put on a smile and pretend to have gotten over it. Just so nobody could get involved; it's between them. "How've you been? Still a nervous and stuttering wreck?" Lou smirks. Nolan rolls his eyes, "S-shut up Lou." Nolan huffs as he paces pass Lou. "I-I don't have t-time for this!" Lou just chuckles at the doll's anger. Side glancing at Nolan as he walks away. A small smirk on Lou's face. Finding Nolan's anger to be incredibly amusing.


Mandy stared up at the art up upon her fiance's home. She was surprised to know Lou liked 50's and 60's art. He likes it so much he even has his self painted in that type of art. It was intriguing to her. Mandy's stare was broken thanks to the sound of the sliding door. Her head twist to the entrance, viewing Lou at the door. He smiles at her, "Ah! Why hello Mandy." His tone had a hint of shock. Maybe because he never showed Mandy this room. The room was more Lou's space, for him and no one else. "Hey Lou, how come you have this room? I mean, it's like the other rooms so why is this one secret?" Mandy inquires. Lou makes his way to Mandy, looking at the same piece of art that she was staring at previously. "It's 'secret' because this is I guess you could call, my personal room. My room that keeps some of my likes and interests. It's just a random room, nothing to special." Lou explains, placing his hands behind him. Mandy hums in response, "Wow. Well, you wouldn't mind if I look around then? Some of this stuff is pretty fascinating." She turns and walks over to an old leather chair. Lou watches her search the room. "I don't mind."

Mandy notices something laying on the chair's arm; it was a magazine facing down. She picks it up and turns the magazine to view the front: It read Vogue at the top of the front, a female brunette side facing on the cover and the bottom left had text written in french. The text she didn't understand. Lou tip toes behind her and peeks over her shoulder. A smile forms onto his face, as old memories come crawling back into his mind. He chuckles, "Oh I remember this; la premières nouvelles des collections d'hiver. God it feels like years since I last read this." Mandy tilts her head puzzled. As if he talked in a complete different language which she never heard of. "You speak French?" She passes the magazine to him. "Yeah, I also speak Spanish." "Wow! It's like I learn something new about you every minuet." Mandy laughs. "Supongo que mi amor." Lou winks, before placing the magazine back down. His wink earns him a timid grin from his fiance. "Anyway, how was your day?" She asks, changing the subject. Lou answers with a shrug, "Eh could've been better. I wished you joined me on stage today; why didn't you anyway?" Lo wonders. It has been a couple of weeks since the last time Mandy went up on stage with him. He really misses her company. Now that he thinks about it, Mandy has been acting different.

"I-I haven't been feeling well recently. Most mornings I have been throwing up a lot. It might of been something I've ate." Mandy already knows the answer to her sickness. She is just trying to avoid it. After Mandy and Lou had been intimate with each other, Mandy has noticed what her symptoms were: morning sickness, food cravings, tender breast etc. She knows what's happening to her. And she isn't the only one. Lou has been more observant of her. "Are you sure it's something you ate?" He doubts, raising an eyebrow. Mandy just shrugs her shoulders, "No, I'm not." She sighs in defeat. The blonde smirks, wrapping his right arms around her waist. Pulling her to his side, "Hey! No need to get upset. Let's just-" He pauses unsure of what to do. He could tell she is stressed about this. The thought about having a baby does freak Mandy out; she would be the first doll to have a baby. They may be dolls but they have human like bodies. However uglydolls don't have the same body type as the perfection dolls. So they could never have children or be intimate with each other. Mandy has never considered being a mother. "I-I'll get a test." Mandy moves away from Lou, walking up to the open sliding doors. "Then I will come back here, use it and we'll see the results." She says, leaving the room. Lou watches her leave, he doesn't know what to do.


Lou was waiting outside of his bathroom, hearing the toilet flush through the door. He hated this. He wishes to know straight away. Not to wait for some stick to say if you're going to have a baby or not. It's irritating to him. The doll repeats to tap him foot on the carpet floor. Trying to calm his self. God he hated this waiting. His attention quickly turns to the bathroom door, once hearing it slowly open. Mandy's eyes were wider, staring at the wall across from her. Holding the test in her left hand. Lou raises an eyebrow, indicating that he want to know the answer. She gulps her never, slowly lifting the test up.

"It's positive."

(A/N: Yay I'm finally done with this chapter! Sorry if it isn't the best, I've kinda lost inspiration/energy to work on this story anymore. I might do a 2nd book continuing this, but I'm mostly focused on another fanfic for Loundy. Thanks for reading the fanfic everyone!)

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